社区首页 >专栏 >你的关注点,如何决定了你的生活?| Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 2021W03

你的关注点,如何决定了你的生活?| Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 2021W03

发布2021-01-22 10:50:21
发布2021-01-22 10:50:21

Tweet by @Jimmy_JingLv on [[January 12th, 2021]]:

? Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 #2021W03#RoamCN2021W03 #RoamCN #WeeklyNewsletter #roamcult #LearnInPublic #LearnWithJimmy #Zettelkasten @cn_roam @RoamResearch https://t.co/QI8gvWDfhG — JimmyLv_吕立青 2?21 ?? (@Jimmy_JingLv) January 12, 2021

? Roam Newsletter 漫游研究所周报 #2021W03

#[[Roam 周边]] 我最喜欢的 Twitter 插件,让 Twitter 成为社会知识媒体网络的 Memex,现已支持右边栏直接点赞或转发

New version of Twemex out today: ⌨️ Instantly start a search with Cmd+/ keyboard shortcut ❤️ Like + RT tweets directly from the sidebar It's the little things that make everyday usage feel good ☺️ Also started laying groundwork for major search upgrades, more on that soon... — Twemex Sidebar (@TwemexApp) January 11, 2021

#[[Roam 生态]] #Roam42 Deep Nav 键盘爱好者的 Roam Research 使用指南,不过目前我使用的是 Roam Toolkit 的 Vim Navigation 模式

Roam42 Deep Nav - For keyboard lovers this will change your world. Its difficult to describe, better if you watch. Check out this vid that @Mridgyy put together. She lives & breathes deep nav. #roamcult @RoamResearch Based on amazing work of @treetopianhttps://t.co/am6U0BAL8p — RoamHacker ?‍? ((roam42.com)) (@roamhacker) November 2, 2020

#[[Roam 洞见]] [[@少楠]] [[产品沉思录]] 2020 年精选集 PDF 版

产品沉思录 2020 年精选集 PDF 版 下载地址,https://t.co/EKPU2AXh1o (密码btaf) 大家觉得有用,就转发给身边的小伙伴,套用一句@瓦恁 的话,人们会被自己热爱的事物改变,而没有人因为给予而贫穷。 pic.twitter.com/WD5OEmBDIg — Plidezus 少楠 (@plidezus) January 11, 2021

#[[Roam 周边]] 使用 @TiddlyWiki 打造在线教程「Pro 生产力指南」

当「iPad Pro 生产力指南」迁移到 Tiddlywiki。 pic.twitter.com/wOXcyhqccy — 未完成 (@bluebird0605) January 12, 2021

#[[Roam 洞见]] 你的关注点,如何决定了你的生活?

THREAD: 10 significant lies you're told about the world. On startups, writing, and your career: — Julian Shapiro (@Julian) January 9, 2021

#[[Roam 用例]] 使用 Roam Research query 功能打造你的编年史

Experimenting with generating queries to do a century timeline for @RoamResearch. Would like a much better representation, but perhaps this means it's at least worth tagging years for now. Any way to exclude it finding "itself", and just hide empty ones? @calhistorian pic.twitter.com/p3GqYbJPWP — Stian Håklev ? a human in the Holocene era (@houshuang) January 12, 2021

#[[Roam 研究]] 近当代研究的数字化方法专题讨论会,有趣的网状封面

Announcing our forthcoming symposium series on Digital Approaches to Early Modern Studies. Details & registration: https://t.co/f1evStUIcV pic.twitter.com/xZ1gmYXmdS — CEMS Limerick (@EMSLimerick) January 11, 2021

#[[Roam 生态]] roamjs.com 新扩展:Filter Embeds 支持块嵌入内的标签 Filter 筛选

NEW #roamcult EXTENSION: Filter Embeds! After installing this extension, block embeds will now respect REMOVE filters you apply on the current page and those you applied from the source page! For more info, check out https://t.co/kYrhuqe40w! pic.twitter.com/8WN2XQOR7M — David Vargas (@dvargas92495) January 10, 2021

#[[Roam 周边]] Obsidian 的 2020 年度主题和插件评选结果

The results of the Obsidian Best of 2020 Awards are out, congrats everyone! ? Hope everyone is off to a great start for the year—see you at the Best of 2021 Awards!https://t.co/i2CE9U0WK5 — Obsidian (@obsdmd) January 10, 2021

#[[Roam 洞见]] 打造你的人生决策算法,电子书可供下载

For the Algorithms of Thought crowd among the #roamcult: I'll be digesting this book over the next couple of weeks. Looks like an incredible resource.https://t.co/iujeaICMmS — C?rtex Futura (@cortexfutura) January 10, 2021

#[[Roam 用例]] 使用 Roam Research 作为 CMS 内容管理系统,写一篇文章,直接发布到你的博客。

HOLY MOLY! ? I published an article that is sourced from Roam. From now, I write my blog posts in Roam. Some developer magic ✨ to pull the content while building and it appears on my website. pic.twitter.com/c6c68a0ALk — Aravind Balla (@aravindballa) January 9, 2021

#[[Roam 用例]] Red 的日常工作流,如何自动化 Workflow 以激发创造力,视频内容和风格清爽实在,令人耳目一新。

✍️ New To Roam42 SmartBlocks? Here's My Simple Daily Templatehttps://t.co/TfWfo9t0Nv pic.twitter.com/NcWe3744Gh — Red Gregory | A Blogger (@RedGregory1) January 9, 2021

