假设我们有一个结构体 Student
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float64
var stu Student
这种方式 stu
是一个 Student
函数创建结构体指针 var stu *Student = new(Student)
这种方式 stu
是一个指向 Student
创建结构体指针 var stu *Student = &Student{}
这种方式 stu
是一个指向 Student
类型的指针,通过 &Student{}
创建一个 Student
var stu Student
stu.Name = "John"
stu.Age = 20
stu.Score = 90.5
var stu *Student = new(Student)
stu.Name = "John" // 等同于 (*stu).Name
stu.Age = 20 // 等同于 (*stu).Age
stu.Score = 90.5 // 等同于 (*stu).Score
(*stu).Name = "John"
(*stu).Age = 20
(*stu).Score = 90.5
next 是指针类型的属性,指向 Student struct 类型数据,也就是下一个节点的数据类型
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student //存放下一个结构体的地址,用*直接指向下一个结构体
func main() {
var head Student
head.Name = "王五"
head.Age = 20
head.Score = 78
var stu1 Student
stu1.Name = "小张"
stu1.Age = 2
stu1.Score = 1
head.next = &stu1
var stu2 Student
stu2.Name = "王五"
stu2.Age = 18
stu2.Score = 60
stu1.next = &stu2
func Req(tmp *Student) { //tmp指针是指向下一个结构体的地址,加*就是下一个结构体
for tmp != nil { //遍历输出链表中每个结构体,判断是否为空
tmp = tmp.next //tmp变更为下一个结构体地址
package main
import (
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student
// AppendNode adds a new student to the end of the linked list
func AppendNode(head *Student, newNode *Student) {
// Traverse to the end of the list
current := head
for current.next != nil {
current = current.next
// Add the new node at the end
current.next = newNode
func main() {
// Initialize head node
var head Student
head.Name = "head"
head.Age = 28
head.Score = 88
// Initialize subsequent nodes and append them to the list
nodes := []Student{
{Name: "stu1", Age: 25, Score: 100},
{Name: "stu2", Age: 18, Score: 60},
{Name: "stu3", Age: 18, Score: 80},
for _, node := range nodes {
AppendNode(&head, &node)
// Dynamically create and append more nodes
for i := 4; i < 10; i++ {
stu := &Student{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("stu%d", i),
Age: rand.Intn(100),
Score: rand.Float32() * 100,
AppendNode(&head, stu)
// Print the linked list
// Req traverses and prints the linked list
func Req(tmp *Student) {
for tmp != nil {
tmp = tmp.next
package main
import (
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student
// PrependNode adds a new student to the beginning of the linked list
func PrependNode(head **Student, newNode *Student) {
newNode.next = *head
*head = newNode
func main() {
// Initialize head node
head := &Student{
Name: "head",
Age: 28,
Score: 88,
// Initialize subsequent nodes and prepend them to the list
nodes := []Student{
{Name: "stu1", Age: 25, Score: 100},
{Name: "stu2", Age: 18, Score: 60},
{Name: "stu3", Age: 18, Score: 80},
for _, node := range nodes {
newNode := node // Make a copy to avoid pointer issues
PrependNode(&head, &newNode)
// Dynamically create and prepend more nodes
for i := 4; i < 10; i++ {
stu := &Student{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("stu%d", i),
Age: rand.Intn(100),
Score: rand.Float32() * 100,
PrependNode(&head, stu)
// Print the linked list
// Req traverses and prints the linked list
func Req(tmp *Student) {
for tmp != nil {
tmp = tmp.next
package main
import (
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student
// InsertNode inserts a new student after the specified node in the linked list
func InsertNode(head *Student, targetName string, newNode *Student) {
current := head
for current != nil {
if current.Name == targetName {
newNode.next = current.next
current.next = newNode
current = current.next
fmt.Printf("Node with name %s not found\n", targetName)
func main() {
// Initialize head node
head := &Student{
Name: "head",
Age: 28,
Score: 88,
// Initialize subsequent nodes and append them to the list
nodes := []Student{
{Name: "stu1", Age: 25, Score: 100},
{Name: "stu2", Age: 18, Score: 60},
{Name: "stu3", Age: 18, Score: 80},
// Append nodes to the list
current := head
for i := range nodes {
current.next = &nodes[i]
current = &nodes[i]
// Dynamically create and append more nodes
for i := 4; i < 6; i++ {
stu := &Student{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("stu%d", i),
Age: rand.Intn(100),
Score: rand.Float32() * 100,
current.next = stu
current = stu
// Insert a new node after "stu2"
newNode := &Student{
Name: "newStu",
Age: 22,
Score: 75,
InsertNode(head, "stu2", newNode)
// Print the linked list
// Req traverses and prints the linked list
func Req(tmp *Student) {
for tmp != nil {
tmp = tmp.next
package main
import (
type Student struct {
Name string
Age int
Score float32
next *Student
// DeleteNode removes the student with the specified name from the linked list
func DeleteNode(head **Student, targetName string) {
current := *head
var prev *Student = nil
// If head needs to be removed
if current != nil && current.Name == targetName {
*head = current.next
// Search for the target node to delete
for current != nil && current.Name != targetName {
prev = current
current = current.next
// If the target node was not found
if current == nil {
fmt.Printf("Node with name %s not found\n", targetName)
// Remove the target node
prev.next = current.next
func main() {
// Initialize head node
head := &Student{
Name: "head",
Age: 28,
Score: 88,
// Initialize subsequent nodes and append them to the list
nodes := []Student{
{Name: "stu1", Age: 25, Score: 100},
{Name: "stu2", Age: 18, Score: 60},
{Name: "stu3", Age: 18, Score: 80},
// Append nodes to the list
current := head
for i := range nodes {
current.next = &nodes[i]
current = &nodes[i]
// Dynamically create and append more nodes
for i := 4; i < 6; i++ {
stu := &Student{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("stu%d", i),
Age: rand.Intn(100),
Score: rand.Float32() * 100,
current.next = stu
current = stu
// Delete a node with name "stu2"
DeleteNode(&head, "stu2")
// Print the linked list
// Req traverses and prints the linked list
func Req(tmp *Student) {
for tmp != nil {
tmp = tmp.next
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