Create Or Replace Function Money2Chinese(Money In Number) Return Varchar2 Is
strYuan Varchar2(150);
strYuanFen Varchar2(152);
numLenYuan Number;
numLenYuanFen Number;
strRstYuan Varchar2(600);
strRstFen Varchar2(200);
strRst Varchar2(800);
Type typeTabMapping Is Table Of Varchar2(2) Index By Binary_Integer;
tabNumMapping typeTabMapping;
tabUnitMapping typeTabMapping;
numUnitIndex Number;
i Number;
j Number;
charCurrentNum Char(1);
If Money Is Null Then
Return Null;
End If;
strYuan := TO_CHAR(FLOOR(Money));
If strYuan = '0' Then
numLenYuan := 0;
strYuanFen := lpad(TO_CHAR(FLOOR(Money * 100)), 2, '0');
numLenYuan := length(strYuan);
strYuanFen := TO_CHAR(FLOOR(Money * 100));
End If;
If strYuanFen = '0' Then
numLenYuanFen := 0;
numLenYuanFen := length(strYuanFen);
End If;
If numLenYuan = 0 Or numLenYuanFen = 0 Then
strRst := '零圆整';
Return strRst;
End If;
tabNumMapping(0) := '零';
tabNumMapping(1) := '壹';
tabNumMapping(2) := '贰';
tabNumMapping(3) := '叁';
tabNumMapping(4) := '肆';
tabNumMapping(5) := '伍';
tabNumMapping(6) := '陆';
tabNumMapping(7) := '柒';
tabNumMapping(8) := '捌';
tabNumMapping(9) := '玖';
tabUnitMapping(-2) := '分';
tabUnitMapping(-1) := '角';
tabUnitMapping(1) := '';
tabUnitMapping(2) := '拾';
tabUnitMapping(3) := '佰';
tabUnitMapping(4) := '仟';
tabUnitMapping(5) := '万';
tabUnitMapping(6) := '拾';
tabUnitMapping(7) := '佰';
tabUnitMapping(8) := '仟';
tabUnitMapping(9) := '亿';
For i In 1 .. numLenYuan Loop
j := numLenYuan - i + 1;
numUnitIndex := Mod(i, 8);
If numUnitIndex = 0 Then
numUnitIndex := 8;
End If;
If numUnitIndex = 1 And i > 1 Then
strRstYuan := tabUnitMapping(9) || strRstYuan;
End If;
charCurrentNum := substr(strYuan, j, 1);
If charCurrentNum <> 0 Then
strRstYuan := tabNumMapping(charCurrentNum) ||
tabUnitMapping(numUnitIndex) || strRstYuan;
If (i = 1 Or i = 5) Then
If substr(strYuan, j - 3, 4) <> '0000' Then
strRstYuan := tabUnitMapping(numUnitIndex) || strRstYuan;
End If;
If substr(strYuan, j + 1, 1) <> '0' Then
strRstYuan := tabNumMapping(charCurrentNum) || strRstYuan;
End If;
End If;
End If;
End Loop;
For i In -2 .. -1 Loop
j := numLenYuan - i;
charCurrentNum := substr(strYuanFen, j, 1);
If charCurrentNum <> '0' Then
strRstFen := tabNumMapping(charCurrentNum) || tabUnitMapping(i) ||
End If;
End Loop;
If strRstYuan Is Not Null Then
strRstYuan := strRstYuan || '圆';
End If;
If strRstFen Is Null Then
strRstYuan := strRstYuan || '整';
Elsif length(strRstFen) = 2 And substr(strRstFen, 2) = '角' Then
strRstFen := strRstFen || '整';
End If;
strRst := strRstYuan || strRstFen;
--strRst := Replace(strRst, '亿零', '亿');
--strRst := Replace(strRst, '万零', '万');
Return strRst;
End Money2Chinese;</pre>
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