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Unimelb COMP20008 Note 2019 SM1 - Data formats

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发布2021-05-17 22:08:11
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Lectures 2 and 3: Data formats

Relational Databases

-Appreciate the role that relational databases play in data wrangling.

  • Structure data is like a relational database
  • Structured: Relational databases, CSV
  • Unstructured: text
  • Semi-structured: HTML,XML,JSON
  • Advantages:
    • Easier to analyse, easier to query
    • Easier to store
    • Easier to clean, maintain consistency and security, especially with multiple users
    • Regularity
  • Relational databases, the classic method of storing structured data (banking, sales, airlines …)
    • Data stored in tables, each row is a data item and columns describe attributes of the data item
    • Can query the data using a high-level language such as SQL

Regular Expression

-be able to understand a regular expression using the operators

. ^ $ * + | [ ]

-be able to formulate a regular expression using the above operators, based on an English description


-be able to explain what is a CSV file, what is a spreadsheet, what is the difference?

  • Spreadsheet
    • The spreadsheet is a file made of row and columns that help sort data, arrange data easily, and calculate numerical data
  • CSV
    • Spreadsheet
    • Easy to use
    • Structured, but not like a relational DB
  • Differences
    • CSV are human readable
    • CSV lack the formatting information
    • CSV format is a plain text format in which values are separated by commas, while a spreadsheet is the binary file format that holds information in a file, included both content and formatting.


-be able to explain the motivation for XML and XML namespaces

  • A 'meta' mark-up language
  • Extensible: user define tags
  • Facilitate better encoding of semantics
  • It's beneficial to reuse parts from existing, well-designed schemas
  • Allowing searching engines or other tools to operate over a range of documents that in many respects but use common names for common element types
  • XML namespaces are base on the use of qualified names, which contain a single colon, separating the name into a namespace prefix and the local name. The prefix, which is mapped to a URI, selects a namespace.
  • The combination of the universally managed URI namespace and the local schema namespace produces names that guaranteed universally unique

-be able to explain the differences between XML and HTML

  • HTML tags are predefined tags where as XML tags are user-defined tags
  • HTML tags are the limited number of tags where as XML tags are extensible.
  • HTML tags are case insensitive where as XML tags are sensitive.
  • HTML tags are meant for displaying the data but not for describing the data where as XML tags are meant for describing the data.
  • HTML focuses on how data looks where as XML focuses on what data is.

-be able to explain the difference between XML attributes and elements and describe situations in which the use of one is preferred over the other

  • XML element
    • An XML element is everything from (including) the element's start tag to (including) the element's end tag
    • <element></element>
    • An element contains:
      • Text
      • Attributes
      • Other elements
      • Or a mix of the above
  • XML Attribute
    • Attributes are part of XML elements
    • Attributes define properties of elements
    • Attribute is always a name-value pair

-be able to create XML documents, based on a natural language specification

-be able to both create and understand XML documents that use XML namespace syntax

  • Default Namespace:
    • Using namespace, you can define the context in which names are defined. In essence, a namespace defines a scope
    • xmlns="namespaceURI"
    • xmlns="http://info.gov.uk"
    • Defining a default namespace for an element also saves us from using prefixes in all the child elements
  • Using prefix
    • Name conflict in XML can be solved using a prefix with namespace.
    • It provides a method to avoid element name conflicts.
    • In XML, element names are defined by the developer. This often results in a conflict when trying to mix XML documents from different XML applications.
    • A user or an XML application will not know how to handle these differences.
  • xmlns Attributes
    • When using prefixes in XML, a namespace for the prefix must be defined.
    • The namespace can be defined by an xmlns attribute in the start tag of an element.
    • The namespace declaration has the following syntax.
    • xmlns:prefix="URI"

-be able to explain the purpose of XML namespaces and list reasons for why it is useful

  • XML Namespaces provide a method to avoid element name conflicts.
  • To group elements relating to a common idea together

-understand what is mean by well-formed XML and valid XML

  • Syntax-Well-formed
    • XML files must begin with declaration
      • <?xml version="1.0"?>
    • XML elements
      • Start/end tags or empty tags
      • Attributes in quotes
        • <campus>Parkville</campus>
        • <campus location="Parkville"/>
      • Appropriately nested
      • One root element
    • Comments
      • <!--comments do not affect the document, it's not part of the data that you want to represent-->
    • Some characters have special meaning
      • '<' and '&' are strictly illegal inside an element
    • CDATA(character data) section may be used inside XML element to include large blocks of text, which may contain these special characters such as &,>
    • The XML standard states that an XML document that conforms to the standard is said to be "Well-formed." The XML standard has many syntaxes, grammar and structure rules. An XML document must have a single root element, the elements must be properly nested, tag names cannot begin with a number or contain certain characters, and so on.
  • XML schema & validation
    • An XML file can be well-formed and NOT valid; it is valid if it is consistent with a particular schema.
    • XML Schema languages, examples:
      • XSD (XML Schema Definitions): a W3C standard
      • DTD (Document Type Definitions)
    • HTML5 schema for Web browsers <!DOCTYPE html>
    • Validation Tools (schema checking software)
    • XML validation is distinct from well-formed. An XML document is said to be valid if it is associated with a document type definition(DTD), or an XML schema, and complies with the constraints specified in the DTD or schema.

-be able to explain the difference between XML and JSON and applications where each is suited

  • F
  • JSON is simpler and more compact/lightweight than XML. Easy to parse.
  • Common JSON application – read and display data from a webserver using JavaScript
  • XML comes with a large family of other standards for querying and transforming (XQuery, XML Schema, XPATH, XSLT, namespaces, …)
  • XML stands for “Extensive Markup Language” and is written in a similar way as followed by HTML, whereas JSON stands for “JavaScript Object Notation” which is a subset of the JavaScript syntax and is completely language-independent.
  • XML allows complex schema definitions (via regular expressions)
    • allows formal validation
    • makes you consider the data design more closely
  • JSON is more streamlined, lightweight and compressed
    • Which appeals to programmers looking for speed and Efficiency
    • Widely used for storing data in noSQL databases
  1. JSON

-be able to read and create documents using JSON

  • Syntax
    • Object data is in name/value pairs
      • "firstName":"John"
    • JSON values
      • A number (integer or floating point)
      • A string (in double quotes)
      • A Boolean (true or false)
      • An array (in square brackets)
      • An object (in curly braces)
      • Null
    • JSON Objects
      • {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"}
    • JSON Arrays
      • "employees":[

{"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"},

{"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"},

{"firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones"}


  • These objects repeat recursively down a hierarchy as needed.

-be able to convert an XML document to JSON and vice versa

  • JSON see last question

-be able to explain the purpose of using schemas for XML and JSON data

  • JSON Schema
    • Written in JSON itself
    • Describes the structure of other data
    • Easy to validate a JSON document against its schema using aschema validator
  • XML Schema
    • Written in XML itself
    • Schema is Extensible
    • It is easier to describe allowable document content
    • It is easier to validate the correctness of data
    • It is easier to define data facets (restrictions on data)
    • It is easier to define data patterns (data formats)
    • It is easier to convert data between different data types


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0 条评论
  • Lectures 2 and 3: Data formats
    • Relational Databases
    • Regular Expression
    • CSV
  • XML
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