无论用哪种呢方式实现网口通信,都离不开相关的标准协议,以太网主要遵循的协议是IEEE 802.3 标准,下面简单介绍下这个标准。
IEEE 802.3 is a working group and a collection of IEEE standards produced by the working group defining the physical layer and data link layer's media access control (MAC) of wired Ethernet. This is generally a local area network technology with some wide area network applications. Physical connections are made between nodes and/or infrastructure devices (hubs, switches, routers) by various types of copper or fiber cable. 802.3 is a technology that supports the IEEE 802.1network architecture. 802.3 also defines LAN access method using CSMA/CD.(后面会删除掉英文,简单解释)
IEEE 802.3是一个工作组,也表示此工作组制定的一系列IEEE标准,这些标准都是物理层和数据链路层(MAC)的有线以太网标准(802.11是WiFi)。一般情况下,以太网就是一个局域网络,带有广域网的一些功能应用。物理连接存在与节点之前,或者节点与网络设备之间,比如hub, switch, router. 连接形式多种多样,有各种的铜线和光纤。802.3技术支持802.1网络,同时802.3也定义了局域网的连接机制是CSMA/CD。
表8‑1 802.3发展历史
1 | ExperimentalEthernet1 | 1973 | 2.94 Mbit/s (367 kB/s) over coaxial cable (coax) bus,这是最早的实验以太网。 |
2 | Ethernet II(DIX v2.0) 2 | 1982 | 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thick coax. Frames have a Type field. This frame format is used on all forms of Ethernet by protocols in the Internet protocol suite。这个时候EthernetII报文格式基本确定。DIX Ethernet, named after DEC, Intel and Xerox。 |
3 | IEEE 802.3 standard4 | 1983 | 10BASE35 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thick coax. Same as Ethernet II (above) except Type field is replaced by Length, and an 802.2 LLC header follows the 802.3 headers. Based on the CSMA/CD Process。开始制定802.3系列标准。802.3,后面不带任何数字的,就是第一个标准。传输距离500m。 |
4 | 802.3a | 1985 | 10BASE2 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over thin Coax (a.k.a. thinnet or cheapernet)。传输距离185米。 |
5 | 802.3b | 1985 | 10BROAD36.10 Mbit/s Ethernet signals over standard 75 ohm cable television (CATV) cable over a 3600 meter range。已经废弃的标准。 |
6 | 802.3c | 1985 | 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) repeater spec。HUB的时代。 |
7 | 802.3d | 1987 | Fiber-optic inter-repeater link (FOIRL) is a specification of Ethernet over optical fibre. It was replaced by 10BASE-FL. |
8 | 802.3e | 1987 | 1BASE5 or StarLAN。StarLAN was the first implementation of 1 megabit per second (1Mbit/s) Ethernet over twisted pair wiring. It was standardized by the standards association of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as 802.3e in 1987, as the 1BASE5 version of Ethernet. 这个时候开始使用双绞线传输以太网信号。 |
9 | 802.3i | 1990 | 10BASE-T 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over twisted pair.传输距离100米。 |
10 | 802.3j | 1993 | 10BASE-F 10 Mbit/s (1.25 MB/s) over Fiber-Optic. |
11 | 802.3u | 1995 | 100BASE-TX, 100BASE-T4, 100BASE-FX Fast Ethernet at 100 Mbit/s (12.5 MB/s) w/o autonegotiation。进入快速以太网时代。 100base-T4 (twisted pair [4 pair]) 100base-TX (twisted pair [2 pair]) 100base-FX (fiber, 400m, MMF光纤) |
12 | 802.3x | 1997 | Full Duplex and flow control; also incorporates DIX framing, so there's no longer a DIX/802.3 split。 |
13 | 802.3y | 1998 | 100BASE-T2 100 Mbit/s (12.5 MB/s) over low quality twisted pair |
14 | 802.3z | 1998 | 1000BASE-X Gbit/s Ethernet over Fiber-Optic at 1 Gbit/s (125 MB/s)。那个时候用的光口应该是GBIC。 |
