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Buzzcast_buzz killer

发布2022-11-04 17:34:52
发布2022-11-04 17:34:52

Episode 49 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), Brad Williams (@williamsba), and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第49集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves ),Brad Williams( @williamsba )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

  • SitePoint Podcast #49: Buzz Kill (MP3, 53.3MB) SitePoint Podcast#49:Buzz Kill (MP3,53.3MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Adobe/Apple and Flash/iPad take two

Adobe / Apple和Flash / iPad需要两个

Letter from vmtech: Apple’s Touch Devices and Accessibility


Letter from roddog63: Adobe Should Destroy Apple


Wired demos its iPad reader


Google Buzz is Released

Google Buzz发布了

Letter from Don Elliott: Chrome Bookmark Sync a Must for Business

Don Elliott的来信:Chrome书签同步了商务必备

SitePoint PDF Giveaway Winner: trauman

SitePoint PDF赠品获胜者: 受伤

Host Spotlights:


显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: February 19th, 2010. Adobe fights a war on three fronts, Google Buzz evokes Pownce’s past, and loads of listener feedback. I’m Kevin Yank and this is the SitePoint Podcast #49: Buzz Kill.

凯文(Kevin): 2010年2月19日。Adobe在三个方面展开斗争,Google Buzz唤起了Pownce的过去,以及听众的反馈。 我是Kevin Yank,这是SitePoint播客#49:Buzz Kill。

Kevin: And welcome to the show. With us today, Brad Williams of WebDev Studios. Hi Brad.

凯文:欢迎参加演出。 今天,我们与WebDev Studios的Brad Williams在一起。 嗨,布拉德。

Brad: Hello.


Kevin: And Stephan Segraves from Houston, Texas.


Stephan: Howdy.


Kevin: Hello. Patrick is away today, but he’ll be rejoining us on a future episode. On the show today, we’re kind of looking backwards a bit this week. We’ll be revisiting the Adobe Flash debate because it did generate a lot of comments from our listenership and a lot of sort of back and forth between Adobe and Apple and the standards community has occurred since we last talked about it. So we’ll take a look at that a bit.

凯文:你好。 帕特里克(Patrick)今天不在,但他会在以后的节目中重新加入我们。 在今天的节目中,我们本周有点倒退。 我们将重新审视Adobe Flash的争论,因为它确实引起了我们听众的评论,并且自上次讨论以来,在Adobe和Apple与标准社区之间发生了许多来回回荡。 因此,我们将对此进行一些研究。

Also on the show today, we’re going to be looking at Google Buzz. We’ve all taken a look at Google’s latest boondoggle and we’ll be swapping our impressions and seeing what it means to us whether it’s worth your attention or not.

同样在今天的节目中,我们将关注Google Buzz。 我们都看过Google的最新产品,我们将交换我们的印象,看看这是否值得您关注。

Of course, we will be hearing from a bunch of our listeners who have, as I mentioned, left a lot of comments the last time we spoke about Flash and Adobe and the iPad and so I’ll reading out several of your comments and we’ll be responding to those. As always, our host spotlights and the PDF giveaway for people who left us iTunes reviews of our last show. So let’s dive right in and talk about Adobe Flash, the future of Flash in light of the iPad.

当然,我们将听到一群听众的声音,就像我提到的那样,上次我们谈到Flash,Adobe和iPad时留下了很多评论,因此我将朗读您的一些评论,我们将对此做出回应。 与往常一样,我们的主持人聚光灯和PDF赠品是给那些让我们离开我们上次演出的iTunes评论的人们的礼物。 因此,让我们深入探讨一下Adobe Flash,根据iPad来看Flash的未来。

Brad, Adobe is kind of on the defensive, it looks like, right?


Brad: Yeah, they definitely are and we’re reading of official Adobe blog and Dave McAllister made a post that kind of explained why Flash is not completely open. They’ve taken a lot of heat because of that and that’s something we’ve discussed on the show a few times. The main reason, he points out, that Flash is not open is because there is actually parts of Flash that Adobe doesn’t own, specifically the high-def video codec H.264, which is inside of Flash and it allows for the videos to be played in all sorts of different formats, Adobe doesn’t own that.

布拉德:是的,确实如此,我们正在阅读Adobe的官方博客,戴夫·麦卡利斯特(Dave McAllister)发表了一篇文章,解释了为什么Flash并未完全开放 。 因此,他们花费了很多热量,这是我们在演出中讨论过几次。 他指出,Flash未打开的主要原因是,实际上Adobe并不拥有Flash的某些部分,特别是高清视频编解码器H.264,它位于Flash内,并且允许视频要以各种不同的格式播放,Adobe对此并不拥有。

Kevin: That’s the same codec that browsers like Safari are using for their HTML5 video support as well, and that’s what some people say is wrong with HTML5 video, that it doesn’t insist on an open codec and as a result browser makers who want to support these video standards potentially will need to pay license fees in the long term.


Brad: Yeah, exactly. And right now from this blog post, it sounds like Adobe is actually paying those fees so that we can use Flash and if they were to open it they would obviously have to swap that out with an open video codec since they don’t own it.

布拉德:是的,确实如此。 现在从这篇博文中看来,Adobe实际上正在支付这些费用,以便我们可以使用Flash,如果他们要打开Flash,则显然必须将其换成开放的视频编解码器,因为他们不拥有它。

Kevin: We’ve seen Mozilla make that move with Firefox, its HTML5 video support uses Ogg Theora, which is a completely open and free video codec but people argue that it isn’t as refined, as powerful technologically; you don’t get as much video quality for a particular bandwidth setting, so it gives you inferior video, but it’s open. So it seems clear which side of that tradeoff Flash wants to be on. They want to be on the high quality, but not quite open side.

凯文(Kevin):我们已经看到Mozilla通过Firefox来实现这一目标,它对HTML5的视频支持使用了Ogg Theora,这是一个完全开放和免费的视频编解码器,但人们认为它在技术上没有那么完善。 对于特定的带宽设置,您不会获得太多的视频质量,因此它给您带来的视频质量较差,但它是开放的。 因此,很显然,要在Flash的折衷方案中选择哪一方。 他们希望保持高质量,但又不能过于开放。

That blog post opens by claiming that Flash is open. So my question is, how is it open?

该博客文章声称Flash已打开而打开。 所以我的问题是,它如何打开?

Brad: I think they mean more like they are open standards, as far as working with Flash…


Kevin: So if someone else wants to take their file format, pay the H.264 licenses fees, they’re welcome to create Flash player of their own. They’re open in that sense.

凯文(Kevin):因此,如果其他人希望采用其文件格式,并支付H.264许可费,则欢迎他们创建自己的Flash播放器。 它们在这种意义上是开放的。

Brad: Yeah, exactly, and they even point out that anyone can make their own Flash player, including Apple since they were specific to point that out, if they wanted based on these kind of coding standards that they’ve released or the Flash file format specifications.

布拉德:是的,确切的说,他们甚至指出,任何人都可以制作自己的Flash Player,包括Apple,因为他们明确指出了这一点,如果他们想基于自己发布的这类编码标准或Flash文件的话格式规格。

Kevin: That reminds me, actually, that Apple have created their own plug ins in the past. Apple created their own Java plug in when they wanted to support Java Applets in their browsers and run Java on the Mac OS X operating system. Sun created their own virtual machine for Windows, and eventually got around to doing one for Linux as well, but Apple developed their own Java plug in for their browsers that run on the Mac. And so, it’s not unprecedented that if Apple saw value in the flash platform but thought that Adobe weren’t up to the task of building a really good Flash plug-in for their operating system, Apple has, in the past, made that kind of move where they would go in and just build it themselves.

凯文:实际上,这使我想起了苹果公司曾经创建过自己的插件。 当苹果希望在其浏览器中支持Java Applet并在Mac OS X操作系统上运行Java时,他们创建了自己的Java插件。 Sun为Windows创建了自己的虚拟机,最终也为Linux进行了开发,但是Apple为在Mac上运行的浏览器开发了自己的Java插件。 因此,如果苹果公司在闪存平台上看到了价值,但认为Adobe没有完成为自己的操作系统构建真正好的Flash插件这一任务,那苹果过去就已经做到了这一点。他们会去的地方,然后自己建造。

Brad: If Apple really wanted to do it, they could certainly do it. So it’s not a very good argument just to say “we’re not going to do it.” It’s obvious they’re doing that for a different reason.

布拉德:如果苹果真的想这样做,他们当然可以做到。 因此,仅说“我们不会这样做”不是一个很好的论据。 很明显,他们这样做是出于不同的原因。

Kevin: Yeah, so Apple is not doing it because it’s not open because they’ve rebuilt that the thing themselves when they wanted to support something that wasn’t open.


Bill Hannah wrote in to the SitePoint podcast email address with another perspective on the lack of Flash support in iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. He says,

Bill Hannah在给SitePoint播客电子邮件地址中写信的另一种观点是,iPad,iPhone和iPod touch中缺少Flash支持。 他说,

“I think you’re underestimating the importance of Flash in today’s web. First, Flash was installed in over 95% of browsers before video support was introduced. The reason was it gave developers and users abilities that weren’t available in the native browser. Second, there are huge problems with HTML5, while it aims to make some of Flash’s features native to the browser, it doesn’t replace them all. Also, don’t expect Microsoft to adopt any of these new specs until they’re finalized. This isn’t going any time soon. I wouldn’t expect any meaningful HTML5 support in IE until at least version 11. After support has been added it’s still going to be a few years for the market to adopt the new browser. On top of that, there’s no tools available to make development easy enough or robust enough for real world use. Sure you can use canvas, SVG and JavaScript to create animations, but it’s not easy. At the moment, I can spend a week doing a simple animation in HTML5 or a few hours in Flash and after only a small minority would be able to view the HTML5 version. “我认为您低估了Flash在当今网络中的重要性。 首先,在引入视频支持之前,Flash已安装在95%以上的浏览器中。 原因是它为开发人员和用户提供了本机浏览器无法提供的功能。 其次,HTML5存在很大的问题,尽管HTML5的目的是使Flash的某些功能成为浏览器的固有功能,但并不能替代所有功能。 另外,不要指望Microsoft在最终确定这些新规范之前采用它们。 这不会很快发生。 至少在第11版之前,我预计IE中不会提供任何有意义HTML5支持。添加支持后,市场采用新浏览器还需要几年的时间。 最重要的是,没有可用的工具来使开发足够容易或足够健壮以供实际使用。 当然,您可以使用画布,SVG和JavaScript来创建动画,但这并不容易。 目前,我可以花一个星期的时间在HTML5中制作一个简单的动画,或者在Flash中花几个小时,然后只有一小部分人才能查看HTML5版本。 “Most of the commentary I’ve heard about Flash has been parotting Steve Jobs’s view. While there is some truth to the issues raised about Flash, not all of them are the fault of the platform. First, I don’t buy Steve Jobs’s claim that most Mac crashes are caused by Flash, but of the crashes that are caused by Flash, most are due to poor coding. And these same people who sell themselves as Flash developers move to HTML5 (as you purpose will happen), then JavaScript will be the leading cause of crashes. “我听说过的有关Flash的大多数评论都与乔布斯的观点不符。 尽管有关Flash的问题有些道理,但并非所有问题都是平台的错。 首先,我不赞成史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的说法,即大多数Mac崩溃是由Flash引起的,但是在由Flash引起的崩溃中,大多数是由于编码不正确造成的。 而这些随Flash开发人员推销HTML5的人(正如您将要实现的那样)推销自己,那么JavaScript将成为崩溃的主要原因。 “Also, these same people have no clue about usability, design or user experience will commit the same sins on whatever platform they use, instead Punch the Monkey will be done in a standards compliant way. In five years standards will be where Flash is now, but I doubt Adobe will be sitting still. Flash has its place and will continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible on the Web.” “此外,这些人对可用性,设计或用户体验一无所知,他们将在所使用的任何平台上犯下相同的罪过,取而代之的是,Punch the Monkey将以符合标准的方式进行。 五年后,Flash将成为现在的标准,但是我怀疑Adobe是否会停滞不前。 Flash占有一席之地,并将继续推动Web的无限可能。”

What do you guys think?


