%% Take Home Exam 4: Question 3
% Anja Deric | April 13, 2020
% Clear all variables and load images in
clear all; close all;
filenames{1,1} = '3096_color.jpg';
filenames{1,2} = '42049_color.jpg';
for imageCounter = 1:2 %size(filenames,2)
% Load and display original image
imdata = imread(filenames{1,imageCounter});
figure(1); subplot(size(filenames,2),3,(imageCounter-1)*3+1);
imshow(imdata); title('Original Image');
% Create and normalize feature vector
[R,C,D] = size(imdata); N = R*C; imdata = double(imdata);
rowIndices = [1:R]'*ones(1,C); colIndices = ones(R,1)*[1:C];
% Initialize with row and column indices
features = [rowIndices(:)';colIndices(:)'];
% Add RGB values to feature vector
for d = 1:D
imdatad = imdata(:,:,d);
features = [features;imdatad(:)'];
% Map all features to [0,1] range
minf = min(features,[],2); maxf = max(features,[],2);
ranges = maxf-minf;
normalized = diag(ranges.^(-1))*(features-repmat(minf,1,N));
% Fit 2-component GMM to image
params = statset('MaxIter',1000);
GMModel_2 = fitgmdist(normalized',2,'regularizationValue',1e-10, ...
% Reshape and plot 2-component image
labels = cluster(GMModel_2,normalized')==2;
labelImage = reshape(labels,R,C);
figure(1); subplot(size(filenames,2),3,(imageCounter-1)*3+2);
imshow(uint8(labelImage*255)); title('2 Component Image');
% 10-fold cross validation for 1-6 GMM component models
kfold_split = cvpartition(length(normalized),'KFold',10);
M = 6; K = 10; log_likelihood = zeros(M,K);
for m = 1:M % component model
for k = 1:K % cross-val
% Get train and test data for each set
train_index = kfold_split.training(k);
test_index = kfold_split.test(k);
train_data = normalized(:,find(train_index));
test_data = normalized(:,find(test_index));
% Fit GMModel to training data
GMModel = fitgmdist(train_data',m,'regularizationValue',...
all_GMModels{m,k} = GMModel;
% Calculate and store validation log-likelihood
GMM_pdf = pdf(GMModel,test_data');
log_likelihood(m,k) = sum(log(GMM_pdf));
% Average all likelihoods and find best model order
averagemleTest = mean(log_likelihood',1)
[~, best_model] = max(averagemleTest);
% Fit ideal GMModel to image and create labels
best_GMModel = fitgmdist(normalized',best_model,'regularizationValue',...
best_labels = cluster(best_GMModel,normalized')-1;
% Reshape image into original shape and plot
best_labelImage = reshape(best_labels,R,C);
figure(1); subplot(size(filenames,2),3,(imageCounter-1)*3+3);
title('Best Component Fit');
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