1. 当打开工作簿时,
1.1 激活特定的工作表(名为Sample)。
1.2 开始的3行被冻洁。
1.4 活动工作表的滚动区域限制为某个单元格区域(A4:H100)。
1.5 一个自定义选项卡(名为Custom)被激活。
1.6 在运行时动态地使用项目(其标签为:AllGroups,Group1,Group2,Group3,Groups 1 and 2,Groups 1 and 3,和Groups 2 and3)填充一个下拉控件。
1.7 运行时使用图像动态地填充库控件。
2. 当用户从Custom选项卡的下拉控件中选择不同的项目时,
2.1 仅相应地显示选项卡中某组控件(AllGroups,Group1,Group2,Group3,Groups 1 and 2,Groups 1 and 3,或Groups 2 and3)。
2.2 状态栏显示当前选择的项目。
2.3 如果选择了指定的项目(例如Group2),那么激活指定的工作表(名为Sheet2),并对其外观作出下面的改变:
2.3.1 在页面布局视图中显示工作表
2.3.2 隐藏行和列标题
2.3.3 删除工作表中的网格线
2.3.4 隐藏公式栏
3. 如果激活的工作表是标准工作表,那么Custom选项卡是可见的。
4. 如果取消选取(或选取)指定的内置复选框(例如,在“视图”选项卡中的“编辑栏”复选框),那么禁用(或启用)自定义控件(例如,在“视图”选项卡中的G5B1按钮)。
5. 如果激活的工作表(名为Sheet1)具有指定的工作表级命名区域(例如,名为MyRange的单元格区域),那么启用Custom选项卡中不同组中的一组控件按钮。(例如,在Group 1中的G1B1,在Group 2中的G2B2,在Group 3中的G3B3,在Group 4中的G4B3)
6. 能够从单元格上下文菜单中访问自定义控件(名为Remove USD)。
1. 创建一个新工作簿,将其保存为启用宏的工作簿。
2. 右击工作表选项卡,选择插入来添加一个图表工作表。
3. 重命名工作表为Sample、Sheet1和Sheet2。
4. 激活工作表Sheet1,选择一个单元格区域,在“名称”框中输入“Sheet1!MyRange”来命名为一个工作表级的名称。
5. 关闭该工作簿,然后在Custom UIEditor中打开该工作簿。
6. 在Custom UI Editor中,单击Insert|Office2010 Custom UI Part。
7. 复制并粘贴下面的XML代码:
8. 单击工具栏中的Validate按钮来检查是否有错误。
9. 保存并关闭该文件。
10. 在Excel中打开该文件。对于错误消息单击“确定”。
11. 按Alt+F11激活VBE。
12. 插入标准的VBA模块,复制并粘贴下列VBA代码:
Public myRibbon As IRibbonUI
Dim ImageCount As Long
Dim ImageFilenames() As String
Dim ItemLabels(0 To 6) AsString
Dim VisGrpNm1 As String
Dim VisGrpNm2 As String
Sub Initialize(ribbon AsIRibbonUI)
Set myRibbon = ribbon
myRibbon.ActivateTab "CustomTab"
Call PrepareItemImages
Call PrepareItemLabels
End Sub
Private Sub PrepareItemImages()
Dim Filename As String
Filename = Dir("C:\Photos\*.jpg")
Do While Filename <> ""
ImageCount = ImageCount + 1
ReDim Preserve ImageFilenames(1 ToImageCount)
ImageFilenames(ImageCount) = Filename
Filename = Dir
'Dir() 返回一个零长字符串("")
End Sub
Private Sub PrepareItemLabels()
Dim i As Long
ItemLabels(0) = "All Groups"
ItemLabels(1) = "Group 1"
ItemLabels(2) = "Group 2"
ItemLabels(3) = "Group 3"
ItemLabels(4) = "Groups 1 and 2"
ItemLabels(5) = "Groups 1 and 3"
ItemLabels(6) = "Groups 2 and 3"
End Sub
'ViewFormulaBar onAction回调
SubMonitorViewFormulaBar(control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean, ByRef cancelDefault)
cancelDefault = False 'Restore thefunctionality of the control
myRibbon.InvalidateControl "G5B1"
End Sub
'CustomTab getVisible回调
Sub getVisibleCustomTab(controlAs IRibbonControl, ByRef CustomTabVisible)
CustomTabVisible = TypeName(ActiveSheet) ="Worksheet"
End Sub
'gallery1 onAction回调
Sub SelectedPhoto(control AsIRibbonControl, id As String, index As Integer)
MsgBox "You selected Photo "& index + 1
End Sub
'gallery1 getItemCount回调
Sub getGalleryItemCount(controlAs IRibbonControl, ByRef Count)
Count = ImageCount
End Sub
'gallery1 getItemImage回调
Sub getGalleryItemImage(controlAs IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRef Image)
Set Image = LoadPicture("C:\Photos\"& ImageFilenames(index + 1))
End Sub
'dropDown1 onAction回调
Sub SelectedItem(control AsIRibbonControl, id As String, index As Integer)
VisGrpNm1 = "": VisGrpNm2 =""
Select Case index
Case 0
VisGrpNm1 = "*"
Case 1
VisGrpNm1 = "*1"
Case 2
VisGrpNm1 = "*2"
Call ChangeSheet2Appearance
Case 3
VisGrpNm1 = "*3"
Case 4
VisGrpNm1 = "*1"
VisGrpNm2 = "*2"
Case 5
VisGrpNm1 = "*1"
VisGrpNm2 = "*3"
Case 6
VisGrpNm1 = "*2"
VisGrpNm2 = "*3"
