start-line: 起始行,描述请求或响应的基本信息*( header-field CRLF ): 头CRLF[message-body]: 消息body,实际传输的数据
如何解析这么长的字符串呢,jetty是通过状态机来实现的。具体可以看下 org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpParse
public enum State { START, METHOD,, SPACE1, STATUS, URI, SPACE2, REQUEST_VERSION, REASON, PROXY, HEADER, CONTENT, EOF_CONTENT, CHUNKED_CONTENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CHUNK_PARAMS, CHUNK, TRAILER, END, CLOSE, // The associated stream/endpoint should be closed CLOSED // The associated stream/endpoint is at EOF }
总共分成了21种状态,然后进行状态间的流转。在 parseNext
方法中分别对起始行 -> header -> body content分别解析
public boolean parseNext(ByteBuffer buffer) { try { // Start a request/response if (_state==State.START) { // 快速判断 if (quickStart(buffer)) return true; } // Request/response line 转换 if (_state.ordinal()>= State.START.ordinal() && _state.ordinal()<State.HEADER.ordinal()) { if (parseLine(buffer)) return true; } // headers转换 if (_state== State.HEADER) { if (parseFields(buffer)) return true; } // content转换 if (_state.ordinal()>= State.CONTENT.ordinal() && _state.ordinal()<State.TRAILER.ordinal()) { // Handle HEAD response if (_responseStatus>0 && _headResponse) { setState(State.END); return handleContentMessage(); } else { if (parseContent(buffer)) return true; } } return false; }
start-line = request-line(请求起始行)/(响应起始行)status-line
HEADER 的状态只有一种了,在jetty的老版本中还区分了 HEADER_IN_NAM
static { CACHE.put(new HttpField(HttpHeader.CONNECTION,HttpHeaderValue.CLOSE)); CACHE.put(new HttpField(HttpHeader.CONNECTION,HttpHeaderValue.KEEP_ALIVE)); // 以下省略了很多了通用header头
undertow是另一种web容器,它的处理方式与jetty有什么不同呢 状态机种类不一样了, io.undertow.util.HttpString.ParseState
public static final int VERB = 0; public static final int PATH = 1; public static final int PATH_PARAMETERS = 2; public static final int QUERY_PARAMETERS = 3; public static final int VERSION = 4; public static final int AFTER_VERSION = 5; public static final int HEADER = 6; public static final int HEADER_VALUE = 7; public static final int PARSE_COMPLETE = 8;
具体处理流程在 HttpRequestParser
public void handle(ByteBuffer buffer, final ParseState currentState, final HttpServerExchange builder) throws BadRequestException { if (currentState.state == ParseState.VERB) { //fast path, we assume that it will parse fully so we avoid all the if statements // 快速处理GET final int position = buffer.position(); if (buffer.remaining() > 3 && buffer.get(position) == 'G' && buffer.get(position + 1) == 'E' && buffer.get(position + 2) == 'T' && buffer.get(position + 3) == ' ') { buffer.position(position + 4); builder.setRequestMethod(Methods.GET); currentState.state = ParseState.PATH; } else { try { handleHttpVerb(buffer, currentState, builder); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e); } } // 处理path handlePath(buffer, currentState, builder); // 处理版本 if (failed) { handleHttpVersion(buffer, currentState, builder); handleAfterVersion(buffer, currentState); } // 处理header while (currentState.state != ParseState.PARSE_COMPLETE && buffer.hasRemaining()) { handleHeader(buffer, currentState, builder); if (currentState.state == ParseState.HEADER_VALUE) { handleHeaderValue(buffer, currentState, builder); } } return; } handleStateful(buffer, currentState, builder); }
与jetty不同的是对content的处理,在header处理完以后,将数据放到 io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange
,然后根据类型,有不同的content读取方式,比如处理固定长度的, FixedLengthStreamSourceConduit