Packet forwarder 是运行在 LoRa 网关上的一个程序,用来将集中器收到的 RF 数据包 通过 IP/UDP 链路转发给服务器,以及将 服务器发出的数据包通过 RF 发出来。它也可以发射 GPS 同步信标帧,用于协调网络内的所有节点。
Packet forwarder 顾名思义,就是一个网关与Server间的包转发器。
想要了解 网关 和 server 之间协议的话,可以查看 PROTOCOL.TXT。
小能手整理了 LoRa Gateway 的开发笔记系列,详细可点此查看。
((( Y )))
+- -|- - - - - - - - - - - - -+ xxxxxxxxxxxx +--------+
|+--+-----------+ +------+| xx x x xxx | |
|| | | || xx Internet xx | |
|| Concentrator |<----+ Host |<------xx or xx-------->| |
|| | SPI | || xx Intranet xx | Server |
|+--------------+ +------+| xxxx x xxxx | |
| ^ ^ | xxxxxxxx | |
| | PPS +-----+ NMEA | | | |
| +------| GPS |-------+ | +--------+
| +-----+ |
| |
| Gateway |
+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+
Concentrator: radio RX/TX board, based on Semtech multichannel modems (SX130x), transceivers (SX135x) and/or low-power stand-alone modems (SX127x).
Host: embedded computer on which the packet forwarder is run. Drives the concentrator through a SPI link.
Gateway: a device composed of at least one radio concentrator, a host, some network connection to the internet or a private network (Ethernet, 3G, Wifi, microwave link), and optionally a GPS receiver for synchronization.
Server: an abstract computer that will process the RF packets received and forwarded by the gateway, and issue RF packets in response that the gateway will have to emit.
项目中还提供了帮助程序,提供了示例来说明如何与 packet forwarder 进行通信,帮助系统构建者在不了解 LoRa network server 的情况下就可以使用 packet forwarder。
Packet sink 是个简单的帮助程序,它会监听某个端口的UDP数据包,每次收到消息时就会展示出来。数据包的内容忽略不管。
Packet acknowledger 这个帮助程序会监听 UDP 端口,使用 PUSH_ACK 回复 PUSH_DATA 以及 PULL_DATA 数据包。
Network packet sender 这个帮助程序可以用来在 网关与Server 的下行链路上进行发包。