package main
import ( "flag" "image" "image/draw" "image/jpeg" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "" "" ) var ( dpi = flag.Float64("dpi", 72, "screen resolution in Dots Per Inch") fontfile = flag.String("fontfile", "luxisr.ttf", "filename of the ttf font") hinting = flag.String("hinting", "none", "none | full") size = flag.Float64("size", 12, "font size in points") spacing = flag.Float64("spacing", 1.5, "line spacing (e.g. 2 means double spaced)") wonb = flag.Bool("whiteonblack", false, "white text on a black background") ) var text = []string{ "33333333333333333", } func main() { flag.Parse() //读取字体 fontBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*fontfile) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } //解析字体 f, err := freetype.ParseFont(fontBytes) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } // 初始化图片背景 fg := image.Black if *wonb { fg = image.White } //初始化一张图片,生成原图 imgB, _ := os.Open("a.jpg") img, _ := jpeg.Decode(imgB) defer imgB.Close() b := img.Bounds() rgba := image.NewNRGBA(b) draw.Draw(rgba, rgba.Bounds(), img, image.ZP, draw.Src) //在图片上面添加文字 c := freetype.NewContext() c.SetDPI(*dpi) //设置字体 c.SetFont(f) //设置大小 c.SetFontSize(*size) //设置边界 c.SetClip(rgba.Bounds()) //设置背景底图 c.SetDst(rgba) //设置背景图 c.SetSrc(fg) //设置提示 switch *hinting { default: c.SetHinting(font.HintingNone) case "full": c.SetHinting(font.HintingFull) } // 画文字 pt := freetype.Pt(10, 10+int(c.PointToFixed(*size)>>6)) for _, s := range text { _, err = c.DrawString(s, pt) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } pt.Y += c.PointToFixed(*size * *spacing) } imgw, _ := os.Create("out.jpg") jpeg.Encode(imgw, rgba, &jpeg.Options{100}) defer imgw.Close() }