Stephan: I agree with his point about Steve Jobs. I don’t think that’s the real reason, that it causes Mac crashes. I go to Flash web sites all the time and it doesn’t crash mine, so I don’t really buy that. But, I don’t know … will it still have a place? I’m torn on that. People said that Java would be around; Java on the Web would be around forever and where is it now? And that’s it’s kind of funny to me that Java is not supported on the iPhone either, like in the browser and no one complains. Why is that? Because it’s not relevant anymore. And I think that Flash is still relevant, yes, but will it be in the future? I don’t know.

斯蒂芬:我同意他关于史蒂夫·乔布斯的观点。 我认为这不是真正的原因,它会导致Mac崩溃。 我一直在访问Flash网站,它不会使我崩溃,所以我真的不买。 但是,我不知道……它还会有地方吗? 我为此感到震惊。 人们说Java将会出现。 Web上的Java将永远存在,现在在哪里呢? 这对我来说很有趣,iPhone也不支持Java,就像浏览器一样,没有人抱怨。 这是为什么? 因为它不再相关了。 而且我认为Flash仍然很重要,是的,但是将来会吗? 我不知道。

Brad: I just hope by the time Internet Explorer 11 comes out that they’ve officially stopped supporting IE6. That’s what I got from that comment.

布拉德:我只是希望Internet Explorer 11发布时,他们已经正式停止支持IE6。 这就是我从评论中得到的。

Kevin: Yeah. Please!

凯文:是的。 请!

Stephan: (laughing)


Kevin: Call me naïve, but I’m a little more optimistic about what we’re going to see in Internet Explorer 9 as far as new standard support. I would be surprised if Canvas wasn’t in IE9. You can quote me on that.

凯文(Kevin):天真地称呼我,但是我对新标准支持方面在Internet Explorer 9中看到的内容感到更加乐观。 如果Canvas不在IE9中,我会感到惊讶。 你可以引用我的话。

Okay, what is Apple’s interest in supporting or not supporting Flash? They’re not in a competing business, so it seems like the only reason they would do it or not do it would be because it would hurt or improve the experience of the Web on their devices or maybe it’s just a development effort that they’re hoping they can do without.

好的,Apple对支持或不支持Flash有什么兴趣? 他们不是从事竞争性业务,所以似乎他们做或不做的唯一原因是因为这会损害或改善其设备上的Web体验,或者仅仅是他们的开发工作希望他们能做到。

Brad: As far as video, I mean, I think it forces a lot of developers and websites to actually look at QuickTime for streaming video across the mobile platform so that it would be supported. That’s just the video side of it, but that certainly is going to put more of a spotlight on QuickTime than anything else.

布拉德:对于视频,我的意思是,我认为这迫使许多开发人员和网站实际使用QuickTime在整个移动平台上流式传输视频,以便对其进行支持。 那只是视频方面的问题,但是毫无疑问,这将在QuickTime上引起更多关注。

Stephan: Do you think that… I agree with that, Brad, but do you think that Apple’s maybe trying to protect the—I don’t want to say brand—but trying to protect the image of the iPhone as being sleek and fast? Because if someone goes to a Flash website that’s a game, let’s say, and it loads slowly because the phone just can’t handle the resources that are being put on it by the game. Do you think then that Apple is trying to protect that from looking bad, reflecting badly on their device whereas it could be like the person said, poorly written code.

史蒂芬:布拉德,你是否认为……我同意这一点,但是你认为苹果公司可能试图保护iPhone的外观-我不想说品牌-而是试图保护iPhone既时尚又快捷的形象? 因为如果有人访问了一个Flash游戏网站,那么它加载速度很慢,因为手机无法处理游戏所投放的资源。 那么您是否认为Apple试图保护其外观,使其在设备上反射不良,而这就像该人所说的那样,编写的代码不好。

Brad: It’s funny, that’s an interesting question, because I think the iPhone kind of looks like Flash anyways. When I’m flipping through my applications and their nice little bubbly icons and I click on them and I hit a little loading screen then I get to play this little game or an application or whatever it is, it reminds me of Flash, the entire process on the iPhone reminds me of Flash. At least to me, because I just kind of envision Flash as being this bubbly quirky little system where you can have games and different elements that a normal website wouldn’t have. But, I don’t know as far as from the slowing down standpoint, you’re right, the iPhone kind of relies on being sleek and fast and everything is suppose to work right, but it’s hard to say.

布拉德:这很有趣,这是一个有趣的问题,因为我认为iPhone无论如何看起来都像Flash。 当我浏览应用程序和它们漂亮的小气泡图标时,我点击它们,然后点击一个加载屏幕,然后我开始玩这个小游戏或一个应用程序或其他任何东西,这让我想起了Flash,整个iPhone上的处理让我想起了Flash。 至少对我来说,因为我只是将Flash设想为这个起泡的古怪小系统,您可以在其中拥有游戏和普通网站所没有的各种元素。 但是,从减速的角度来看,我不知道您是对的,iPhone依赖于时尚和快速,一切都应该能正常工作,但这很难说。

Stephan: Will people really want to buy it if they start hearing their friends say, “Well I tried to go to this website and it just crapped out on me.” I think that would start to be a turn off to people if that’s all they heard all the time. I mean, granted, it’s probably not going to happen, but maybe Apple’s looking at that too.

史蒂芬(Stephan):如果人们开始听到朋友说:“好吧,我试图去这个网站,但它只是在我身上cr了出来,”人们真的想买吗? 我认为,如果人们一直听到这一切,那将开始成为人们的选择。 我的意思是,这当然不会发生,但也许苹果也在考虑这一点。

Brad: Is that something that Apple should be deciding or is that something that the community in the iPhone users should put pressure on. If Flash did work on the iPhone don’t you think the people that actually use it on the iPhone, if it wasn’t working for them, they would voice their concerns and opinions to Apple and Adobe and whoever is actually supporting it.

布拉德:是苹果应该决定的事情,还是iPhone用户社区应该施加压力的事情。 如果Flash确实可以在iPhone上运行,那么您认为在iPhone上实际使用过Flash的人就不会了,如果Flash无法在iPhone上使用,那么他们会向Apple和Adobe及其支持者表达他们的担忧和意见。

Stephan: If they knew why it wasn’t working, yes.


Brad: Yeah, if they knew why it wasn’t working. Exactly.

布拉德:是的,如果他们知道为什么它不起作用。 究竟。

Kevin: We heard the news, I forget if we covered this last time we talked about this stuff, but we heard the news that Mozilla was creating a mobile version of Firefox and just before they released it, they had to switch off plug-in support because, they said, the most common plug-in, Flash, was dragging down the performance of this thing to unacceptable levels. So, I think if anyone is arguing that Steve Jobs’s points about the performance and stability of Flash, especially on a mobile platform are made up, I think you’re wrong. I think those are valid complaints right now. But I think Adobe is very much showing their willingness to work on that stuff at the moment. They seem 100% behind building the Flash player for a mobile hardware profile so that it will work and be performant. Obviously, they’re working on their Flash plug-in for Android devices and that’s going to be a really good test case. I’m really curious to see how well Flash runs on the Android platform.

凯文:我们听到了这个消息,我忘记了上一次我们谈论这个东西时是否涵盖了这一点,但是我们听到了一个消息,即Mozilla正在创建移动版本的Firefox,并且在他们发布它之前,他们必须关闭插件。他们说,支持是因为最常见的插件Flash将该产品的性能降低到了无法接受的水平。 因此,我认为如果有人在争辩说史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)关于Flash的性能和稳定性的观点,尤其是在移动平台上,是正确的,我认为您是错的。 我认为这些是目前有效的投诉。 但是我认为Adobe现在非常表明他们愿意处理这些东西。 他们似乎在为移动硬件配置文件构建Flash播放器方面落后了100%,以便它可以正常工作并表现出色。 显然,他们正在为Android设备开发其Flash插件,这将是一个非常好的测试案例。 我真的很想知道Flash在Android平台上的运行情况如何。

Brad: I just think it should be really up to the end user whether— Don’t come preinstalled the Flash, but if I want to put Flash on my device I should be allowed to. It shouldn’t be up to Apple or Firefox or whoever to tell me what I can and can’t install into the application or into that device. If it doesn’t work for me, I’ll certainly uninstall it or stop using it, but let me make the decision on what I want to install. But that goes into a whole other argument with Apple and kind of their closed wall thinking.

布拉德(Brad):我只是认为是否应该由最终用户真正决定—不要预先安装Flash,但是如果我想在设备上安装Flash,则应该允许。 它不应该由Apple或Firefox或由谁来告诉我我可以和不能安装到应用程序或该设备中的任何人。 如果它对我不起作用,我当然会卸载它或停止使用它,但让我决定要安装的内容。 但这与苹果公司以及他们的封闭式思维完全不同。

Kevin: See, if the iPhone were the only phone out there and it were a make or break situation for Flash, then Adobe would have to do something like jailbreak an iPhone develop a unofficial, unsupported Flash plug-in for the Mobile Safari web browser and show it working on this Jail Broken device, but prove that it can be stable and fast. Take it to every single conference and go, “Look what we’ve got running on the Apple hardware platform. This is what Apple will not let you have.” And if they can demonstrate that Apple’s complaints about Flash on the iPhone aren’t well founded, then great, that might be their way in. But it seems to me they have an easier path because there are other phones out there. The Android platform is allowing them to develop Flash for it. And if they do a great job, we are going to have— Because it’s really shaping up to be a race between Android and the Apple mobile platform at this point, for smart phones and if all of the Android devices have a really high quality, a really well performing and stable Flash plug in on them and the Apple devices don’t that’s going to drive demand for Apple to cave. Right now there isn’t Flash worth speaking about on any really popular mobile device. Adobe is doing the right thing as far as focusing their efforts on the Android flash experience and the better job they do with that, I think, the better the chances we will see Flash come to an Apple device in the future.

