本文完整代码和数据已经上传到Github. https://github.com/YoungTimes/GNN/tree/master/GAE
GraphSage通过采样邻居的策略将GCN的训练方式由全图(Full Batch)方式修改为以节点为中心的小批量(Mini Batch)的方式,这使得大规模图数据的分布式训练成为可能。
Visual illustration of the GraphSAGE sample and aggregate approach,图片来源[1]
GNN模型中,图的信息聚合过程是沿着Graph Edge进行的,GNN中节点在第(k+1)层的特征只与其在(k)层的邻居有关,这种局部性质使得节点在(k)层的特征只与自己的k阶子图有关。因此对于k层网络,只需要采样Graph的k阶子图,就可以满足训练的需求。
def sampling(src_nodes, sample_num, neighbor_table):
src_nodes {list, ndarray} -- 源节点列表
sample_num {int} -- 需要采样的节点数
neighbor_table {dict} -- 节点到其邻居节点的映射表
np.ndarray -- 采样结果构成的列表
results = []
for sid in src_nodes:
# 从节点的邻居中进行有放回地进行采样
res = np.random.choice(neighbor_table[sid], size=(sample_num, ))
return np.asarray(results).flatten()
def multihop_sampling(src_nodes, sample_nums, neighbor_table):
src_nodes {list, np.ndarray} -- 源节点id
sample_nums {list of int} -- 每一阶需要采样的个数
neighbor_table {dict} -- 节点到其邻居节点的映射
[list of ndarray] -- 每一阶采样的结果
sampling_result = [src_nodes]
for k, hopk_num in enumerate(sample_nums):
hopk_result = sampling(sampling_result[k], hopk_num, neighbor_table)
return sampling_result
class NeighborAggregator(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim,
use_bias=False, aggr_method="mean"):
input_dim: 输入特征的维度
output_dim: 输出特征的维度
use_bias: 是否使用偏置 (default: {False})
aggr_method: 邻居聚合方式 (default: {mean})
super(NeighborAggregator, self).__init__()
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.output_dim = output_dim
self.use_bias = use_bias
self.aggr_method = aggr_method
self.weight = self.add_weight(shape = (self.input_dim, self.output_dim),
initializer = 'glorot_uniform',
name = 'kernel')
if self.use_bias:
self.bias = self.add_weight(shape = (self.input_dim, self.output_dim),
initializer = 'zero',
name = 'bias')
def call(self, neighbor_feature):
if self.aggr_method == "mean":
aggr_neighbor = tf.math.reduce_mean(neighbor_feature, axis = 1)
elif self.aggr_method == "sum":
aggr_neighbor = tf.math.reduce_sum(neighbor_feature, axis = 1)
elif self.aggr_method == "max":
aggr_neighbor = tf.math.reduce_max(neighbor_feature, axis = 1)
raise ValueError("Unknown aggr type, expected sum, max, or mean, but got {}"
neighbor_hidden = tf.matmul(aggr_neighbor, self.weight)
if self.use_bias:
neighbor_hidden += self.bias
return neighbor_hidden
可以看到,这里我们不再将整个Cora Dataset作为网络的输入,而是把Trainning Data分为一个个的Batch喂给模型。
data = CoraData().data()
train_index = np.where(data.train_mask)[0]
train_label = data.y[train_index]
test_index = np.where(data.test_mask)[0]
val_index = np.where(data.val_mask)[0]
model = GraphSage(input_dim=INPUT_DIM, hidden_dim=HIDDEN_DIM,
loss_object = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)
optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.01, decay=5e-4)
def train():
for e in range(EPOCHS):
for batch in range(NUM_BATCH_PER_EPOCH):
batch_src_index = np.random.choice(train_index, size=(BTACH_SIZE,))
batch_src_label = train_label[batch_src_index].astype(float)
batch_sampling_result = multihop_sampling(batch_src_index, NUM_NEIGHBORS_LIST, data.adjacency_dict)
batch_sampling_x = [data.x[np.array(idx.astype(np.int32))] for idx in batch_sampling_result]
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
batch_train_logits = model(batch_sampling_x)
loss = loss_object(batch_src_label, batch_train_logits)
grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))
print("Epoch {:03d} Batch {:03d} Loss: {:.4f}".format(e, batch, loss))
在Tensorflow 2.0中实现代码时,出现:"No gradients provided for any variable"的错误,追了半天,才在stackoverflow上找到原因:
Yup, this is a mildly annoying thing about GradientTape. You cannot do anything to the tensors outside the tape context (with...) or the tape will "lose track". You can fix it by simply moving the addition into the context:
def test(index):
test_sampling_result = multihop_sampling(index, NUM_NEIGHBORS_LIST, data.adjacency_dict)
test_x = [data.x[idx.astype(np.int32)] for idx in test_sampling_result]
test_logits = model(test_x)
test_label = data.y[index]
ll = tf.math.equal(tf.math.argmax(test_label, -1), tf.math.argmax(test_logits, -1))
accuarcy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(ll, dtype=tf.float32))
return accuarcy
from train import train
Process data ...
Loading cora dataset...
Dataset has 2708 nodes, 2708 edges, 1433 features.
Epoch 000 train accuracy: 0.7733333110809326 val accuracy: 0.508571445941925 test accuracy:0.4180253744125366
Epoch 001 train accuracy: 0.9599999785423279 val accuracy: 0.7142857313156128 test accuracy:0.6607789993286133
Epoch 002 train accuracy: 0.9933333396911621 val accuracy: 0.7457143068313599 test accuracy:0.648097813129425
Epoch 003 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7142857313156128 test accuracy:0.6503623127937317
Epoch 004 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7142857313156128 test accuracy:0.6557971239089966
Epoch 005 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7200000286102295 test accuracy:0.6557971239089966
Epoch 006 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7171428799629211 test accuracy:0.65625
Epoch 007 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7342857122421265 test accuracy:0.65625
Epoch 008 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7285714149475098 test accuracy:0.6598731875419617
Epoch 009 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7142857313156128 test accuracy:0.6607789993286133
Epoch 010 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7200000286102295 test accuracy:0.6675724387168884
Epoch 011 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7171428799629211 test accuracy:0.6634963750839233
Epoch 012 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7314285635948181 test accuracy:0.6616848111152649
Epoch 013 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7114285826683044 test accuracy:0.6612318754196167
Epoch 014 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7114285826683044 test accuracy:0.6612318754196167
Epoch 015 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7028571367263794 test accuracy:0.6598731875419617
Epoch 016 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7171428799629211 test accuracy:0.6662137508392334
Epoch 017 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7142857313156128 test accuracy:0.6630434989929199
Epoch 018 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7228571176528931 test accuracy:0.6630434989929199
Epoch 019 train accuracy: 1.0 val accuracy: 0.7171428799629211 test accuracy:0.6630434989929199