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Mutual information

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发布2021-05-19 14:24:17
发布2021-05-19 14:24:17
文章被收录于专栏:hsdoifh biuwedsy

Lecture 10: Mutual information

  • Mutual Information(MI)
    • detect non-linear, discrete features
    • preprocessing: continuous features are first discreted into bins (by domain knowledge or equal width or equal frequency)
    • Entropy is a measuer used to assess the amount of uncertainty in an outcome
    • about how to calculate MI is on the formula sheet
    • mutual information indicate that the amount of information about X we gain from knowing Y
    • Normalised mutual information: NMI can be used to provide a more interpretable measure of correlation than MI
    • difference with Pearson correlation:
      • MI can measure non-linear relation
      • MI is very effective for use with discrete features

-understand the meaning of the variables in the (normalised) mutual information and how they can be calculated. Be able to compute this measure on a pair of features. The formula for (normalised) mutual information will be provided on the exam.

  • Normalised Mutual Information (NMI)
    • Range [0,1]
    • Large = high correlation
    • Small = low correlation

-understand the role of data discretization in computing (normalised) mutual information

  • Variable discretization
    • Doman knowledge: assign thresholds manually
    • Equal-width bin
      • Divide the range of continuous feature into equal length intervals
      • Width =
    • Equal frequency bin
      • Divide range of continuous feature into equal frequency intervals
      • Sort the values & divide -> each bin has same number of objects
      • Freq =

-understand the meaning of the entropy of a random variable and how to interpret an entropy value. Understand its extension to conditional entropy

  • Entropy
    • A measure used to assess the amount of uncertainty in an outcome
      • quantify degree of uncertainty
      • amount of randomness
    • Low entropy = more certain
    • Higher entropy = less certain
  • X = feature
  • pi = proportion of points in the i-th bin
  • Example
  • H(x) >= 0
  • Entropy is maximized for uniform distribution
  • conditional entropy H(y|x)
  • Measures how much information needed to describe outcome Y, given that outcome X is known
  • The amount of information shared between two variables X & Y
    • The amount of information about X gained by knowing Y
    • The amount of information about Y gained by knowing X
  • MI (X, Y)
    • Large -> highly correlated (more dependent)
    • Small -> low correlation (more independent)
    • >=0
  • 0 <= MI(X,Y) <= min( H(X),H(Y) )

-be able to interpret the meaning of the (normalised) mutual information between two variables

  • Where X and Y are features (columns) in a dataset. MI (mutual information) is a measure of correlation
  • the amount of information about X we gain by knowing Y, or the amount of information about Y we gain by knowing X
  • MI(X,Y) is always at least zero, may be larger than 1
  • A correlation measure that can detect non-linear relationships
  • Operates with discrete features
  • Pre-processing: continues features are discretised into bins
  • In fact, one can show it is true that
    • 0 ≤ MI(X,Y) ≤ min(H(X),H(Y)) (where min(a,b) indicates the minimum of a and b)
    • Thus if want a measure in the interval [0,1], we can define normalized mutual information (NMI)
  • NMI(X,Y) = MI(X,Y) / min(H(X),H(Y))
  • NMI(X,Y)
    • large: X and Y are highly correlated (more dependent)
    • small: X and Y have low correlation (more independent)

-understand the use of (normalised) mutual information for computing correlation of some feature with a class feature and why this is useful. Understand how this provides a ranking of features, according to their predictiveness of the class

  • NMI is a good measure for determining the quality of clustering.
  • It is an external measure because we need the class labels of the instances to determine the NMI.
  • Since it’s normalized we can measure and compare the NMI between different clusterings having different number of clusters.

-understand that normalised mutual information can be used to provide a more interpretable measure of correlation than mutual information. The formula for normalised mutual information will be provided on the exam

-understand the advantages and disadvantages of using (normalised) mutual information for computing correlation between a pair of features. Understand the main differences between this and Pearson correlation.

  • Advantage
    • Can detect both linear & non-linear dependencies
    • Applicable and very effective for use with discrete features
  • Disadvantage
    • If feature is continuous, it first must be discretised to compute mutual information
    • Making choices about what bins to use
    • Different bin choices will lead to different estimations of mutual information
  • Difference with Pearson correlation:
    • MI can measure non-linear relation
    • MI is very effective for use with discrete features


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