1、添加头部: from mitmproxy import http
def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo"
2、添加头部,类的方式: from mitmproxy import http
class AddHeader: def response(self, flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: flow.response.headers["newheader"] = "foo"
addons = [AddHeader()] 3、contentviews: from mitmproxy import contentviews
class ViewSwapCase(contentviews.View): name = "swapcase" content_types = ["text/plain"]
def __call__(self, data, **metadata) -> contentviews.TViewResult:
return "case-swapped text", contentviews.format_text(data.swapcase())
view = ViewSwapCase()
def load(l): contentviews.add(view)
def done(): contentviews.remove(view)
4、custom_option from mitmproxy import ctx
def load(l): ctx.log.info("Registering option 'custom'") l.add_option("custom", bool, False, "A custom option")
def configure(updated): if "custom" in updated: ctx.log.info("custom option value: %s" % ctx.options.custom)
5、flowfilter from mitmproxy import flowfilter from mitmproxy import ctx, http
class Filter: def init(self): self.filter: flowfilter.TFilter = None
def configure(self, updated):
self.filter = flowfilter.parse(ctx.options.flowfilter)
def load(self, l):
"flowfilter", str, "", "Check that flow matches filter."
def response(self, flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None:
if flowfilter.match(self.filter, flow):
ctx.log.info("Flow matches filter:")
addons = [Filter()]
6、替换内容: from mitmproxy import http
def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: reflector = b"<style>body {transform: scaleX(-1);}</style></head>" flow.response.content = flow.response.content.replace(b"</head>", reflector)
7、呵呵 from mitmproxy import http
def response(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: flow.response.content = b"hehe"
8、io?? from mitmproxy import io from mitmproxy.exceptions import FlowReadException import pprint import sys
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as logfile: freader = io.FlowReader(logfile) pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) try: for f in freader.stream(): print(f) print(f.request.host) pp.pprint(f.get_state()) print("") except FlowReadException as e: print("Flow file corrupted: {}".format(e))
-- import random import sys from mitmproxy import io, http import typing # noqa
class Writer: def init(self, path: str) -> None: self.f: typing.IO[bytes] = open(path, "wb") self.w = io.FlowWriter(self.f)
def response(self, flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None:
if random.choice([True, False]):
def done(self):
addons = [Writer(sys.argv[1])]
9、修改: import re from urllib.parse import urljoin
def response(flow):
if "Content-Type" in flow.response.headers and flow.response.headers["Content-Type"].find("text/html") != -1:
pageUrl = flow.request.url
pageText = flow.response.text
pattern = (r"<a\s+(?:[^>]*?\s+)?href=(?P<delimiter>[\"'])"
rel_matcher = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
rel_matches = rel_matcher.finditer(pageText)
map_dict = {}
for match_num, match in enumerate(rel_matches):
(delimiter, rel_link) = match.group("delimiter", "link")
abs_link = urljoin(pageUrl, rel_link)
map_dict["{0}{1}{0}".format(delimiter, rel_link)] = "{0}{1}{0}".format(delimiter, abs_link)
for map in map_dict.items():
pageText = pageText.replace(*map)
# Uncomment the following to print the expansion mapping
# print("{0} -> {1}".format(*map))
flow.response.text = pageText
10、载入: from mitmproxy import ctx
def load(l): ctx.log.info("This is some informative text.") ctx.log.warn("This is a warning.") ctx.log.error("This is an error.") 11、修改query:
from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: flow.request.query["mitmproxy"] = "rocks" 12、修改form: from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: if flow.request.urlencoded_form: # If there's already a form, one can just add items to the dict: flow.request.urlencoded_form["mitmproxy"] = "rocks" else: # One can also just pass new form data. # This sets the proper content type and overrides the body. flow.request.urlencoded_form = [ ("foo", "bar") ] 13\重定向: """ This example shows two ways to redirect flows to another server. """ from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: # pretty_host takes the "Host" header of the request into account, # which is useful in transparent mode where we usually only have the IP # otherwise. if flow.request.pretty_host == "example.org": flow.request.host = "mitmproxy.org"
-- from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None: # pretty_url takes the "Host" header of the request into account, which # is useful in transparent mode where we usually only have the IP otherwise.
if flow.request.pretty_url == "http://example.com/path":
flow.response = http.HTTPResponse.make(
200, # (optional) status code
b"Hello World", # (optional) content
{"Content-Type": "text/html"} # (optional) headers