enum CompassPoint { // 大写开头
case north,west,east,south
enum GameEnding {
case Win
case Lose
case Draw
var yourScore:Int = 100
var enemyScore:Int = 100
var thisGameEnding:GameEnding
if yourScore > enemyScore {thisGameEnding = GameEnding.Win}
else if yourScore == enemyScore {thisGameEnding = GameEnding.Draw}
else {thisGameEnding = .Lose} //可省略GameEnding
switch thisGameEnding
case .Win: print("win")
case .Draw: print("Draw")
case .Lose: print("Lose")
enum VowleCharacter:Character {
case A = "a"
case E = "e"
case I = "i"
case O = "o"
case U = "u"
let vowelA = VowleCharacter.A
var userInputCharacter:Character = "a"
if userInputCharacter == vowelA.rawValue
print("it is an 'a'") //"it is an 'a'\n"
}else {
print("it is not an 'a'")
enum Barcode {
case UPCA(Int,Int,Int,Int)
case QRCode(String) //将枚举变量QRCode关联为String类型
let productCodeA = Barcode.UPCA(4, 102, 306, 8)
let productCodeB = Barcode.QRCode("This is a infomation")
switch productCodeA {
case .UPCA(let numberSystem,let manufacture,let identifier,let check):
print("UPC-A with value of \(numberSystem), \(manufacture), \(identifier),\(check).") //"UPC-A with value of 4, 102, 306,8.\n"
case .QRCode(let productCode):
print("QRCode with value of \(productCode).")