凯文:如果iPhone是唯一的手机,并且它是Flash的成败局面,那么Adobe必须做一些事情,例如越狱,iPhone为Mobile Safari Web浏览器开发一个非官方的,不受支持的Flash插件。并展示了它在此越狱设备上的运行效果,但证明它可以稳定且快速。 参加每个会议,然后转到:“看看我们在Apple硬件平台上正在运行什么。 这是苹果公司不会让你拥有的。” 而且,如果他们能证明苹果对iPhone上的Flash的抱怨不是很好的话,那就太好了,但这也许是他们的方法。但是在我看来,他们有一条更简单的路,因为那里还有其他手机。 Android平台允许他们为其开发Flash。 而且,如果他们做得很好,我们将拥有-因为在此时,Android和Apple移动平台之间的竞争实际上已经成形,对于智能手机,如果所有Android设备的质量都很高,一个非常好用且稳定的Flash插件,而Apple设备却没有,这会推动对Apple的需求下降。 目前,在任何真正流行的移动设备上都不值得谈论Flash。 就将精力集中在Android Flash体验上,Adobe所做的事情是正确的,我认为这样做会做得更好,我认为Flash将来在苹果设备上使用的机会就越大。

Stephan: Does Palm not support it?

斯蒂芬: Palm不支持吗?

Kevin: I think it does, yes. Palm’s pre devices do have Flash. I don’t know how well it works, but last I heard, yes, Flash does run on those. [After recording, we looked this up and found that Flash support on the Palm pre, like Android, is slated to arrive in the first half of 2010. —Kev.]

凯文:我认为是的。 Palm的前置设备确实具有Flash。 我不知道它的运行情况如何,但是最后我听说,是的,Flash确实可以在这些设备上运行。 [记录后,我们进行了查找,发现与Android一样,Palm pre上的Flash支持将于2010年上半年推出。—Kev。

Stephan: If you’re listening and you have a Palm device, I would be interested…


Kevin: Yeah, tell us how it works. We would love to hear from anyone running Flash on a mobile device and tell us how it works. Is it something that is more pain than it’s worth? Do you avoid loading up sites that have Flash on them because they drain your battery, for example. Would you prefer that Flash just wasn’t switched on on your device or is it something really worth hanging out for?

凯文:是的,告诉我们它是如何工作的。 我们希望听到在移动设备上运行Flash的任何人的声音,并告诉我们它是如何工作的。 这是一件痛苦的事,而不是值得的吗? 例如,您是否避免加载带有Flash的网站,因为它们会耗尽您的电池电量。 您是否希望未在设备上打开Flash还是值得一试?

Adobe is hedging their bets, though, like we said last time, if Adobe doesn’t get to build Flash plug-ins for mobile devices, they’re going to refocus on their development tools and build dev tools for the standards that people are working with. So Bill Hannah made a great point saying that right now the things that are possible with HTML5 do compare with what you can do in Flash, but they aren’t easy, they are just possible. We’re few years behind in the dev tool department. I think Adobe is best positioned to build those dev tools and make a whole lot of money out these standards, whether Flash survives on mobile or not.

但是,正如我们上次所说,Adobe一直在押注他们的赌注,如果Adobe无法为移动设备构建Flash插件,那么他们将重新专注于其开发工具,并为人们遵循的标准构建开发工具。一起工作。 因此,比尔·汉纳(Bill Hannah)提出了一个很重要的观点,即HTML5可以实现的功能现在已经可以与Flash中实现的功能相提并论,但是它们并不容易,它们只是可能。 我们在开发工具部门落后了几年。 我认为Adobe最有能力构建这些开发工具并从这些标准中赚取很多钱,无论Flash是否能在移动设备上生存。

vmtech, who won our last PDF giveaway—so he must be a real fan of the show. Hi there, vmtech, thanks for listening! He writes,

vmtech,他赢得了我们最后的PDF赠品-因此他必须是该节目的忠实粉丝。 嗨,vmtech,谢谢您的收听! 他写,

“Unfortunately this episode missed an important Apple item. The iPod, iPhone and I’m assuming iPad have a design flaw. Due to an injury at a young age, I have no use of my hands. The touch screen technology Apple uses does not recognize the pointer I use to work with. I like Apple products. I’ve been a Mac user for about five years; however, as a web developer it’s very frustrating to see more products come out that I can’t test sites on or use. Websites have accessibility requirements, why shouldn’t all devices that access them?” “不幸的是,这一集错过了一个重要的苹果产品。 iPod,iPhone和我认为iPad有设计缺陷。 由于年轻时受伤,我没有动手。 苹果使用的触摸屏技术无法识别我使用的指针。 我喜欢苹果产品。 我已经使用Mac约五年了; 但是,作为一名Web开发人员,看到更多我无法测试或使用网站的产品令人沮丧。 网站有可访问性要求,为什么所有访问它们的设备都不应该访问?”

So I’ve see the kind of pointer he’s talking about. Forgive me if I’m not getting this quite right, vmtech, but often it’s a pointer that you hold in your mouth and that allows to type on a keyboard or use a track pad, but it seems like the touch technology that Apple’s using on its mobile touch displays don’t respond to that particular kind of pointer.

因此,我已经看到了他在谈论的那种指针。 原谅我,如果我做得不太对,vmtech,但通常它是一个指针,您可以将它放在嘴里,可以在键盘上打字或使用触控板,但这似乎就像苹果公司在其上使用的触摸技术一样。它的移动触摸屏不响应那种特定的指针。

In the past week, in fact, we’ve seen some funny stories out of some Southeast Asian country, we’ve seen these funny stories that in the winter, because people weren’t able to use their iPhones with their gloves on, they started buying these frozen sausages out of vending machines and it just so happens that the iPhone screen responded to that and people were using frozen sausages as a stylus on their iPhone screen to use them in the winter. So it does seem like there is a challenge.

实际上,在过去的一周中,我们在东南亚某个国家/地区看到了一些有趣的故事,我们看到这些有趣的故事是在冬天,因为人们无法戴着手套来使用iPhone,开始从自动售货机中购买这些冷冻香肠 ,碰巧iPhone屏幕对此做出了React,人们在冬天在iPhone屏幕上使用冷冻香肠作为手写笔来使用它们。 因此,似乎确实存在挑战。

I would imagine if you got the right pointer it would probably work with these screens, but I’m interested in his point that the Web is an intrinsically accessible medium and is it a failing of a device like the iPad, the iPhone, and the iPod touch if it limits the accessibility of the Web because of the hardware that it uses. What do you guys think?

我可以想象,如果您获得了正确的指针,它可能会在这些屏幕上运行,但是我对他的观点很感兴趣,因为网络是一种固有的可访问媒介,并且是iPad,iPhone和iPod touch(由于使用的硬件)限制了Web的可访问性。 你们有什么感想?

Brad: That’s an interesting point that I guess I really hadn’t thought about, but it does raise a good question because like you said, I remember what was it Target.com got sued for not being 508 compliant and they lost. And they lost a lot of money because of that I believe, I don’t remember the exact amount, but that kind of opened everybody’s eyes about how serious this was. But, yeah, I never really thought about it. If, for some reason, you weren’t able to touch the screen, it certainly isn’t going to work. I don’t think it senses, like if I hit my iPhone with a pen, I don’t think it would sense that.

布拉德:我想我真的没想过这是一个有趣的观点,但这确实提出了一个很好的问题,因为就像你说的那样,我记得Target.com因不符合508标准而被起诉而输了。 而且他们因此损失了很多钱,因为我相信,我不记得确切的数额,但是这种情况使大家睁大了眼睛。 但是,是的,我从未真正考虑过。 如果由于某种原因您无法触摸屏幕,那肯定是行不通的。 我认为这没有感觉,就像我用笔敲击iPhone一样,我也不认为会有这种感觉。

Kevin: No, it doesn’t. Not unless you have a frozen sausage attached to the end of your pen.

凯文:不,不是。 除非您在笔的末端附有冷冻香肠,否则不要这样做。

Brad: I don’t know how it differentiates between that and a pen, but apparently it does. That’s a good point and I don’t really know if there is a good answer to it. There certainly should be some thought on Apple’s side.

布拉德:我不知道它与一支笔之间的区别,但显然可以。 这是一个好点,我真的不知道是否有一个好的答案。 苹果方面当然应该考虑一下。

Kevin: We have to give Apple a fair amount of credit for the accessibility work that they have done. I think it was the iPhone 2.0 or iPhone 3.0 operating system release, they introduced a whole lot of accessibility features. Things like the VoiceOver feature that they have on their desktop operating system where as you move your finger over things on the screen it’ll read out in the headphones or the speaker device, the labels of the buttons that you’re hovering over, so that at least in theory, a blind user would be able to make use of the iPhone. And the device vibrates every time you move over a different control and so it’s actually something that someone can use and get around on even if they can’t see the screen. At the same time, they added other features like mono sound so if you have hearing only in one ear you can flick a switch in the settings and it’ll play both channels through both ears and so you’re not missing any of the audio. It’s rare for a mobile device manufacturer to go out of their way and take time to build those kinds of accessibility features. So let’s be clear that Apple is at the leading edge of this kind of stuff. And yet, vmtech is right, if they wanted to provide full accessibility anyone who can use the Web on a PC can be able to use accessibility on an Apple device, if that was their goal, they would be producing things like these pointers. An iPointer, something, an Apple touch screen compatible pointer that people like VM Tech could buy and use with these devices and make it the complete package.

凯文:我们必须为苹果所做的可访问性工作付出相当大的功劳。 我认为这是iPhone 2.0或iPhone 3.0操作系统发行的,他们引入了很多辅助功能。 他们在桌面操作系统上拥有诸如VoiceOver功能之类的功能,当您将手指移到屏幕上的内容上时,它将在耳机或扬声器设备中读出,您将鼠标悬停在上面,按钮的标签也是如此。至少从理论上讲,盲人用户将能够使用iPhone。 每次您移动到其他控件上时,设备都会振动,因此实际上,即使有人看不到屏幕,也可以由他人使用并随身携带。 同时,他们添加了其他功能,例如单声道声音,因此,如果您只听一只耳朵的声音,则可以轻按设置中的一个开关,它将通过两只耳朵播放两个声道,因此您不会丢失任何音频。 对于移动设备制造商来说,很少会费力地花费时间来构建这些可访问性功能。 因此,我们需要明确一点,即Apple在此类产品中处于领先地位。 但是,vmtech是正确的,如果他们希望提供完全的可访问性,那么任何可以在PC上使用Web的人都可以在Apple设备上使用可访问性,如果这是他们的目标,那么他们将生产类似这些指针的东西。 iPointer或类似Apple触摸屏的指针,类似于VM Tech的人们可以购买并与这些设备一起使用,并使其成为完整的包装。

I’m not sure, I think if I were in vmtech’s position, I would be disappointed that I couldn’t use the latest hot device from Apple, as well, just because they are sexy devices. I realize I’ve taken some criticism for being a Mac fan boy on this podcast already … Okay, guilty. Nevertheless, it sounds like vmtech’s in the same position, he’d like to use these devices, but is unable to. So I would be frustrated as well. That said, in vmtech’s position, I have the choice of buying something else. Buying a PC, buying some other device that is accessible to me. I don’t think it is Apple’s responsibility and I don’t think they could be legitimately sued the way Target was for limiting accessibility on their products. I think if they choose to make a product that is optimized for people with certain abilities, so be it. There’s nothing stopping someone from making a phone that’s specifically for people who like to blow at their screen to click things. That’s a ridiculous product, but if someone wants to build it, I’m not going to complain it’s not accessible to people who don’t have high lung capacity.