15 | 802.3-1998 | 1998 | A revision of base standard incorporating the above amendments and errata。1998年应该算是一个以太网发展的里程碑吧。 |
16 | 802.3ab | 1999 | 1000BASE-T Gbit/s Ethernet over twisted pair at 1 Gbit/s (125 MB/s)。GE是先有光口的标准,后有电口的标准。传输距离还是100米。 |
17 | 802.3ac | 1998 | Max frame size extended to 1522 bytes (to allow "Q-tag") The Q-tag includes 802.1Q VLAN information and 802.1p priority information.VLAN出现。 |
18 | 802.3ad | 2000 | Link aggregation for parallel links, later moved to IEEE 802.1AX。链路聚合。Link aggregation addresses two problems with Ethernet connections: bandwidth limitations and lack of resilience. |
19 | 802.3-2002 | 2002 | A revision of base standard incorporating the three prior amendments and errata。 |
20 | 802.3ae | 2002 | 10 Gigabit Ethernet over fiber; 10GBASE-SR, 10GBASE-LR, 10GBASE-ER, 10GBASE-SW, 10GBASE-LW, 10GBASE-EW。SR:Short Range;LR:Long Range;ER:Extended Range;万兆以太网(10 Gigabit Ethernet)。该标准仅支持光纤传输,提供两种连接:一种是和以太网连接,速率为10Gb/s物理层设备,即LAN PHY;另一种是与SHD/SONET连接,速率为9.58464Gb/s的WAN设备,即WAN PHY。通过WAN PHY可以与SONETOC192结合,通过SONET城域网提供端到端连接。该标准支持10Gbbase-s(850nm短波)、10Gbase-1(1310nm长波)、10Gbase-E(1550nm长波)三种规格,最大传输距离分别为300m、10km和40km。IEEE 802.3ae支持IEEE 802.3标准中定义的最小帧长和最大帧长,不采用CSMA/CD方式,只用全双工方式(千兆以太网和万兆以太网的最小帧长为512字节)。他们的传输线路速率都是是10.3124Gbps,编码使用了64B/66B方式。SW,LW,RW,中的W表示WAN,广域网;这3中规格的速率是9.95328Gbps,同样编码使用了64B/66B方式,之所以速率低,是为了提高与面向WAN被广泛利用的光缆通信规格的SONET/SDH的亲和性,迎合了SONET的OC-192的传输速度。 以太网从局域网开始发展,到ae标准,已经开始跟广域网进行融合,电信的网络和企业的网络开始融合。 |
21 | 802.3af | 2003 | Power over Ethernet,or PoE (15.4 W) |
22 | 802.3ah | 2004 | Ethernet in the First Mile(EFM)。EPON uses a passive optical network. |
23 | 802.3ak | 2004 | 10GBASE-CX4 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet over twinaxial cables |
24 | 802.3-2005 | 2005 | A revision of base standard incorporating the four prior amendments and errata. |
25 | 802.3an | 2006 | 10GBASE-T 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) |
26 | 802.3ap | 2007 | Backplane Ethernet (1 and 10 Gbit/s (125 and 1,250 MB/s) over PCB--printed circuit boards)。 |
27 | 802.3aq | 2006 | 10GBASE-LRM 10 Gbit/s (1,250 MB/s) Ethernet over multimode fiber |
28 | 802.3as | 2006 | Frame expansion |
29 | 802.3at | 2009 | Power over Ethernet enhancements (25.5 W) |
30 | 802.3av | 2009 | 10 Gbit/s EPON |
31 | 802.3au | 2006 | Isolation requirements for Power over Ethernet (802.3-2005/Cor 1) |
32 | 802.3aw | 2007 | Fixed an equation in the publication of 10GBASE-T (released as 802.3-2005/Cor 2) |
33 | 802.3-2008 | 2008 | A revision of base standard incorporating the 802.3an/ap/aq/as amendments, two corrigenda and errata. Link aggregation was moved to 802.1AX. |
34 | 802.3az | 2010 | Energy Efficient Ethernet |
35 | 802.3ba | 2010 | 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) and 40 Gigabit Ethernet (40GbE) are groups of computer networking technologies for transmitting Ethernet frames at rates of 100 and 40 gigabits per second (100 and 40 Gbit/s), respectively. The technology was first defined by the IEEE 802.3ba-2010 standard. Another variant, 802.3bg, was added in March 2011 to the set of standards. The task force 802.3bj is working on a four lane backplane and a copper 100 Gbit/s standard. The 802.3bm task force is working on a standard for lower cost 100 Gbit/s optical physical interfaces. |