#[[Roam 洞见]] 通过写作来学习:自我阐述问题或知识点,发现理解漏洞,刻意学习

You can teach yourself. If you're reading this, you have the ultimate teaching and learning tool; writing. By explaining things to yourself, you uncover holes in understanding—enabling you to learn deliberately. ?Atomic essay on learning through writing.#ship30for30 pic.twitter.com/ZyZrQcIU7t — Ramses Oudt (@rroudt) January 9, 2021

#[[Roam 教育]] Roam Scholars 现已共计提供 3000+ 免费帐户(来自欠发达国家的孩子和学生)以及 10000+ 的折扣账号

?Roam been low-key making their product accessible to everyone: kids, retirees, veterans, unemployed, people who lost their houses in fires. Over 3000 *free* accounts: all the kids who asked &students from underdeveloped countries. Over 10000 discountshttps://t.co/9eGJB7IsdE — Violeta? (@MamanLunettes) January 9, 2021

#[[Roam 技巧]] 用遥控器无线控制你的 Roam Research

Introducing Roamote - the ultimate tool to improve your #Roam experience. :D #roamcult @roamhacker @Conaw pic.twitter.com/IoH5hoFEOR — CatoMinor (@CatoMinor3) December 28, 2020

#[[Roam 技巧]] Roam Research 不常用的一些代码或方法

Here is the list of common and less common codes in Roam. https://t.co/SIiRBJijcL Maybe it could be useful. #roamcult @RoamBrain @rroudt Should I make it somehow publicly editable? Please, suggest what is missing. :) pic.twitter.com/Y7kYQl6Njs — CatoMinor (@CatoMinor3) May 2, 2020

#[[Roam 自动化]] 只需轻点一下,即可根据场景切换视频录制设备+灯光

For years I've wanted to record high quality videos with practically no camera or light setup. Just click a button and the lighting and camera was instantly and perfectly configured to film. 1. Film training videos 2. Impress clients on zoom I finally did it! Check it out... pic.twitter.com/5qA8HziWus — Bryan Harris (@Harris_Bryan) January 13, 2021

#[[Roam 洞见]] 注意管理力其实就是情绪管理

1/ attention management is emotion management 2/ you can't manage what you don't understand 3/ the better you understand the shifting emotion-scapes of your own psyche, the more focused you can then become, on the things that you choose to pay attention to. — Matt is a fan of Victor Hugo ? (@Jeanvaljean689) January 14, 2021

#[[Roam 社区]] 想做一个知识工作者社区,域名都买好啦, roamcult.vip

Can't believe this community is real... Everyone is here to share & learn together ? Join us if you're into metacognition, mindful productivity, mental health, creativity & sense-making: https://t.co/y2w4oDg3Ki pic.twitter.com/97FPjHasB9 — Anne-Laure Le Cunff (@anthilemoon) January 14, 2021

#[[Roam 特性]] 现在可以在 Roam Research 设置你的名字,Multiple Player 协作模式时有用

New in @RoamResearch: set your name. This is a handy feature in public graphs to protect your privacy. Previously, the block info would show your email address. Now it shows your name (or ' Anonymous' if you haven't set it yet). Demo: pic.twitter.com/OHU8Yi3Lpp — RoamStack (@RoamStack) January 14, 2021

#[[Roam 生态]] Roam Research 与 Todoist 联动,快速捕获想法和完成任务

So the concept of using @todoist as a quick capture gateway for Roam is making progress due to work of @LavercombeMark. One cool feature of this is it enables EMAIL to Roam support. Check out the working prototype. #roamcult https://t.co/WVTkImNMGB — RoamHacker ?‍? ((roam42.com)) (@roamhacker) January 15, 2021

#[[Roam 洞见]] 双链笔记之战

Note Wars: The Age of the Linked Note A thread ?on the history ideas and the current state of notes. pic.twitter.com/EDecWVYmiK — Nick Milo (@NickMilo) January 14, 2021

#[[Roam 周边]] 像看板一样使用 Twitter

A video walkthrough of how to cleverly use Twitter: • I avoid spam • I filter for the best tweets • I measure audience growth My updated 2021 approach with new marketing tools ? pic.twitter.com/uYtxZDPVMV — Julian Shapiro (@Julian) January 16, 2021

#[[Roam 生态]] roamjs.com 每周新扩展,Roam Research 思维导图

NEW #roamcult EXTENSION: Mindmaps! Installing the extension will add a new option to the ... menu on the top right. Clicking the new "Open Mindmap" option will render a mindmap based on your current page's Roam data! For more information, check out https://t.co/BZTujhMt8Q! pic.twitter.com/eRtOSJIJWx — David Vargas (@dvargas92495) January 17, 2021

#[[Roam 生态]] 如何将 Apple Calendar 的日历事件导入至 Roam Research,iOS 捷径

@dvargas92495 @RoamResearch @catominor3 @rcvd_io @viktortabori @adam_krivka @conaw #roamcult I have created a simple iOS shortcut to securely copy iCal events from Apple Calendar to Roam. (I have another two “forks” for Tomorrow + one with the individual events pre-selection.) pic.twitter.com/cDdrzhVhMG — Tomáš Baránek ∞ ? (@tombarys) January 17, 2021

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