End Select
Application.StatusBar = "Module:" & ItemLabels(index)
End Sub
'dropDown1 getItemCount回调
Sub getDropDownItemCount(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef Count)
Count = 7
End Sub
'dropDown1 getItemLabel回调
Sub getDropDownItemLabel(control As IRibbonControl, index As Integer, ByRefItemLabel)
ItemLabel = ItemLabels(index)
'ItemLabel =Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(index + 1, 1).Value
End Sub
' Group1getVisible回调
Sub getVisibleGrp(control AsIRibbonControl, ByRef Enabled)
If control.id Like VisGrpNm1 Or control.idLike VisGrpNm2 Then
Enabled = True 'Visible
Enabled = False 'Hidden
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeSheet2Appearance()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveWindow
.View = xlPageLayoutView
.DisplayHeadings = False
.DisplayGridlines = False
End With
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' G1B1onAction回调
Sub MacroG1B1(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG1B1"
End Sub
' G1B1getEnabled回调
Sub getEnabledBs(control AsIRibbonControl, ByRef Enabled)
' G1B1,G2B2,G3B3和G4B3按钮被启用
Enabled = RngNameExists(ActiveSheet, "MyRange")
End Sub
Function RngNameExists(ws AsWorksheet, RngName As String) As Boolean
Dim rng As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = ws.Range(RngName)
RngNameExists = Err.Number = 0
End Function
' G2B1onAction回调
Sub MacroG2B1(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG2B1"
End Sub
' G2B2onAction回调
Sub MacroG2B2(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG2B2"
End Sub
Sub MacroG3B1(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG3B1"
End Sub
' G3B2onAction回调
Sub MacroG3B2(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG3B2"
End Sub
' G3B3onAction回调
Sub MacroG3B3(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG3B3"
End Sub
' G4B1onAction回调
Sub MacroG4B1(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG4B1"
End Sub
' G4B2onAction回调
Sub MacroG4B2(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG4B2"
End Sub
' G4B3onAction回调
Sub MacroG4B3(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG4B3"
End Sub
' G5B1onAction回调
Sub MacroG5B1(control AsIRibbonControl)
MsgBox "MacroG5B1"
End Sub
' G5B1getEnabled回调
Sub getEnabledG5B1(control AsIRibbonControl, ByRef Enabled)
Enabled = Application.DisplayFormulaBar
End Sub
Sub RemoveUSD(control AsIRibbonControl)
Dim workRng As Range
Dim Item As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set workRng = Intersect(Selection, _
Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues))
If Not workRng Is Nothing Then
For Each Item In workRng
If UCase(Left(Item, 3)) ="USD" Then
Item = Right(Item, Len(Item) -3)
End If
Next Item
End If
End Sub
13. 在ThisWorkbook模块中插入下面的VBA代码:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
With ActiveWindow
If .View = xlPageLayoutView Then
.View = xlNormalView
End If
.SplitRow = 3
.SplitColumn = 0
.FreezePanes = True
End With
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 50
With Range("A50")
.Value = "Scroll up to see otherinfo"
.Font.Bold = True
End With
ActiveSheet.ScrollArea ="A4:H100"
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
End Sub
14. 保存,关闭,然后在Excel中重新打开该工作簿。
说明:本专题系列大部分内容学习整理自《Dissectand Learn Excel VBA in 24 Hours:Changingworkbook appearance》,仅供学习研究。