36 | 802.3bb | 2009 | Increase Pause Reaction Delay timings which are insufficient for 10 Gbit/s |
37 | 802.3bc | 2009 | Move and update Ethernet related TLVs (type, length, values), previously specified in Annex F of IEEE 802.1AB (LLDP) to 802.3 |
38 | 802.3bd | 2010 | Priority-based Flow Control. An amendment by the IEEE 802.1 Data Center Bridging Task Group (802.1Qbb) to develop an amendment to IEEE Std 802.3 to add a MAC Control Frame to support IEEE 802.1Qbb Priority-based Flow Control. |
39 | 802.3.1 | 2011 | MIB definitions for Ethernet. It consolidates the Ethernet related MIBs present in Annex 30A&B, various IETF RFCs, and 802.1AB annex F into one master document with a machine readable extract. (workgroup name was P802.3be) |
40 | 802.3bf | 2011 | Provide an accurate indication of the transmission and reception initiation times of certain packets as required to support IEEE P802.1AS. |
41 | 802.3bg | 2011 | Provide a 40 Gbit/s PMD which is optically compatible with existing carrier SMF 40 Gbit/s client interfaces (OTU3/STM-256/OC-768/40G POS). |
42 | 802.3-2012 | 2012 | A revision of base standard incorporating the 802.3at/av/az/ba/bc/bd/bf/bg amendments, a corrigenda and errata. |
43 | 802.3bj | 2014 | Define a 4-lane 100 Gbit/s backplane PHY for operation over links consistent with copper traces on “improved FR-4” (as defined by IEEE P802.3ap or better materials to be defined by the Task Force) with lengths up to at least 1m and a 4-lane 100 Gbit/s PHY for operation over links consistent with copper twinaxial cables with lengths up to at least 5m. |
44 | 802.3bk | 2013 | This amendment to IEEE Std 802.3 defines the physical layer specifications and management parameters for EPON operation on point-to-multipoint passive optical networks supporting extended power budget classes of PX30, PX40, PRX40, and PR40 PMDs. |
45 | 802.3bm | 2015 | 100G/40G Ethernet for optical fiber |
46 | 802.3bp | 2015 | 1000BASE-T1 - Gigabit Ethernet over a single twisted pair, automotive & industrial environments。802.3bp简介 |
47 | 802.3bq | 40GBASE-T for 4-pair balanced twisted-pair cabling with 2 connectors over 30 m distances | |
48 | 802.3bs | 400 Gbit/s Ethernet over optical fiber using multiple 25G/50G lanes | |
49 | 802.3bt | Power over Ethernet enhancements up to 100W using all 4-pairs balanced twisted-pair cabling, lower standby power and specific enhancements to support IoT applications (e.g. Lighting, sensors, building automation). | |
50 | 802.3bw | 100BASE-T1 - 100 Mbit/s Ethernet over a single twisted pair for automotive applications | |
51 | 802.3-2015 | 2015 | 802.3bx - a new consolidated revision of the 802.3 standard including amendments 802.2bk/bj/bm |
52 | 802.3by | 25G Ethernet. 25 Gigabit Ethernet (25GbE) and 50 Gigabit Ethernet (50GbE) are proposed standards for Ethernet connectivity in a data center environment. An industry consortium has been formed to promote the technology and IEEE 802 workgroup has formed to develop the standard. The draft uses technology defined for 100 Gigabit Ethernet implemented as four 25-Gbit/s lanes (IEEE 802.3bj). IEEE 802.3 has formed an 802.3by task force with the objectives to define: a single-lane 25 Gbit/s 25GBASE-KR PHY for printed circuit backplanes; a single-lane 25 Gbit/s 25GBASE-CR PHY for 5 m twin-ax cables; a single-lane 25 Gbit/s PHY for multi-mode optical fiber. |
