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What What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?

发布2022-09-20 19:15:29
发布2022-09-20 19:15:29


What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) store, analyze and visualize data for geographic positions on Earth’s surface. GIS is a computer-based tool that examines spatial relationships, patterns and trends. By connecting geography with data, GIS better understands data using a geographic context.

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system that analyzes and displays geographically referenced information. It uses data that is attached to a unique location.

Most of the information we have about our world contains a location reference: Where are USGS streamgages located? Where was a rock sample collected? Exactly where are all of a city's fire hydrants?

If, for example, a rare plant is observed in three different places, GIS analysis might show that the plants are all on north-facing slopes that are above an elevation of 1,000 feet and that get more than ten inches of rain per year. GIS maps can then display all locations in the area that have similar conditions, so researchers know where to look for more of the rare plants.

By knowing the geographic location of farms using a specific fertilizer, GIS analysis of farm locations, stream locations, elevations, and rainfall will show which streams are likely to carry that fertilizer downstream.

These are just a few examples of the many uses of GIS in earth sciences, biology, resource management, and many other fields.

The 4 main ideas of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are:

§ Create geographic data.

§ Manage it in a database.

§ Analyze and find patterns.

§ Visualize it on a map.

Because viewing and analyzing data on maps impacts our understanding of data, we can make better decisions using GIS. It helps us understand what is where. Analysis becomes simple. Answers become clear.

Every day, GIS powers millions of decisions around world. It makes a big impact in our life and you might not even realize. For example, we use GIS for:

§ Pinpointing new store locations

§ Reporting power outages

§ Analyzing crime patterns

§ Routing in car navigation

§ Forecasting and predicting weather

“Because you don’t fully understand your data until you see how it relates to other things in a geographic context.”


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