我不确定,如果我处于vmtech的位置,我会失望的是,我也无法使用Apple提供的最新款热门设备,因为它们是性感的设备。 我意识到我已经因为在这个播客中成为Mac迷而受到批评……好吧,有罪。 不过,听起来vmtech处于同一位置,他想使用这些设备,但无法使用。 所以我也会感到沮丧。 也就是说,按照vmtech的立场,我可以选择购买其他产品。 购买PC,购买其他我可以使用的设备。 我不认为这是苹果的责任,我也不认为可以像Target那样限制他们产品的可访问性而对他们提起诉讼。 我认为,如果他们选择生产针对特定能力的人优化的产品,那就这样吧。 没有什么能阻止某人制造专门为喜欢吹动屏幕点击内容的人的手机的。 那是一个荒谬的产品,但是如果有人要制造它,我不会抱怨它是肺活量不高的人无法获得的。

I realize I’m stretching the point here. I think Apple could do better, but I don’t think they have to do better.

我意识到我在强调这一点。 我认为苹果可以做得更好,但我认为他们不必做得更好。

Brad: Does the iPad come with a pen? Or no.

布拉德: iPad随附笔吗? 或没有。

Kevin: Not at all. I’m sure there’s a third party stylus you can buy for the iPhone that will definitely work with the iPad as well. It’s got a little tip that responds to these touch screens in the same way as these frozen sausages did, but for artists who want a stylus experience; the touch matrix on these devices isn’t as accurate. So what you will find is, even if you have a really fine point stylus with the screen, you won’t have the accuracy you might think you have.

凯文:一点也不。 我确信您可以为iPhone购买第三方触控笔,它肯定也可以在iPad上使用。 它有一个小技巧,可以像这些冷冻香肠一样对这些触摸屏做出响应,但是对于那些需要手写笔体验的艺术家而言; 这些设备上的触摸矩阵不够准确。 因此,您会发现,即使屏幕上有非常精确的手写笔,您也不会拥有您可能认为的准确性。

But certainly it would be useable. You could…if the company that makes these styluses make a long one, as a pointer, it would certainly work.

但是肯定会有用。 您可以……如果制造这些笔的公司做得很长(作为指针),那肯定会奏效。

Roddog63 writes in,


“I hope that Adobe uses their enormous leverage to destroy Apple. [hosts laugh] At the end of the day, people need Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. to get their work done. They do not need an Apple product, they need a machine to run those programs. I predict the iPad to be the next Newton. Only the fan boys will buy a … what is it exactly … a giant iPod touch.” “我希望Adobe利用其巨大的优势来摧毁苹果。 [主持人笑]最终,人们需要 Photoshop,Illustrator,InDesign等来完成工作。 他们不需要苹果产品, 需要一台机器来运行那些程序。 我预计iPad将成为下一个牛顿。 只有狂热的男孩才会买……到底是什么……巨大的iPod touch。”

He goes on from there about the many failings that he sees in the iPad, but really his key point is that for creative people, it isn’t a realistic device. I think I agree with him.

他继续介绍iPad上的许多失败之处,但实际上,他的关键点在于,对于有创造力的人来说,这不是一个现实的设备。 我想我同意他的看法。

What do you think, Stephan?


Stephan: I agree with him completely. I can’t disagree. It’s not going to be a tool that an artist or a designer is going to be able to sit down and make stunning web pages, no, they’re still going to need a machine that can run the tools that he pointed out.

史蒂芬:我完全同意他的看法。 我不能不同意。 这不是艺术家或设计师能够坐下来制作令人惊叹的网页的工具,不,他们仍然需要一台可以运行他指出的工具的机器。

Kevin: Yeah. For our audience, let’s be clear, none of us are advocating that you should go and buy and iPad as your next web development machine.

凯文:是的。 对于我们的听众,让我们清楚一点,我们没人提倡购买和购买iPad作为您的下一个Web开发机器。

Stephan: No, I’m not even sure you should buy it as your reading machine.


Kevin: Hmm…


Brad: You know Kevin is going to buy it.


Kevin: See, I’m going to buy it, but that’s because I’m a comic book nerd and that seems to me as the best possible device for reading digital comics. If I were not a comic book nerd, I’d be looking at this thing with some more skepticism than I am. I don’t think I’m missing a large touch screen web browsing device in my life.

凯文:看,我要买它,但这是因为我是漫画书呆子,在我看来,这是阅读数字漫画的最佳设备。 如果我不是漫画书呆子,那我会比我更加怀疑。 我认为我一生中都不会缺少大型的触摸屏网络浏览设备。

Stephan: The only thing I can see this… The only think I can use the iPad for here at home is sitting on my coffee table when I come home from work where I’ve been on the internet all day to get on the Internet again.


Kevin: I would say that is a luxury application.


Brad: Would that be next in the netbook? Because that’s what I use.

布拉德:那是上网本的下一个吗? 因为那是我用的。

Kevin: Depending how important Flash is to your web experience—if you’re a Farmville person, ignore everything I’m about to say—but if you can get away without Flash in web browsing, in casual web browsing, then for me, the web browsing experience on an iPad will be superior to the web browsing experience on a netbook. I think Apple has won there. There are a lot of people who might be considering buying a netbook that I think an iPad is a far superior device, but it really depends on what you’re going to use it for.

凯文:取决于Flash对您的Web体验的重要性-如果您是Farmville的人,请忽略我要说的一切-但如果您可以在不使用Flash的情况下进行网页浏览,休闲网页浏览,那么对我来说, iPad上的网络浏览体验将优于上网本上的网络浏览体验。 我认为苹果已经赢得了胜利。 很多人可能正在考虑购买上网本,我认为iPad是一款性能优越的设备,但这实际上取决于您打算将其用于什么用途。

Stephan: It’s perfect for my mom.


Kevin: Yeah, that’s the other place.


Brad: I’m looking forward to your review, Kevin, after you’ve had it for a week or two. I don’t know it will replace an actual laptop or computer.

布拉德:凯文(Kevin),在一两个星期后,我很期待您的评论。 我不知道它将取代实际的笔记本电脑或计算机。

Kevin: No, no, no, but do people buy netbooks to replace their primary laptop or computer? I don’t think so.

凯文:不,不,不,但是人们会购买上网本来代替他们的笔记本电脑或计算机吗? 我不这么认为。

Brad: No, definitely not. It’s just a lighter weight option. I use it when I’m on the couch or when I’m traveling, that’s the only time…

布拉德:不,绝对不是。 这只是一个较轻的选择。 我在沙发上或旅行时会用它,这是唯一的时间…

Kevin: I don’t think anyone making this podcast, and probably not anyone listening to this podcast is going to be able to consider an iPad as a computer replacement, even as a laptop replacement.


Stephan: It doesn’t have a file system.


Kevin: It remains to be seen, but I think you’re right.


But I think we all have people in our lives for whom the iPad is a credible computer replacement. You said your mom. I think my dad, as well, this would be a perfect thing. He hates turning on his computer just because it prompts him to install 10 updates every time he does because he only uses the computer a couple of times a week and so there are updates released more often than he uses his computer these days. And I think those casual computer users who just do email, web, photos and might want to try a game every once in a while, I think you need to move to something like the iPad. I think computers are getting too powerful, too finicky, too feature laden for that kind of use.

但是我认为我们所有人中的每个人,iPad都是可靠的计算机替代品。 你说你妈妈 我想我父亲也将是一件完美的事。 他讨厌打开计算机,因为它每次都会提示他安装10个更新,因为他一周只使用几次计算机,因此发布的更新次数比最近使用计算机的次数还多。 而且,我认为那些只做电子邮件,浏览网络,拍照并且可能想偶尔尝试游戏的休闲计算机用户,我认为您需要转向iPad之类的设备。 我认为计算机正变得越来越强大,太挑剔,功能太多,无法进行此类使用。

I look forward to reviewing it too.


Stephan: I look forward to the comments on this episode.


Kevin: The SitePoint blog has a blog post on another Adobe response to the criticism they’ve received about their stance on the iPad. This is from Kevin Lynch, the Adobe CTO. Craig Buckler has done a great job of pulling apart each of his comments and sort of reflecting on it. It’s entertaining at the very least if you’re into this kind of stuff. So do check it out.

凯文: SitePoint博客在另一Adobe上发表了一篇博客文章,以回应他们对iPad立场的批评。 这来自Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch。 克雷格·巴克勒(Craig Buckler)在将他的每条评论分开并进行思考方面做得很出色。 如果您喜欢这种东西,至少会很有趣。 因此,请检查一下。

What I stumbled across just before this show, and this is on the subject of Adobe’s other option, which is to become a … refocus on providing developer tools. Let the Flash plug-in on the Apple platform go and find other ways to provide useful, valuable developer tools for these devices. Wired Magazine has on their online site, wired.com; they have an interesting video showing off a prototype of their upcoming tablet app. It’s a video demo and it shows, they’ve developed this prototype in collaboration with Adobe. And it takes the entire Wired Magazine, an entire issue of the Wired Magazine, the full graphically rich layout, adds extra bonuses like embedded videos and product 360s—so if there’s a photo of an object, they’ll have a 360 version in the tablet version of the magazine that you can tap with your finger and drag left and right and it rotates the thing around on your screen so you can see it from every angle. We’ve kind of seen this gimmick before in sort of QuickTime 3D plug-ins, but it’s very integrated and very slick. You can browse the magazine in sort of two dimensions, you can swipe left and right to go to next and previous story and then you can swipe up and down to read down the page of a particular story; at least that’s what I took away from the video.

