rt 要求效率比较高 谢谢
沙发 随便google下不都可以找一堆吗
procedure TForm1.RotateangleClick(Sender: TObject); var newbmp: TBitmap; Bitmap: TBitmap; angle: integer; begin newbmp := TBitmap.Create; Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; screen.Cursor := crhourglass; newbmp.Assign(image1.Picture.Bitmap); //newbmp.pixelFormat:=pf8bit; //Bitmap.pixelFormat:=pf8bit; angle := strtoint(inputbox(‘旋转位图’, ‘请输入旋转角度’, ’90’)); Bmp_Rotate(newbmp, bitmap, angle); image1.picture.Bitmap.Assign(bitmap); image1.Left := (self.Width div 2) – (bitmap.Width div 2); image1.Top := (self.Height div 2) – (bitmap.Height div 2); screen.Cursor := crdefault; newbmp.Free; Bitmap.Free; end;
procedure Tform1.bmp_rotate(Srcbmp, DestBmp: Tbitmap; angle: extended); var c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y: integer; p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y: integer; radius, n: integer; alpha: extended; c0, c1, c2, c3: tcolor; begin if SrcBmp.Width > SrcBmp.Height then begin DestBmp.width := SrcBmp.Width; DestBmp.height := SrcBmp.Width; end else DestBmp.Width := SrcBmp.Height; DestBmp.Height := SrcBmp.Height; //将角度转换为PI值 angle := (angle / 180) * pi; // 计算中心点,你可以修改它 c1x := SrcBmp.width div 2; c1y := SrcBmp.height div 2; c2x := DestBmp.width div 2; c2y := DestBmp.height div 2; // 步骤数值number if c2x < c2y then n := c2y else n := c2x; dec(n, 1); // 开始旋转 for p2x := 0 to n do begin for p2y := 0 to n do begin if p2x = 0 then alpha := pi / 2 else alpha := arctan2(p2y, p2x); radius := round(sqrt((p2x * p2x) + (p2y * p2y))); p1x := round(radius * cos(angle + alpha)); p1y := round(radius * sin(angle + alpha)); c0 := SrcBmp.canvas.pixels[c1x + p1x, c1y + p1y]; c1 := SrcBmp.canvas.pixels[c1x – p1x, c1y – p1y]; c2 := SrcBmp.canvas.pixels[c1x + p1y, c1y – p1x]; c3 := SrcBmp.canvas.pixels[c1x – p1y, c1y + p1x]; DestBmp.Canvas.pixels[c2x + p2x, c2y + p2y] := c0; DestBmp.canvas.pixels[c2x – p2x, c2y – p2y] := c1; DestBmp.canvas.pixels[c2x + p2y, c2y – p2x] := c2; DestBmp.canvas.pixels[c2x – p2y, c2y + p2x] := c3; end; application.processmessages end; end;
http://www.efg2.com/Lab/ImageProcessing/RotateScanline.htm 这个是用扫描线来做得 速度很快 自己看懂改下 就能用了