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Advantages Of Adopting Subscription Management System

修改2021-07-13 11:25:10
修改2021-07-13 11:25:10
文章被收录于专栏:Subscription Management

The target of every business is to earn more profit and compete in the market to increase the chances of survival. Experts and analysts work for years to come up with a business model. Today, one of the successful business models is the subscription management model. It is based on the concept of catering to the recurring needs of customers through an automated platform.

There was a time when it was considered the best model for only SaaS companies. But today many other businesses are entering this market. Many industries and manufacturing companies are exploring new business opportunities in this domain. Here are some of the advantages of adopting subscriptions and subscription management solutions:

Increase the Customer Base

The trend of one-time purchases is gone. The manufacturing cost of some items is so high that even the manufacturers know they will not be able to entertain many customers—affordability constraint of the customer. Then what to do? Should manufacturers stop manufacturing? No, subscription billing is the best option for both the manufacturers and the consumers.

Products and services that are beyond affordability, people can subscribe to them. There is a shift from ownership to using products. Customers are happy to be subscribers for it is affordable for them. Manufacturers and retailers are satisfied that the recurring need of the people helps them bring more customers on board.

Predictable Revenue

One of the most attractive features of the subscription handling system is the predictability of the revenue. The recurring billing platforms are so efficient that they help you analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) including MRR, ARR, CLV, etc. This analysis can be of great help to predict recurring revenue. The prediction of revenue is important for both manufacturing and SaaS services industries.

Now, the AI-based platforms are used, they provide a visual representation of KPIs. You can overview trillions of data entries in one go just because of the visual graphical representations that the subscription management software provides.

Multiple Revenue Streams

There are better chances to earn better if you use the subscription business model. For instance, there are no legalities involved in the digital world to sign a contract with a foreign customer. So, you have an open market without boundaries that limit your business in the real world. You can access people who need your products or services no matter where they are. Other than that, there are subscription types that offer you more than one revenue stream.

Different revenue streams mean you have chances to earn more. OTT services providing industry is typically known for earning through multiple revenue streams. There are OTT billing models that enable streaming services providers to enhance their profit.

Data Security

One of the biggest concerns of the customers is that they need to share their sensitive bank card information when they go for online payments. Subscription management platforms like SubscriptionFLow are cloud-based that offer maximum data security. The chances of data leakage are minimal.

There is not just one reason for the popularity of subscriptions among the customers. It is affordable, secure, and a customer-centric option for customers.

Better Customer Experience

Customers and clients are the backbones of every business. In a subscription-based business, you must offer the best customer experience so that the customer would renew his subscriptions. The subscription market is quite competitive and nothing harms the business more than customer churn.

The subscription management platforms enable you to satisfy your customers on all the points where they interact with you. Customer onboarding, support, dunning, payment, and invoicing are some of the points of interaction with the customer. Subscription management platforms offer customer self service portalself-service portals. They help you make customers happy on all points of interaction.

Accurate Billing

Billing & invoicing are the subscription business processes that make you earn money. However, it is also a sensitive point of the business. A single mistake can shatter your long-term customer relationship. The automation of subscription management has helped in minimizing the mistakes in invoicing and billing.

As a retailer, you receive your money in time and customers pay for exactly what they owe you timely. It is a win-win situation—possible just because of the automated subscription billing. The whole billing process from invoicing to transaction run smoothly because of the automated system. Without automation, it is difficult to manage redundant tasks. The chances of such human errors are about zero when you have an automated subscription handling system.

Now that you are aware of the many advantages of adopting subscriptions and subscription management platforms, you will probably look for one of the best recurring billing platforms.


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0 条评论
  • Increase the Customer Base
  • Predictable Revenue
  • Multiple Revenue Streams
  • Data Security
  • Better Customer Experience
  • Accurate Billing
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