在本次展览之前,我偶然发现了什么,这是Adobe另一个选择的主题,它将成为…重新专注于提供开发人员工具。 让Apple平台上的Flash插件继续前进,寻找其他方法为这些设备提供有用的,有价值的开发人员工具。 《连线杂志》的在线网站wired.com; 他们有一个有趣的视频,展示了即将推出的平板电脑应用的原型。 这是一个视频演示,它显示了他们与Adobe合作开发了该原型。 整个《连线》杂志,《连线》杂志的一整期,完整的图形丰富的版式,都增加了额外的奖励,例如嵌入式视频和产品360s-因此,如果有物体的照片,他们将在其中拥有360版本您可以用手指点击并向左和向右拖动平板电脑版本的杂志,它可以在屏幕上旋转事物,以便您可以从各个角度看到它。 我们曾经在QuickTime 3D插件中看到过这种花招,但是它非常集成并且非常漂亮。 您可以从二维的角度浏览杂志,可以左右滑动以转到下一个和上一个故事,然后可以上下滑动以阅读特定故事的页面。 至少那是我从视频中拿走的东西。

If you’re excited, especially if you listened to our last episode with Derek Powazek, where we were talking about publishing and his, sort of fantasy experience of rich magazines on the device, I think this is really close to what he was describing. It’s a working prototype. But it was built using Adobe AIR in collaboration with Adobe. If you know the technology behind Adobe AIR, you’re going to say, “Wait a minute. Flash doesn’t run on the iPhone, neither does Adobe AIR.” It’s really just Flash in a desktop application window rather than in a browser window. If Wired is hoping to make this application run on the iPad, why are they building it with Adobe AIR? If you read the story below it, they say that Adobe has already got ways or they’re getting ready to release a method of publishing Adobe AIR applications to the Android platform. And with Flash CS5, the upcoming new release of the Flash authoring tool, you can export a Flash movie or Adobe AIR application into an iPhone application. So, what they’re building here, and it looks like Wired is going to be an amazing killer application demo of this, is a way to use Flash, the Flash platform, to publish to mobile devices and to Macs and to PCs, this rich magazine reading experience and it looks like the kind of thing I would want to use on an iPad. I don’t know how to judge the demo in terms of performance. It feels a little jittery when their swooping around from section to section in the magazine, it’s not quite as fluid as I expect from an iPhone experience. And if anything, that has been the criticism of the early previews of the Flash CS5 Exporter for the iPhone is that the apps they generate don’t perform well and leech the battery from the device, but Adobe has continually said, “Look, you’re looking at a preview. We’ve just barely got it working at this point. The final release will be a lot more polished and useable.” I really can’t wait to try this application. It seems like Adobe, while they continue to fight the good fight about getting Flash into the browser in these devices, they found an end run here. Do you think this could be Adobe’s next big business Stephan?

如果您很兴奋,尤其是当您听完Derek Powazek的上一集时 ,我们正在谈论出版以及他在设备上的丰富杂志的幻想经历,我认为这真的很接近他的描述。 这是一个可行的原型。 但是它是使用Adobe AIR与Adobe协作构建的。 如果您知道Adobe AIR背后的技术,您将说:“等等。 Flash无法在iPhone上运行,Adobe AIR也无法运行。” 实际上,它只是桌面应用程序窗口中的Flash,而不是浏览器窗口中的Flash。 如果Wired希望使该应用程序在iPad上运行,为什么他们要使用Adobe AIR进行构建? 如果您阅读下面的故事,他们会说Adobe已经掌握了方法,或者他们准备发布将Adobe AIR应用程序发布到Android平台的方法。 借助即将推出的Flash创作工具新版本Flash CS5,您可以将Flash电影或Adobe AIR应用程序导出到iPhone应用程序。 因此,他们在这里构建的东西看起来像是Wired将会是一个令人赞叹的杀手级应用程序演示,这是一种使用Flash(Flash平台)发布到移动设备以及Mac和PC的方法,丰富的杂志阅读经验,看起来就像我想在iPad上使用的那种东西。 我不知道如何根据性能来评估演示。 当他们在杂志的各个章节中四处走动时,会感到有些不安,这并不像我从iPhone体验中所期望的那样流畅。 而且,如果有的话,这就是对iPhone的Flash CS5 Exporter的早期预览的批评是,它们生成的应用程序运行不佳,并会耗尽设备的电池电量,但是Adobe一直在说:“看,你正在查看预览。 在这一点上,我们几乎还无法正常工作。 最终版本将更加精致和实用。” 我真的迫不及待想尝试这个应用程序。 看起来像Adobe,尽管他们继续努力使Flash进入这些设备的浏览器中,但他们发现最终成功了。 您认为这可能是Adobe的下一个大型企业Stephan吗?

Stephan: You know, I think so. I think it’s a neat concept. So, I’d like to see it take off for them.

史蒂芬:你知道,我想是的。 我认为这是一个整洁的概念。 所以,我希望看到它们为他们腾飞。

Kevin: Yeah. They’ve got a 3-pronged attack here. On the one hand, they’re building a flash plug in for Android that may yet force Apple’s hand.

凯文:是的。 他们在这里受到了三管齐下的攻击。 一方面,他们正在为Android开发一个Flash插件,这可能会迫使Apple伸出援手。

On the other hand, they’re building exporters so that you can work in Flash and still target the Apple devices using the App Store.

另一方面,他们正在建立出口商,以便您可以在Flash中工作,并且仍然可以使用App Store定位Apple设备。

And third, they are building developer tools for things like HTML5 and Canvas and things like that, so if people do want to move away from Flash, Adobe, hopefully, will still be the purveyor of top quality dev tools.

And third, they are building developer tools for things like HTML5 and Canvas and things like that, so if people do want to move away from Flash, Adobe, hopefully, will still be the purveyor of top quality dev tools.

Our last news show was called Checkmate Apple. And Stephan, that was your quote. I think, checkmate, yeah they may have won the battle, but the war may still go to Adobe here.

Our last news show was called Checkmate Apple. And Stephan, that was your quote. I think, checkmate, yeah they may have won the battle, but the war may still go to Adobe here.

Stephan: Yeah. You’ve got a point. You never know if they keep building relationships like this, like they did with Wired, then what we’ll end up with and what devices could come out of it?

斯蒂芬:是的。 You’ve got a point. You never know if they keep building relationships like this, like they did with Wired, then what we’ll end up with and what devices could come out of it?

Kevin: Yeah, exactly. I got the feeling that Adobe didn’t have enough resources to fight this battle on three fronts. But if they do, they’ll win either way, anyway people jump, and they’re there. Congratulations if they can maintain that intensity.

凯文:是的,确实如此。 I got the feeling that Adobe didn’t have enough resources to fight this battle on three fronts. But if they do, they’ll win either way, anyway people jump, and they’re there. Congratulations if they can maintain that intensity.

So I think we’ve officially beaten to death the Flash iPad story. Listeners, if you think there is anything we haven’t covered, if you disagree, please do write in. I’m not opposed to talking about this again next show. There is still a few weeks before anyone has an iPad in their hands or on their coffee table as the case may be. So let us know if you think there is something else that we haven’t considered here.

So I think we’ve officially beaten to death the Flash iPad story. Listeners, if you think there is anything we haven’t covered, if you disagree, please do write in. I’m not opposed to talking about this again next show. There is still a few weeks before anyone has an iPad in their hands or on their coffee table as the case may be. So let us know if you think there is something else that we haven’t considered here.

But let’s move on to Google Buzz.

But let’s move on to Google Buzz.

Brad: Bzzzz.

Brad: Bzzzz.

Kevin: Is that your one word review, Brad?

Kevin: Is that your one word review, Brad?

Brad: Yes. That’s my sound effect for the night.

布拉德:是的。 That’s my sound effect for the night.

Kevin: I went in to SitePoint Forums expecting to see a healthy enthusiasm for Buzz and what I saw was post after post of people going, “Pffff … not interested.”

Kevin: I went in to SitePoint Forums expecting to see a healthy enthusiasm for Buzz and what I saw was post after post of people going, “Pffff … not interested.”

Brad: Yeah, I think that kind of sums it up.

Brad: Yeah, I think that kind of sums it up.

Stephan: Wait, we’ve got to give some credit to Google, it’s cool… And okay, now we’re done. Just so we don’t get completely told that we’re beating up on Google.

Stephan: Wait, we’ve got to give some credit to Google, it’s cool… And okay, now we’re done. Just so we don’t get completely told that we’re beating up on Google.

Kevin: Who’s played with Buzz here? I have.

Kevin: Who’s played with Buzz here? 我有。

Stephan: Me.

Stephan: Me.

Brad: Yeah, I have.

Brad: Yeah, I have.

Kevin: Brad, what’s your … sum up Buzz for people that haven’t seen it.

Kevin: Brad, what’s your … sum up Buzz for people that haven’t seen it.

Brad: Buzz is basically Twitter inside of Google that allows you to share not just status updates, but also files, pictures, images, whatever else, so you can easily kind of pass. Or I should say you can easily share whatever you want to all your friends and followers.

Brad: Buzz is basically Twitter inside of Google that allows you to share not just status updates, but also files, pictures, images, whatever else, so you can easily kind of pass. Or I should say you can easily share whatever you want to all your friends and followers.

Kevin: Yeah. And the interesting thing is that they do the aggregation thing, as well, so you give them your Twitter account, your Flickr feed, your Picasa account, your … which one am I missing here?

凯文:是的。 And the interesting thing is that they do the aggregation thing, as well, so you give them your Twitter account, your Flickr feed, your Picasa account, your … which one am I missing here?

Stephan: Flickr, Twitter, Google Reader…

Stephan: Flickr, Twitter, Google Reader…

Kevin: Google Reader! That’s the one. And you can … so anytime you post something to one of these other services, it’ll go into your Buzz feed. The other thing that Buzz does, it’s a lot like FriendFeed, I find, in that they’re trying to create a comment stream separate from the site where these things went on. So if you post a photo to Flickr, people can go to your Flickr photo page and comment there or people can go to the Google Buzz announcement that got posted to your account and comment on it there. So they’re creating a new, separate comment stream and I guess the advantage there, the idea is that if everyone uses something like Buzz to converse about the stuff they do on the Web, we can get rid of the ugly and varied and spam-filled comment streams that are on all these other sites. Something like Buzz can focus on that conversation stream application and we can get rid of that on the other sites—to Google’s benefit, of course.

Kevin: Google Reader! 就是那个。 And you can … so anytime you post something to one of these other services, it’ll go into your Buzz feed. The other thing that Buzz does, it’s a lot like FriendFeed, I find, in that they’re trying to create a comment stream separate from the site where these things went on. So if you post a photo to Flickr, people can go to your Flickr photo page and comment there or people can go to the Google Buzz announcement that got posted to your account and comment on it there. So they’re creating a new, separate comment stream and I guess the advantage there, the idea is that if everyone uses something like Buzz to converse about the stuff they do on the Web, we can get rid of the ugly and varied and spam-filled comment streams that are on all these other sites. Something like Buzz can focus on that conversation stream application and we can get rid of that on the other sites—to Google’s benefit, of course.

I’ve seen a lot of people say they don’t need another Twitter in their lives and I can relate to that.

I’ve seen a lot of people say they don’t need another Twitter in their lives and I can relate to that.

