社区首页 >专栏 >免疫浸润论文:生信论文41引文写作


发布2020-08-20 11:27:49
发布2020-08-20 11:27:49


  1. ONCOMINE从全景、亚型两个维度做表达差异分析;
  2. 临床标本从蛋白水平确认(或HPA数据库),很重要;
  3. Kaplan-Meier Plotter从临床意义的角度阐明其重要性;
  4. cBio-portal数据库做基因组学的分析(机制一);
  5. STRING互作和GO/KEGG分析探讨可能的信号通路(机制二);
  6. TISIDB/TIMER分析肿瘤免疫特征(机制三)。


  1. 疾病或基因的背景介绍;
  2. 前人研究的成果、现实情况,存在的问题;
  3. 阐明研究原因或意义。介绍研究的性质、范畴及其重要性,突出研究目的和待解决的科学问题;
  4. 研究方法,新发现和意义。






Gastric cancer is among the most common deadly tumours with the mortality rate being the second-highest. Each year, more than 950,000 new cases are reported worldwide [1,2]. Although significant advancements have been achieved in diagnosis, screening, surgical resection, and neoadjuvant therapy of GC, the clinical results remain unsatisfactory. Immunotherapy is a hot topic in oncology at present, which has shown remarkable results in melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), renal cancer, and other tumours [3–5]. Earlier studies have found that it contributes significantly to gastrointestinal tumours [6,7]. Immunocytes infiltrated in tumours are most likely to be used as drug targets for improving survival [8,9]. Topalia et al. found that cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) pathways are important for Treg cells to impede CD8þ cell growth and upregulate PD-1 expression level in GC cells, which is correlated with an unfavourable prognosis [10]. In clinical trials, Kang et al. found that nivolumab (a fully human IgG4 monoclonal blocking antibody for PD-1) showed good effectiveness and tolerance in treating of GC patients. The authors also confirmed that nivolumab could improve OS [11]. However, some immunological clinical trials were not very conclusive [12]. In addition, other studies have discovered that TILs, such as TAMs and tumour-infiltrating neutrophils (TINs), influence the outcome of GC treatment [13]. Hence, it is highly emergent to identify the biomarkers of immune interaction with gastric cancer and identify new targets for immune-related therapy.

第二段介绍CMA1基因的背景,表达谱 (重要)和功能(生理角度、免疫角度),然后介绍其在肿瘤中的背景,通过转折词However介绍引出科学问题。

CMA1 encodes a chymotryptic serine proteinase belonging to peptidase family S1,which is widely expressed in MCs (mast cells), and it’s possibly involved indegrading extracellular matrix, regulating secretion, and production ofvasoactive peptides from submucosal glands [14]. MCs are components of theinnate immune network and among the earliest groups to invade tumours, whichcan increase or inhibit tumour expansion [15–18]. MCs release chymotrypsin and tryptase-likeproteases, which affect cancers [19]. Many researchers have found that MCchymotrypsin could exert direct or indirect induction on tumour angiogenesis,thus affecting tumour progression, suggesting that chymotrypsin may be a newtarget in treating multiple cancers [14]. However, the underlyingmechanism of CMA1 as serine chymotrypsin in tumour progression and immunology isunclear.


Here,we used Oncomine, Kaplan–Meier plotter and GEPIA datasets to analyze CMA1expression and its relationship with the prognosis of cancer patients (差异分析、生存分析). Furthermore, we studied the correlation between CMA1 andtumour-infiltrated immune cells in tumour surrounding environment through theweb resource TIMER (免疫浸润分析). Our data reveal the importantfunction of CMA1 in GC and explain the potential relationship and mechanism ofthe interaction between CMA1 and tumour immunity (结论).

本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。
原始发表:2020-08-19,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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