1、 这是最原始的一种格式,是由Xerox PARC提出的3MbpsCSMA/CD以太网标准的封装格式,后来在1980年由DEC,Intel和Xerox标准化形成EthernetV1标准;
2、 这是最常见的一种以太网帧格式,也是今天以太网的事实标准,由DEC,Intel和Xerox在1982年公布其标准,主要更改了EthernetV1的电气特性和物理接口,在帧格式上并无变化;Ethernet V2出现后迅速取代EthernetV1成为以太网事实标准;
3、 BASE表示Ethernet使用的是基带传输;10M/100M/1G/10G/...都是线路速率;
4、 这是1983年Novell发布其划时代的Netware/86网络套件时采用的私有以太网帧格式,该格式以当时尚未正式发布的802.3标准为基础;但是当两年以后IEEE正式发布802.3标准时情况发生了变化—IEEE在802.3帧头中又加入了802.2 LLC(Logical Link Control)头,这使得Novell的RAW 802.3格式跟正式的IEEE802.3标准互不兼容;
图8‑4 IEEE802.3与ISO/IEC开放系统互连(OSI)参考模型的关系
(图片来源IEEE 802.3-2015)
IEEE 802.3标准把物理层从低到高分成如下子层和接口。
MDI(Medium Dependent Interface,媒体相关接口):规范物理媒体信号和传输媒质与物理设备之间的机械和电气接口。
PMD(Physical Medium Dependent,物理媒体相关)子层:位于MDI之上的PMD负责与传输媒体的接口。
PMA(Physical Medium Attachment,物理媒体附加)子层:负责发送、接收、定时恢复和相位对准功能。
PCS(Physical Coding Sublayer,物理编码子层):负责把数据比特编成合适物理媒质传输的码组。
GMII(Gigabit Media Independent Interface,吉比特媒质无关接口):吉比特MAC和吉比特物理层之间的GMII允许多个数据终端设备混合使用各种吉比特速率物理层。
RS(Reconciliation Sublayer,协调子层):提供GMII信号到MAC层的映射。
MAC(Media Access Control,媒体访问控制)子层:负责向物理层的数据转发功能(与媒介无关)。一般地来说,MAC子层负责封装(成帧、地址标示、差错检测)和媒体接入(冲突监测和延时过程)功能。
MAC Control(MAC控制)子层:MAC Control是可选的子层,负责MAC子层操作的实时控制和处理。定义了MAC控制子层以允许未来加入新功能。
LLC(Logical Link Control,逻辑链路控制)子层:负责数据链路层与媒体访问无关的功能,它不在IEE802.3标准的范畴之内。MAC层和可选的MAC控制子层并不知晓上面是否存在LLC子层或者是其他客户(如网桥或中继器)。
以太网PHY和MAC实现国际标准化组织(ISO,International Organization forStandardization)开放系统互连(OSI,Open System Interconnect)(ISO/OSI) 协议栈的下两层。MAC通过MII和PHY接口。典型的10兆和100兆PHY以太网实现分别和10BaseT和100BaseTX接口结合。
IEEE 802.3标准还规范了以下兼容性接口(Compatibilityinterfaces) The following important compatibility interfaces are defined within what isarchitecturally the Physical Layer. 下列重要的兼容性接口被定义在物理层架构里。
a)媒体相关接口(MediumDependent Interfaces (MDI))。为了以兼容的方式通讯,所有 站点会严格遵照在本标准字句8(及以后)定义的物理层媒体信号的确切规格,并且严格遵照定义站点正确行为的规程。LLC子层和MAC子层的媒体无关方面不 应该被认为从这一点减损;通过ISO/IEC 8802-3 [IEEE Std 802.3]局域网方式通讯需要在物理媒体接口上完全兼容(即,物理电缆接口)。
b) AttachmentUnit Interface (AUI). 连接单元接口(AUI)。也称为附件单元接口。预计大部分的DTE(Data Terminal Equipment,数据终端设备)将被置于离他们到物理电缆连接一段距离。少量的电路将存在于直接毗邻物理电缆的媒体连接单元(MAU,MediumAttachment Unit ),而大部分的硬件和所有的软件都将被放置在DTE中。AUI被定义为第二兼容性接口。虽然为确保通信,和这种接口的一致性不严格必须,但是和这种接口的 兼容性是建议的,因为它允许在混杂MAU和DTE的最大的灵活性。AUI可能是可选的或不为本标准的一些实现指定,这些实现预计将直接连接到媒体,所以不使用单独的MAU或它的互联AUI电缆。然后,PLS(Physical Layer Signaling,物理层信令)和PMA(Physical Medium Attachment,物理媒体附加)是单个单位的一部分,显式的AUI实现是不必要的。
AUI 端口是用来与粗同轴电缆连接的接口,它是一种"D"型15针接口,这在令牌环网或总线型网络中是一种比较常见的端口之一。路由器可通过粗同轴电缆收发器实现与10Base-5网络的连接,但更多的是借助于外接的收发转发器(AUI-to-RJ-45),实现与10Base-T以太网络的连接。当然也可借助 于其他类型的收发转发器实现与细同轴电缆(10Base-2)或光缆(10Base-F)的连接。这里所讲的路由器AUI接口主要是用粗同轴电缆作为传输 介质的网络进行连接用的。
c) MediaIndependent Interface (MII). It is anticipated that some DTEs will be connected to a remote PHY, and/or to different medium dependent PHYs. The MII is defined as a third compatibility interface. While conformance with implementation of this interface is not strictly necessary to ensure communication, it is recommended, since it allows maximum flexibility in intermixing PHYs and DTEs.The MII is optional.
