public interface PlayBackListener {
void onTxnLoaded(TxnHeader hdr, Record rec, TxnDigest digest);
public long restore(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions, PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException {
long snapLoadingStartTime = Time.currentElapsedTime();
long deserializeResult = snapLog.deserialize(dt, sessions);
ServerMetrics.getMetrics().STARTUP_SNAP_LOAD_TIME.add(Time.currentElapsedTime() - snapLoadingStartTime);
FileTxnLog txnLog = new FileTxnLog(dataDir);
boolean trustEmptyDB;
File initFile = new File(dataDir.getParent(), "initialize");
if (Files.deleteIfExists(initFile.toPath())) {"Initialize file found, an empty database will not block voting participation");
trustEmptyDB = true;
} else {
trustEmptyDB = autoCreateDB;
RestoreFinalizer finalizer = () -> {
long highestZxid = fastForwardFromEdits(dt, sessions, listener);
// The snapshotZxidDigest will reset after replaying the txn of the
// zxid in the snapshotZxidDigest, if it's not reset to null after
// restoring, it means either there are not enough txns to cover that
// zxid or that txn is missing
DataTree.ZxidDigest snapshotZxidDigest = dt.getDigestFromLoadedSnapshot();
if (snapshotZxidDigest != null) {
"Highest txn zxid 0x{} is not covering the snapshot digest zxid 0x{}, "
+ "which might lead to inconsistent state",
return highestZxid;
if (-1L == deserializeResult) {
/* this means that we couldn't find any snapshot, so we need to
* initialize an empty database (reported in ZOOKEEPER-2325) */
if (txnLog.getLastLoggedZxid() != -1) {
// ZOOKEEPER-3056: provides an escape hatch for users upgrading
// from old versions of zookeeper (3.4.x, pre 3.5.3).
if (!trustEmptySnapshot) {
throw new IOException(EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_WARNING + "Something is broken!");
} else {
LOG.warn("{}This should only be allowed during upgrading.", EMPTY_SNAPSHOT_WARNING);
if (trustEmptyDB) {
/* TODO: (br33d) we should either put a ConcurrentHashMap on restore()
* or use Map on save() */
save(dt, (ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>) sessions, false);
/* return a zxid of 0, since we know the database is empty */
return 0L;
} else {
/* return a zxid of -1, since we are possibly missing data */
LOG.warn("Unexpected empty data tree, setting zxid to -1");
dt.lastProcessedZxid = -1L;
return -1L;
public void save(
DataTree dataTree,
ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> sessionsWithTimeouts,
boolean syncSnap) throws IOException {
long lastZxid = dataTree.lastProcessedZxid;
File snapshotFile = new File(snapDir, Util.makeSnapshotName(lastZxid));"Snapshotting: 0x{} to {}", Long.toHexString(lastZxid), snapshotFile);
try {
snapLog.serialize(dataTree, sessionsWithTimeouts, snapshotFile, syncSnap);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (snapshotFile.length() == 0) {
/* This may be caused by a full disk. In such a case, the server
* will get stuck in a loop where it tries to write a snapshot
* out to disk, and ends up creating an empty file instead.
* Doing so will eventually result in valid snapshots being
* removed during cleanup. */
if (snapshotFile.delete()) {"Deleted empty snapshot file: {}", snapshotFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
LOG.warn("Could not delete empty snapshot file: {}", snapshotFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
/* Something else went wrong when writing the snapshot out to
* disk. If this snapshot file is invalid, when restarting,
* ZooKeeper will skip it, and find the last known good snapshot
* instead. */
throw e;