例句 1:I ran down the road.(此句中带有介词宾语,有物可“介”,down 为介词) 例句 2:Please sit down.(此句中不带宾语,down 为副词小品词)
例句:Too many books have been written about the Second World War.
例句:Nice picture! ~Indeed. It was painted by my grandfather.
例句:Joe left my house around 5 pm, and was hit by a car about 30 minutes later.
固定搭配 lead by example 很常用,指的是领导“身先士卒”“以身作则”。下面这句话是世界卫生组织前任总干事陈冯富珍演讲中说的一句话:
例句:I must lead by example, and I must be held accountable to Member States.翻译:我必须以身作则,我也必须对会员国负责。
它原本的含义是“(因为寒冷或害怕)挤在一起或缩成一团”,英语解释是 to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear。
例句:Tired and lost, we huddled together around the fire.
顾名思义,就是大家站着开的会。这是敏捷开发(Agile Development)流程中必不可少的环节