c)媒体独立接口(MII,Meida Independent Interface)。预计一些DTE将被连接到远程的PHY上,并且/或者连接到不同的媒体相关的PHYs。MII被定义为第三兼容接口。 而为确保通信,与此接口实现相一致性不严格必须,和这种接口的兼容性是建议的,因为它允许在混杂PHY和DTE的最大的灵活性。MII是可选的。
媒体独立接口(MII,MediumIndependent Interface)是IEEE-802.3定义的以太网行业标准。它包括一个数据接口,以及一个MAC和PHY之间的管理接口。
MAC 通过MIIM 接口读取PHY 状态寄存器以得知目前PHY 的状态。例如连接速度、双工的能力等。也可以通过 MIIM设置PHY的寄存器达到控制的目的。例如流控的打开关闭、自协商模式还是强制模式等。MII以4位半字节方式传送数据双向传输,时钟速率25MHz。其工作速率可达100Mb/s。当时钟频率为2.5MHz时,对应速率为10Mb/s。MII接口虽然很灵活但由于信号线太多限制多接口网口的发展,后续又衍生出RMII,SMII等。
RMII(ReducedMedia Independant Interface),精简MII接口,节省了一半的数据线。RMII收发使用2位数据进行传输,收发时钟均采用50MHz时钟源。信号定义如下:
SMII(Serial Media Independant Interface),串行MII接口。它包括TXD,RXD,SYNC三个信号线,共用一个时钟信号,此时钟信号是125MHz,信号线与此时钟同步。信号定义如下:
SYNC是数据收发的同步信号,每10个时钟同步置高一次电平,表示同步。TXD和RXD上的数据和控制信息,以10bit为一组。 GMII
GMII(Gigabit MediaIndependant Interface),千兆MII接口。GMII采用8位接口数据,工作时钟125MHz,因此传输速率可达1000Mbps。同时兼容MII所规定的10/100 Mbps工作方式。GMII接口数据结构符合IEEE以太网标准,该接口定义见IEEE 802.3-2000。信号定义如下:
802.3ae规范定义了两种PHY类型:LAN PHY和WAN PHY。WAN PHY有一个附加到LAN PHY功能上的扩展特性集。以太网架构进一步划分PHY(1层)为PMD(Physical Media Dependent,物理媒体相关)和PCS(Physical Coding Sublayer,物理编码子层)。这两种类型的PHY被PCS各自区分开。
1、以太网主要遵循的协议是IEEE 802.3 标准,这个标准是从OSI模型中引申过来的,重点看下《图8‑4 IEEE802.3与ISO/IEC开放系统互连(OSI)参考模型的关系》。
2、IEEE 802.3标准把物理层从低到高分成如下子层和接口(MDI(Medium Dependent Interface,媒体相关接口)、PMD(Physical Medium Dependent,物理媒体相关)子层、PMA(Physical Medium Attachment,物理媒体附加)子层、PCS(Physical Coding Sublayer,物理编码子层)、GMII(Gigabit Media Independent Interface,吉比特媒质无关接口)、RS(Reconciliation Sublayer,协调子层)、MAC(Media Access Control,媒体访问控制)、MAC Control(MAC控制)子层、LLC(Logical Link Control,逻辑链路控制)子层)。
上面的所有相关知识都可以在IEEE 802.3标准中找到,为了方便大家查询,这里把IEEE 802.3-2015 以太网协议分享给大家,大家可以自己去下载研读。