Brad: It just feels like there is nothing innovative about it. It does what we’ve seen other services do. I mean, it is obviously very similar to FriendFeed, but it also feels like it has a little bit of a Pownce aspect to it, if you remember the pounce service that was around for a year or two…

Brad: It just feels like there is nothing innovative about it. It does what we’ve seen other services do. I mean, it is obviously very similar to FriendFeed, but it also feels like it has a little bit of a Pownce aspect to it, if you remember the pounce service that was around for a year or two…

Kevin: The ill-fated Pownce.

Kevin: The ill-fated Pownce.

Brad: Because they kind of added the media sharing and stuff like that, so it has that element. But there is nothing really innovative about it, you know, it seems like they kind of matched up a few things and because they have such a big user base they’re expecting it to do well.

Brad: Because they kind of added the media sharing and stuff like that, so it has that element. But there is nothing really innovative about it, you know, it seems like they kind of matched up a few things and because they have such a big user base they’re expecting it to do well.

Stephan: Did anyone else think it was convoluted a little bit? Like, when you first started using it?

Stephan: Did anyone else think it was convoluted a little bit? Like, when you first started using it?

Kevin: I found it was convoluted because it is tied so heavily into Gmail.

Kevin: I found it was convoluted because it is tied so heavily into Gmail.

Stephan: Yes, that was my issue. I couldn’t… To me, like when I use the service it should be easy enough that I can find, if I want to stop doing something, I could either find an answer on how to stop doing something or how to do it is so simple it’s obvious. And I could not figure out how to keep people that I don’t know from reading the things that I’m sharing with the people who I want to see it. So I just turned it off. There are certain things that I share with my wife or friends that I don’t want other people who are following me to see. So, it was a privacy thing and I stopped using it because I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted it to do.

Stephan: Yes, that was my issue. I couldn’t… To me, like when I use the service it should be easy enough that I can find, if I want to stop doing something, I could either find an answer on how to stop doing something or how to do it is so simple it’s obvious. And I could not figure out how to keep people that I don’t know from reading the things that I’m sharing with the people who I want to see it. So I just turned it off. There are certain things that I share with my wife or friends that I don’t want other people who are following me to see. So, it was a privacy thing and I stopped using it because I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted it to do.

Kevin: The common case with Twitter is that you have an open feed. There are a few people who chose to have private accounts on Twitter that you need to authorize in order to view them. It seems like, with Buzz, Google said, “Forget it, it’s all public.”

Kevin: The common case with Twitter is that you have an open feed. There are a few people who chose to have private accounts on Twitter that you need to authorize in order to view them. It seems like, with Buzz, Google said, “Forget it, it’s all public.”

Stephan: And I’m not a fan of that, I mean, you should have the option at least, right?

Stephan: And I’m not a fan of that, I mean, you should have the option at least, right?

Brad: You know what I see this turning in to is, do you remember the service that Google bought out, probably three or four years ago now, Jaiku? Which is basically like the Twitter competitor, I mean it was launched right about the time Twitter was launched, so it definitely had a shot at being the Twitter, obviously that didn’t work out. But that really just kind of turned into a aggregator for tweets. I mean really, everyone set up a Jaiku account, hooked in their Twitter account, so everything they posted to Twitter just pushed to Jaiku, and then never went to Jaiku again. Now that you can do that in Buzz, I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen. I’m going to hook in my Twitter feed and then I’ll never use Buzz again. It’ll just keep pushing my Twitter stuff to it.

Brad: You know what I see this turning in to is, do you remember the service that Google bought out, probably three or four years ago now, Jaiku? Which is basically like the Twitter competitor, I mean it was launched right about the time Twitter was launched, so it definitely had a shot at being the Twitter, obviously that didn’t work out. But that really just kind of turned into a aggregator for tweets. I mean really, everyone set up a Jaiku account, hooked in their Twitter account, so everything they posted to Twitter just pushed to Jaiku, and then never went to Jaiku again. Now that you can do that in Buzz, I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen. I’m going to hook in my Twitter feed and then I’ll never use Buzz again. It’ll just keep pushing my Twitter stuff to it.

Kevin: Are you a Gmail user, Brad?

Kevin: Are you a Gmail user, Brad?

Brad: Not really, I think that’s the other drawback, I have a Gmail account, I use it on occasion, maybe I need to send something just so I can grab it offline or so I’ll have it in two spots, something like that.

Brad: Not really, I think that’s the other drawback, I have a Gmail account, I use it on occasion, maybe I need to send something just so I can grab it offline or so I’ll have it in two spots, something like that.

Kevin: Stephan, are you a Gmail user?

Kevin: Stephan, are you a Gmail user?

Stephan: Yeah, I use Gmail.

Stephan: Yeah, I use Gmail.

Kevin: Okay. Do you use Gmail or do you use Google Apps?

凯文:好的。 Do you use Gmail or do you use Google Apps?

Stephan: I use Gmail.

Stephan: I use Gmail.

Kevin: Among the three of us—because Brad doesn’t actively use Gmail, I use Google apps, you actually use Gmail—it seems like, for now, you’re the person most at risk of being seduced by Google Buzz because even if you, as Brad is planning to do, even if you just publish your Twitter alerts to it automatically, other people who do use Buzz and who see your Twitter alerts in your Buzz feed are going to comment in Buzz rather than on Twitter. And those comments are going to show up in your Gmail inbox. And that is going to lead you to go, “Oh, I want to respond to that and it’s not on Twitter, I’m going to have to use Buzz to respond to that.” And suddenly you find yourself a Buzz user.

Kevin: Among the three of us—because Brad doesn’t actively use Gmail, I use Google apps, you actually use Gmail—it seems like, for now, you’re the person most at risk of being seduced by Google Buzz because even if you, as Brad is planning to do, even if you just publish your Twitter alerts to it automatically, other people who do use Buzz and who see your Twitter alerts in your Buzz feed are going to comment in Buzz rather than on Twitter. And those comments are going to show up in your Gmail inbox. And that is going to lead you to go, “Oh, I want to respond to that and it’s not on Twitter, I’m going to have to use Buzz to respond to that.” And suddenly you find yourself a Buzz user.

Stephan: No, it’s going to lead me to write the little filter thing from Lifehacker to send those things straight to the trash.

Stephan: No, it’s going to lead me to write the little filter thing from Lifehacker to send those things straight to the trash.

Kevin: Or as you did, you switched it off.

Kevin: Or as you did, you switched it off.

Stephan: Yeah, and then I just turned it off eventually. I mean, I think that’s exactly their idea though, is that if you’re a Gmail user and use Twitter, it’s just going to lure you in to using Buzz. But I don’t know if people are going to be so entangled into it when they start commenting and things that they’ll actually want to keep using it. I’ll be very interested to see how this does in six months.

Stephan: Yeah, and then I just turned it off eventually. I mean, I think that’s exactly their idea though, is that if you’re a Gmail user and use Twitter, it’s just going to lure you in to using Buzz. But I don’t know if people are going to be so entangled into it when they start commenting and things that they’ll actually want to keep using it. I’ll be very interested to see how this does in six months.

Kevin: I have been impressed by their responsiveness to user feedback following the launch. So many Google things are sort of soft launched and then you never hear from them again. Even if people start using them, they tend to go on the slow boil and then peter out, but with Buzz, I don’t know if it’s because they created such a strong objection in the initial days. The objection was that when you first set up Buzz initially, when they first launched it, it would spider your Gmail account, identify the people you communicate with the most in your private email and then add them to your Buzz following list and publish that Buzz following list to your profile.

Kevin: I have been impressed by their responsiveness to user feedback following the launch. So many Google things are sort of soft launched and then you never hear from them again. Even if people start using them, they tend to go on the slow boil and then peter out, but with Buzz, I don’t know if it’s because they created such a strong objection in the initial days. The objection was that when you first set up Buzz initially, when they first launched it, it would spider your Gmail account, identify the people you communicate with the most in your private email and then add them to your Buzz following list and publish that Buzz following list to your profile.

So if you had a lot of private email communications with someone and you did not want to advertise that fact, if you didn’t read the fine print very closely in those initial days, that fact would be immediately advertised in your Google profile as soon as you activated Buzz and imported those contacts. They have since made two major, well kind of a minor update and then a real major revamp to the initial set up procedure to clarify what’s going to happen and also to give you more options. Congratulations on them for doing that.

So if you had a lot of private email communications with someone and you did not want to advertise that fact, if you didn’t read the fine print very closely in those initial days, that fact would be immediately advertised in your Google profile as soon as you activated Buzz and imported those contacts. They have since made two major, well kind of a minor update and then a real major revamp to the initial set up procedure to clarify what’s going to happen and also to give you more options. Congratulations on them for doing that.

I’m curious if that development effort was like an emergency, “Oh crap, we screwed up!” Or if it was they have been planning to continue live-developing Buzz in the public eye from day one. If so, that’s going to be really interesting because that’s rare to see from Google, especially on a product that has no beta badge on it.

I’m curious if that development effort was like an emergency, “Oh crap, we screwed up!” Or if it was they have been planning to continue live-developing Buzz in the public eye from day one. If so, that’s going to be really interesting because that’s rare to see from Google, especially on a product that has no beta badge on it.

Brad: You’ve got to wonder how many mistresses were exposed when that happened.

Brad: You’ve got to wonder how many mistresses were exposed when that happened.

Kevin: Yeah, exactly.


Brad: It could’ve been a PR stunt, too, because it definitely helped get a lot more “buzz”.

Brad: It could’ve been a PR stunt, too, because it definitely helped get a lot more “buzz”.

Kevin: Mmm. Yes, yes, it did.

凯文:嗯。 Yes, yes, it did.

Coming back to this tying it in with Gmail, I think it’s the strength and the weakness. It’s its strength because everyone, like Stephan, who is a Gmail user is going to see a live demo of Buzz front and center and they’re going to do their darndest to get people like Stephan to engage with this service rather that switch it off. Some people will switch it off like Stephan did, but other people—they’ve got an instant user base there. Great, they don’t have to sell people on trying this new service, which is what they did with Google Wave and I think it’s had limited success. Like they went with their private invitation thing that they did with Gmail using Wave, but I don’t know if it’s just because Wave wasn’t the clear “I must have this” application, it was something new that people had to figure out. The experience goes very quickly from, “Ooh I have exclusive access to something new.” to “I don’t know what this is and no one else I know has access to it, so I’m just going to ignore it.” If they had done that same move with Buzz, I think they could’ve had the same outcome. But the fact that they’ve just given to everyone who has Gmail—good move.

Coming back to this tying it in with Gmail, I think it’s the strength and the weakness. It’s its strength because everyone, like Stephan, who is a Gmail user is going to see a live demo of Buzz front and center and they’re going to do their darndest to get people like Stephan to engage with this service rather that switch it off. Some people will switch it off like Stephan did, but other people—they’ve got an instant user base there. Great, they don’t have to sell people on trying this new service, which is what they did with Google Wave and I think it’s had limited success. Like they went with their private invitation thing that they did with Gmail using Wave, but I don’t know if it’s just because Wave wasn’t the clear “I must have this” application, it was something new that people had to figure out. The experience goes very quickly from, “Ooh I have exclusive access to something new.” to “I don’t know what this is and no one else I know has access to it, so I’m just going to ignore it.” If they had done that same move with Buzz, I think they could’ve had the same outcome. But the fact that they’ve just given to everyone who has Gmail—good move.

