EventBus 是一个MQTT客户端
在初始化eventbus时获取mqtt模式 external/internal
根据配置初始化Mqttclient,创建Internal Mqtt client或者external Mqtt client,设置qs,retain策略和队列的大小
func (mq *Client) InitSubClient() { timeStr := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6, 10) right := len(timeStr) if right > 10 { right = 10 } subID := fmt.Sprintf("hub-client-sub-%s", timeStr[0:right]) subOpts := util.HubClientInit(mq.MQTTUrl, subID, "", "") subOpts.OnConnect = onSubConnect subOpts.AutoReconnect = false subOpts.OnConnectionLost = onSubConnectionLost mq.SubCli = MQTT.NewClient(subOpts) util.LoopConnect(subID, mq.SubCli) klog.Info("finish hub-client sub")}
func onSubConnectionLost(client MQTT.Client, err error) { klog.Errorf("onSubConnectionLost with error: %v", err) go MQTTHub.InitSubClient()}
func onSubConnect(client MQTT.Client) { for _, t := range SubTopics { token := client.Subscribe(t, 1, OnSubMessageReceived) if rs, err := util.CheckClientToken(token); !rs { klog.Errorf("edge-hub-cli subscribe topic: %s, %v", t, err) return } klog.Infof("edge-hub-cli subscribe topic to %s", t) }}
token用于确定连接状态 可以看到 它订阅了以下topic
SubTopics = []string{ "$hw/events/upload/#", "$hw/events/device/+/state/update", "$hw/events/device/+/twin/+", "$hw/events/node/+/membership/get", "SYS/dis/upload_records", }
func OnSubMessageReceived(client MQTT.Client, message MQTT.Message) { klog.Infof("OnSubMessageReceived receive msg from topic: %s", message.Topic()) // for "$hw/events/device/+/twin/+", "$hw/events/node/+/membership/get", send to twin // for other, send to hub // for "SYS/dis/upload_records", no need to base64 topic var target string resource := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(message.Topic())) if strings.HasPrefix(message.Topic(), "$hw/events/device") || strings.HasPrefix(message.Topic(), "$hw/events/node") { target = modules.TwinGroup } else { target = modules.HubGroup if message.Topic() == "SYS/dis/upload_records" { resource = "SYS/dis/upload_records" } } // routing key will be $hw.<project_id>.events.user.bus.response.cluster.<cluster_id>.node.<node_id>.<base64_topic> msg := model.NewMessage("").BuildRouter(modules.BusGroup, "user", resource, "response").FillBody(string(message.Payload())) klog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("received msg from mqttserver, deliver to %s with resource %s", target, resource)) ModuleContext.SendToGroup(target, *msg)}
该函数判断topic,"$hw/events/device"和"$hw/events/node"开头发送给twingroup也就是devicetwin,其他信息发送给edgehub 然后通过SendToGroup发送到devicetwin
func (mq *Client) InitPubClient() { timeStr := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6, 10) right := len(timeStr) if right > 10 { right = 10 } pubID := fmt.Sprintf("hub-client-pub-%s", timeStr[0:right]) pubOpts := util.HubClientInit(mq.MQTTUrl, pubID, "", "") pubOpts.OnConnectionLost = onPubConnectionLost pubOpts.AutoReconnect = false mq.PubCli = MQTT.NewClient(pubOpts) util.LoopConnect(pubID, mq.PubCli) klog.Info("finish hub-client pub")}
InitPubClient只是创建了一个MQTTclient,然后每五秒钟连接一次mqtt server,当失败是通过,重新初始化
mqttServer = mqttBus.NewMqttServer(sessionQueueSize.(int), internalMqttURL.(string), retain.(bool), qos.(int))mqttServer.InitInternalTopics()err := mqttServer.Run()
topicfunc (eb *eventbus) pubCloudMsgToEdge(ctx context.Context) { for { select { case <-ctx.Done(): klog.Warning("EventBus PubCloudMsg To Edge stop") return default: } accessInfo, err := eb.context.Receive(eb.Name()) if err != nil { klog.Errorf("Fail to get a message from channel: %v", err) continue } operation := accessInfo.GetOperation() resource := accessInfo.GetResource() switch operation { case "subscribe": eb.subscribe(resource) klog.Infof("Edge-hub-cli subscribe topic to %s", resource) case "message": body, ok := accessInfo.GetContent().(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { klog.Errorf("Message is not map type") return } message := body["message"].(map[string]interface{}) topic := message["topic"].(string) payload, _ := json.Marshal(&message) eb.publish(topic, payload) case "publish": topic := resource var ok bool // cloud and edge will send different type of content, need to check payload, ok := accessInfo.GetContent().([]byte) if !ok { content := accessInfo.GetContent().(string) payload = []byte(content) } eb.publish(topic, payload) case "get_result": if resource != "auth_info" { klog.Info("Skip none auth_info get_result message") return } topic := fmt.Sprintf("$hw/events/node/%s/authInfo/get/result", mqttBus.NodeID) payload, _ := json.Marshal(accessInfo.GetContent()) eb.publish(topic, payload) default: klog.Warningf("Action not found") } }}