使用Python创建一个名为engine的类,并在其中包含运行比赛模拟的所有代码。 使用两个名为HT和AT的Team对象来分别表示主队和客队。 使用一个名为Player对象来表示比赛中的每个球员。 将代码组织成几个方法,包括: engine方法:运行比赛模拟。 playGame方法:在主队和客队之间进行比赛。 calculateScore方法:计算比赛分数。 printScore方法:打印比赛分数。
import random
class Team:
def __init__(self, name, players):
self.name = name
self.players = players
class Player:
def __init__(self, name, stats):
self.name = name
self.stats = stats
class Engine:
def __init__(self):
self.time = 2880
self.fga = 0
self.hts = 0
self.ats = 0
self.htn = ""
self.atn = ""
self.ht = 0
self.at = 0
def engine(self):
print("1.Miami Heat\n2.San Antonio Spurs\n3.Cleveland Cavaliers")
self.ht = MIA
self.htn = "Miami"
self.at = SAS
self.atn = "San Antonio"
def playGame(self):
while self.time > 0:
pos = random.randint(0, 4)
sub = random.randint(4, 24)
# Home Team
if pos == 0:
sht = random.randint(1, 3)
if sht == 1:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num1HC:
print(HT[0][14], "hits a three!")
self.hts += 3
self.fga += 1
self.time -= sub
print(HT[0][14], "misses from deep.")
self.fga += 1
self.time -= sub
if sht == 2:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num2HC:
print(HT[0][14], "nails the long two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[0][14], "comes up short from mid range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 3:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num3HC:
print(HT[0][14], "backs down", AT[0][14], "and lays it in for two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[0][14], "misses from close range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if pos == 1:
sht = random.randint(1, 3)
if sht == 1:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num1HPF:
print(HT[1][14], "hits a three!")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 3
self.fga += 1
print(HT[1][14], "misses from deep.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 2:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num2HPF:
print(HT[1][14], "nails the long two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[1][14], "comes up short from mid range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 3:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num3HPF:
print(HT[1][14], "backs down", AT[1][14], "and lays it in for two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[1][14], "misses from close range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if pos == 2:
sht = random.randint(1, 3)
if sht == 1:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num1HSF:
print(HT[2][14], "hits a three!")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 3
self.fga += 1
print(HT[2][14], "misses from deep.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 2:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num2HSF:
print(HT[2][14], "nails the long two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[2][14], "comes up short from mid range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 3:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num3HSF:
print(HT[2][14], "drives to the basket and lays it for two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[2][14], "misses from close range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if pos == 3:
sht = random.randint(1, 3)
if sht == 1:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num1HSG:
print(HT[3][14], "hits a three!")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 3
self.fga += 1
print(HT[3][14], "misses from deep.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 2:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num2HSG:
print(HT[3][14], "nails the long two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[3][14], "comes up short from mid range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if sht == 3:
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num3HSG:
print(HT[3][14], "drives to the basket and lays it for two.")
self.time -= sub
self.hts += 2
self.fga += 1
print(HT[3][14], "misses from close range.")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
if pos == 4:
sht = random.randint(1, 3)
if sht == 1:
num = (HT[4][0]) - (AT[4][6] / 2) - 10
chance = random.randint(1, 100)
if chance <= num1HPG:
print(HT[4][14], "hits a three!")
self.time -= sub
self.fga += 1
self.hts += 3
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