But at the same time, there are people like me, who use Google Apps, which is just Gmail with your own domain name attached to it, and Google apps does not have Buzz yet. One presumes sometime in 2010 they’re going to launch Buzz onto Google Apps, but I was really surprised that they didn’t have that from day one. It’s really the same platform and I think they’re missing the critical mass of attention. In six months time when they’re ready to launch Buzz for Google Apps, no one is going to care about it anymore if it doesn’t succeed. Whereas if they had launched it on both Gmail and Google Apps on day one they might have gotten a critical mass that they haven’t gotten so far.

But at the same time, there are people like me, who use Google Apps, which is just Gmail with your own domain name attached to it, and Google apps does not have Buzz yet. One presumes sometime in 2010 they’re going to launch Buzz onto Google Apps, but I was really surprised that they didn’t have that from day one. It’s really the same platform and I think they’re missing the critical mass of attention. In six months time when they’re ready to launch Buzz for Google Apps, no one is going to care about it anymore if it doesn’t succeed. Whereas if they had launched it on both Gmail and Google Apps on day one they might have gotten a critical mass that they haven’t gotten so far.

And then there’s all the people who don’t use Google at all for their email—the Yahoo! Mail users, the people who just use their internet service provider’s mail, all of those people are locked out of Buzz a little bit. They have to go and create a Gmail account and then they will have this whole interface that is about reading email and has one little tab for Buzz, but they just want to use and check out Buzz and it’s going to be confusing and mysterious. I think that’s a big downside. I think among us nerds, Gmail is very popular, but stats show us that in the wider world, something like Yahoo! Mail is a lot more popular and Google is really limiting the potential of Google Buzz by tying it so closely to the Gmail.

And then there’s all the people who don’t use Google at all for their email—the Yahoo! Mail users, the people who just use their internet service provider’s mail, all of those people are locked out of Buzz a little bit. They have to go and create a Gmail account and then they will have this whole interface that is about reading email and has one little tab for Buzz, but they just want to use and check out Buzz and it’s going to be confusing and mysterious. I think that’s a big downside. I think among us nerds, Gmail is very popular, but stats show us that in the wider world, something like Yahoo! Mail is a lot more popular and Google is really limiting the potential of Google Buzz by tying it so closely to the Gmail.

So, I too, have set up Google Buzz in my Gmail account that I don’t use for anything. I guess I’ll let you know if I use it at all, but I haven’t so far.

So, I too, have set up Google Buzz in my Gmail account that I don’t use for anything. I guess I’ll let you know if I use it at all, but I haven’t so far.

One last piece of listener feedback before we get to our host spotlights. It’s from Don Elliott and we were talking last episode about the Google Chrome extensions launch. I have to say there is another update there—the Mac version, the official beta version for Mac—now supports extensions. I guess they were listening, Stephan.

One last piece of listener feedback before we get to our host spotlights. It’s from Don Elliott and we were talking last episode about the Google Chrome extensions launch. I have to say there is another update there—the Mac version, the official beta version for Mac—now supports extensions. I guess they were listening, Stephan.

Stephan: Hehehe … about time.

Stephan: Hehehe … about time.

Brad: Checkmate.

Brad: Checkmate.

Kevin: (laugh) Checkmate, Google.

Kevin: (laugh) Checkmate, Google.

Stephan: Flame on.

Stephan: Flame on.

Kevin: But one of the extensions we mentioned was Xmarks Bookmarks Syncing and Don Elliott wrote in because his company really relies on that extension. He says,

Kevin: But one of the extensions we mentioned was Xmarks Bookmarks Syncing and Don Elliott wrote in because his company really relies on that extension. 他说,

“As for the Xmarks bookmark syncing, it’s a major pillar of our company. Our designers and developers are scattered as our entire office is mobile. With Xmarks and Bookmark syncing, I can ensure that all our employees have access to the same resources and passwords in near real time. You can even set different profiles, so higher level employees can have access to passwords while lower level contractors can just have access to our bookmarks and resources. It’s a huge asset for us.” “As for the Xmarks bookmark syncing, it’s a major pillar of our company. Our designers and developers are scattered as our entire office is mobile. With Xmarks and Bookmark syncing, I can ensure that all our employees have access to the same resources and passwords in near real time. You can even set different profiles, so higher level employees can have access to passwords while lower level contractors can just have access to our bookmarks and resources. It’s a huge asset for us.”

That’s something that I really hadn’t considered and I’m surprised services like Delicious haven’t gotten on top of that, sort of a shared password repository for companies. That’s something we would even pay for at SitePoint.

That’s something that I really hadn’t considered and I’m surprised services like Delicious haven’t gotten on top of that, sort of a shared password repository for companies. That’s something we would even pay for at SitePoint.

Stephan: Yeah, it’s a needed feature. To me, it just makes sense.

Stephan: Yeah, it’s a needed feature. To me, it just makes sense.

Kevin: I’m filling in as sysadmin for sitepoint.com at the moment, and we have passwords for all sorts of things. To keep things secure we make sure we have unique passwords for everything and what we do is we use 1Password on the Mac and we each have a folder of SitePoint admin passwords and every time one of us creates a new password, we have to go out of our way to send a copy of that in a secure transmission method to everyone else who has sysadmin responsibility to make sure everyone stays up to date and has the latest passwords. It’s a real pain.

Kevin: I’m filling in as sysadmin for sitepoint.com at the moment, and we have passwords for all sorts of things. To keep things secure we make sure we have unique passwords for everything and what we do is we use 1Password on the Mac and we each have a folder of SitePoint admin passwords and every time one of us creates a new password, we have to go out of our way to send a copy of that in a secure transmission method to everyone else who has sysadmin responsibility to make sure everyone stays up to date and has the latest passwords. It’s a real pain.

If there were a centralized, secure password repository, and it sounds like Xmarks Bookmark syncing has that feature, that’s really exciting. Not to mention the shared bookmark library that you could have across a company. That would be really exciting I think.

If there were a centralized, secure password repository, and it sounds like Xmarks Bookmark syncing has that feature, that’s really exciting. Not to mention the shared bookmark library that you could have across a company. That would be really exciting I think.

Expect me to be looking at that a little closer, Don, thanks for writing in with that.

Expect me to be looking at that a little closer, Don, thanks for writing in with that.

There’s one more thing we have to do before we get to our host spotlights and that’s to give away a SitePoint PDF. Our last show I said we’d be giving away another free PDF of your choice from SitePoint’s ebook library and all you had to do was post an iTunes review and let us know about it on the blog comments. So, we’ve got five lucky listeners who did that. I told you the odds were good. That’s 1 in 5 for a free PDF, is really good odds.

There’s one more thing we have to do before we get to our host spotlights and that’s to give away a SitePoint PDF. Our last show I said we’d be giving away another free PDF of your choice from SitePoint’s ebook library and all you had to do was post an iTunes review and let us know about it on the blog comments. So, we’ve got five lucky listeners who did that. I told you the odds were good. That’s 1 in 5 for a free PDF, is really good odds.

cjke.7777, trauman, jwarrentx, powerpotatoe, and roddog63, here we go. You have a one in five chance, I’m rolling a six sided die here, so if we roll a six, it’s going to have to be re-roll.

cjke.7777, trauman, jwarrentx, powerpotatoe, and roddog63, here we go. You have a one in five chance, I’m rolling a six sided die here, so if we roll a six, it’s going to have to be re-roll.

Brad, Stephan, you want to give me a drum roll?

Brad, Stephan, you want to give me a drum roll?

Brad: Brrrr… (laugh)

Brad: Brrrr… (laugh)

Kevin: Here it comes. (die falls) Two. So our winner is trauman. Trauman, congratulations, you get a free SitePoint PDF of your choice. Just head over to sitepoint.com/books, browse through our library, take your pick and email me at podcast@sitepoint.com to let me know which one you’d like and we’ll get that to you as soon as possible.

Kevin: Here it comes. (die falls) Two. So our winner is trauman. Trauman, congratulations, you get a free SitePoint PDF of your choice. Just head over to sitepoint.com/books , browse through our library, take your pick and email me at podcast@sitepoint.com to let me know which one you’d like and we’ll get that to you as soon as possible.

So, host spotlight guys. Brad, what have you got for us?

So, host spotlight guys. Brad, what have you got for us?

Brad: My host spotlight this week actually ties back into a lot of different topics we’ve had in the… It’s actually a website service called backupify. So backupify.com, we’ll have the link in the show notes. But essentially, what it does is it’s a really cool service, it allows you to backup your online accounts, so you can actually sign up, it’s free, they give you up to 1GB of free storage. It will back up your Twitter, any word press blogs you have, Facebook, Delicious, Basecamp, Google Docs, Gmail, Flickr, Photobucket, they have a whole slew of web apps that they will backup automatically. So you literally just add in your account, you authorize it. So I’ve authorized my Twitter account and every night it will go in and backup my most recent tweets into their service. So this fits perfectly with some of the concerns that we’ve kind of talked about on the show about how safe our data is in these external sites. I mean, it’s an awesome business. Everybody knew it needed to be done.

Brad: My host spotlight this week actually ties back into a lot of different topics we’ve had in the… It’s actually a website service called backupify. So backupify.com , we’ll have the link in the show notes. But essentially, what it does is it’s a really cool service, it allows you to backup your online accounts, so you can actually sign up, it’s free, they give you up to 1GB of free storage. It will back up your Twitter, any word press blogs you have, Facebook, Delicious, Basecamp, Google Docs, Gmail, Flickr, Photobucket, they have a whole slew of web apps that they will backup automatically. So you literally just add in your account, you authorize it. So I’ve authorized my Twitter account and every night it will go in and backup my most recent tweets into their service. So this fits perfectly with some of the concerns that we’ve kind of talked about on the show about how safe our data is in these external sites. I mean, it’s an awesome business. Everybody knew it needed to be done.

Stephan: Very nice.

Stephan: Very nice.

Kevin: That is sexy. How do they make money? They’ve got a gigabyte storage for free.

Kevin: That is sexy. How do they make money? They’ve got a gigabyte storage for free.

Brad: You get a gigabyte, when you’re talking data, a gigabyte is quite a bit. So you can imagine a gigabyte of tweets are a lot of tweets, so it’s gonna go a long way.

Brad: You get a gigabyte, when you’re talking data, a gigabyte is quite a bit. So you can imagine a gigabyte of tweets are a lot of tweets, so it’s gonna go a long way.

Kevin: For all of the text things, definitely. I think as soon as you pointed your Flickr Pro account at this, that’s when you’d have to buy a pro license.

Kevin: For all of the text things, definitely. I think as soon as you pointed your Flickr Pro account at this, that’s when you’d have to buy a pro license.

Brad: Once it gets to a certain point, there are pricing, they’re not really up front with what that is yet. They’re really, I think they launched last summer, but they just started getting more well known. They use the Amazon S3 services for all the data to kind of house all that data, so it’s extremely fast. There’s a lot of privacy and security stuff they use. So if you go to their site they kind of list all of this stuff out. It’s really nice because you just add your account, authorize it, and you’re done. It’s not something you have to worry about. Every night on a schedule it’s going to go to these different accounts you’ve authorized and backup your data.

Brad: Once it gets to a certain point, there are pricing, they’re not really up front with what that is yet. They’re really, I think they launched last summer, but they just started getting more well known. They use the Amazon S3 services for all the data to kind of house all that data, so it’s extremely fast. There’s a lot of privacy and security stuff they use. So if you go to their site they kind of list all of this stuff out. It’s really nice because you just add your account, authorize it, and you’re done. It’s not something you have to worry about. Every night on a schedule it’s going to go to these different accounts you’ve authorized and backup your data.

Kevin: I’m definitely going to sign up for this and at least point it at the text sort of services that I use because that’ll fit within a gigabyte easy and there is no downside here.

Kevin: I’m definitely going to sign up for this and at least point it at the text sort of services that I use because that’ll fit within a gigabyte easy and there is no downside here.

Brad: Set it up, it does it for you. You don’t have to worry about it and worse case scenario, if something were to happen you can come back on here and read about their different restore features. So it’s definitely kind of a hands off approach to backup all of your online data whereas everyone’s very aware of backing up their computer data, but we don’t really think about all of the online data we’re pushing out there. So this is kind of, I’m sure the first of many we’re going to see over the years, but it’s definitely something you should get signed up for.

Brad: Set it up, it does it for you. You don’t have to worry about it and worse case scenario, if something were to happen you can come back on here and read about their different restore features. So it’s definitely kind of a hands off approach to backup all of your online data whereas everyone’s very aware of backing up their computer data, but we don’t really think about all of the online data we’re pushing out there. So this is kind of, I’m sure the first of many we’re going to see over the years, but it’s definitely something you should get signed up for.

Kevin: Yeah, I like the … they’ve got a bit of a scare mongering section on their front page that I think is really kind of entertaining. The bottom right section has all of these sort of warning triangles and it’s all the things that could go horribly wrong and each one seems to be a link to a real case of this happening. Things like, your Twitter account being hacked. Gmail having a mass email deletion; 4,400 Flickr photos that you don’t have backed up elsewhere get deleted. All these sort of things, scary things that could happen and things like— I like the one, your Flickr account is permanently deleted. So many of these services, especially the ones we get for free, their terms of service are like, pretty harsh in that if they even suspect you of doing something wrong, they’ll just close your account and there is very little recourse. And in cases like that it can be really hard or impossible to get your valuable data back. So I’m not saying that this is a service for people who want to engage in risky business with services, but so often, a completely innocent use of a service can suddenly get clamped down on through no fault of your own. So, great to have separate access to your data just in case something like that happens.

Kevin: Yeah, I like the … they’ve got a bit of a scare mongering section on their front page that I think is really kind of entertaining. The bottom right section has all of these sort of warning triangles and it’s all the things that could go horribly wrong and each one seems to be a link to a real case of this happening. Things like, your Twitter account being hacked. Gmail having a mass email deletion; 4,400 Flickr photos that you don’t have backed up elsewhere get deleted. All these sort of things, scary things that could happen and things like— I like the one, your Flickr account is permanently deleted. So many of these services, especially the ones we get for free, their terms of service are like, pretty harsh in that if they even suspect you of doing something wrong, they’ll just close your account and there is very little recourse. And in cases like that it can be really hard or impossible to get your valuable data back. So I’m not saying that this is a service for people who want to engage in risky business with services, but so often, a completely innocent use of a service can suddenly get clamped down on through no fault of your own. So, great to have separate access to your data just in case something like that happens.

Stephan, what’s your spotlight?

Stephan, what’s your spotlight?

Stephan: Mine’s a little fun project that done by kingsquare.nl, it’s a JavaScript Commodore 64 Emulator. It uses HTML5, the Canvas element and it renders the Commodore 64 screen. They have some ROMs that you can play with and stuff. It’s pretty fun if you just want to play around with the thing. And they have it so you can download the code. It’s pretty sweet.

Stephan: Mine’s a little fun project that done by kingsquare.nl, it’s a JavaScript Commodore 64 Emulator . It uses HTML5, the Canvas element and it renders the Commodore 64 screen. They have some ROMs that you can play with and stuff. It’s pretty fun if you just want to play around with the thing. And they have it so you can download the code. It’s pretty sweet.

Kevin: I’m firing up Gallaga right now. “To start Gallaga, press return.” “One player.”

Kevin: I’m firing up Gallaga right now. “To start Gallaga, press return.” “One player.”

Kevin: I accidentally picked joystick and now I can’t do anything about the alien swarming across my screen.

Kevin: I accidentally picked joystick and now I can’t do anything about the alien swarming across my screen.

Stephan: Yeah, there’s no tutorial, right?

Stephan: Yeah, there’s no tutorial, right?

Brad: I love how it drops you on the ready screen, I’m sitting here trying to remember the commands like load, star, comma-eight, comma-one or something…

Brad: I love how it drops you on the ready screen, I’m sitting here trying to remember the commands like load, star, comma-eight, comma-one or something…

Kevin: But this is amazing and it’s running client-side, entirely in the browser. My Safari process is now 96% CPU, but that’s less than some Flash movies take.

Kevin: But this is amazing and it’s running client-side, entirely in the browser. My Safari process is now 96% CPU, but that’s less than some Flash movies take.

Stephan: You just can’t stop kindling the fire.

Stephan: You just can’t stop kindling the fire.

Kevin: No I can’t! Maybe we should move on.

Kevin: No I can’t! Maybe we should move on.

My host spotlight this week is the SitePoint CodeBurner plug in for Firebug. This is something I’ve mentioned before. It’s a plug-in for Firebug, which itself is an extension for Firefox. So if you use Firefox for development, you must know about Firebug. It’s a pane that you can open up and you can investigate the HTML structure of the page and the CSS rules that apply to any element, do performance checks and JavaScript debugging. It’s this amazing developer toolkit that any developer worth their salt must install into their copy of Firefox. Well, CodeBurner is SitePoint’s add-on to that, which adds the SitePoint Reference to HTML and CSS tags, attributes, and properties and sort of provides reference material all throughout the Firebug user interface. So if you want to know what a particular CSS property does, you can just right click on it and open up sort of a summary including browser compatibility information and all that sort of stuff. We’ve just updated that for the latest version of Firefox, so if you had CodeBurner and you found it broke when you last updated Firefox, good news, you can install it again. And if you’ve never tried CodeBurner, now is a great time, it’s just been optimized for the latest speedy release of Firefox, so check it out at tools.sitepoint.com. It’s completely free.

My host spotlight this week is the SitePoint CodeBurner plug in for Firebug . This is something I’ve mentioned before. It’s a plug-in for Firebug, which itself is an extension for Firefox. So if you use Firefox for development, you must know about Firebug . It’s a pane that you can open up and you can investigate the HTML structure of the page and the CSS rules that apply to any element, do performance checks and JavaScript debugging. It’s this amazing developer toolkit that any developer worth their salt must install into their copy of Firefox. Well, CodeBurner is SitePoint’s add-on to that, which adds the SitePoint Reference to HTML and CSS tags, attributes, and properties and sort of provides reference material all throughout the Firebug user interface. So if you want to know what a particular CSS property does, you can just right click on it and open up sort of a summary including browser compatibility information and all that sort of stuff. We’ve just updated that for the latest version of Firefox, so if you had CodeBurner and you found it broke when you last updated Firefox, good news, you can install it again. And if you’ve never tried CodeBurner, now is a great time, it’s just been optimized for the latest speedy release of Firefox, so check it out at tools.sitepoint.com. It’s completely free.

And that brings us to the end of another episode of the SitePoint Podcast.

And that brings us to the end of another episode of the SitePoint Podcast.

Great episode guys, I think we defiantly ripped the Flash thing to shreds and also decimated Google Buzz, I think we’re making enemies left and right here. I think maybe next show we should have as a goal to be positive about some things.

Great episode guys, I think we defiantly ripped the Flash thing to shreds and also decimated Google Buzz, I think we’re making enemies left and right here. I think maybe next show we should have as a goal to be positive about some things.

Stephan: We’ll try.

Stephan: We’ll try.

Brad: We’ll try.

Brad: We’ll try.

Kevin: No promises. I think it’s because Patrick is not here. Patrick always adds a ray of sunshine to any conversation.

Kevin: No promises. I think it’s because Patrick is not here. Patrick always adds a ray of sunshine to any conversation.

Stephan: He’s a glimmer of hope.

Stephan: He’s a glimmer of hope.

Kevin: Patrick, we need you. We are:

Kevin: Patrick, we need you. We are:

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDevStudios. You can check out my blog, strangework.com and I’m on Twitter, @williamsba.

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDevStudios. You can check out my blog, strangework.com and I’m on Twitter, @williamsba .

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves, you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves and my blog is badice.com.

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves, you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves and my blog is badice.com .

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom. Visit the SitePoint Podcast at sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on the show and subscribe to receive every show automatically.

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom . Visit the SitePoint Podcast at sitepoint.com/podcast to leave comments on the show and subscribe to receive every show automatically.

Help us promote the SitePoint podcast. Yes, we are giving away another PDF in two episodes’ time. So that will be episode #51. If you want to win yourself a SitePoint PDF—and remember the odds are extremely good—just go to the iTunes store, whichever one you have for your country of residence and fill in a review of the SitePoint Podcast, then copy and paste that to the blog post for this episode to let us know you’ve done it.

Help us promote the SitePoint podcast. Yes, we are giving away another PDF in two episodes’ time. So that will be episode #51. If you want to win yourself a SitePoint PDF—and remember the odds are extremely good—just go to the iTunes store, whichever one you have for your country of residence and fill in a review of the SitePoint Podcast, then copy and paste that to the blog post for this episode to let us know you’ve done it.

Also, let us know which iTunes store it’s in so we can go and find it and have a nice warm glow about your kind of comments about the show. So just leave that review and in two episodes’ time, we’ll be rolling the dice again to see who wins a free SitePoint PDF.

Also, let us know which iTunes store it’s in so we can go and find it and have a nice warm glow about your kind of comments about the show. So just leave that review and in two episodes’ time, we’ll be rolling the dice again to see who wins a free SitePoint PDF.

This SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank.

This SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank.

Thanks again for listening. Buh-bye.

Thanks again for listening. Buh-bye.

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/podcast-49-buzz-kill/

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