1.1 mtools工具集是什么?
mtools是一组工具集脚本,用于解析、过滤和可视化 MongoDB 日志文件 ( mongod, mongos)。mtools也包含mlaunch工具,该工具可以快速搭建本地测试环境。mtransfer工具可以用于数据库之间数据传输。
1.2 mtools工具组件介绍
pip3 install mtools
yum install python-tools
pip3 install psutil
pip3 install pymongo
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install numpy
wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/Python-3.6.8.tar.xz
xz -d Python-3.6.8.tar.xz
tar -xvf Python-3.6.8.tar
cd Python-3.6.8/
./configure --with-ssl # 带上ssl不然pip会出现错误
make install
2.1 mloginfo日志统计
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log --connections
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
total opened: 14282
total closed: 14358
no unique IPs: 4
socket exceptions: 0 opened: 12886 closed: 12889 opened: 658 closed: 716 opened: 461 closed: 490 opened: 277 closed: 263
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log --distinct
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
25460 SocketException handling request, closing client connection:
19504 assertion ... ns: ... query:
18464 exception: ... on:
5075 going to kill op:
660 Index ... :
400 Error in heartbeat request to ... ;
312 build index on: ... properties:
312 building index using bulk method
300 Placing a marker at optime
59 Successfully connected to
44 Member ... is now in state
28 DBClientCursor::init call() failed
27 Socket recv() timeout
27 SocketException: remote: ... error:
23 Plan executor error during find: ... , stats:
18 transition to
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log --queries --sort count
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
namespace operation pattern count min (ms) max (ms) 95%-ile (ms) sum (ms) mean (ms) allowDiskUse
doyo.news count {"$or": [{"n_cate": 1}, {"n_prop": 1}], "bigcate": 1, "status": 1} 188339 587 492592 45736.2 1247160002 6621.9 None
doyo.resource query {"cate": 1, "status": 1} 173569 101 429614 1792.0 78818078 454.1 None
doyo.news query {"nid": 1, "status": 1} 120989 101 1159648 760531.2 12485218384
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log --restart
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
May 27 08:44:55 version 3.2.7
May 27 08:59:23 version 3.2.7
May 27 11:25:00 version 3.2.7
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mloginfo mongodb.log --rsstate
source: mongodb.log
host: 84b511baa949:27017
start: 2022 May 27 00:00:05.941
end: 2022 May 28 00:00:06.954
date format: iso8601-local
timezone: UTC +0800
length: 1437359
binary: mongod
version: 3.2.7
storage: wiredTiger
date host state/message
May 27 08:44:58 ARBITER
May 27 08:44:58 PRIMARY
May 27 08:54:42 SECONDARY
May 27 08:59:25 ARBITER
May 27 08:59:25 SECONDARY
May 27 08:59:30 PRIMARY
May 27 08:59:42 SECONDARY
2.2 日志过滤
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mlogfilter mongodb.log --slow 10000 --shorten 200
2022-05-27T08:27:25.862+0800 I COMMAND [conn84751] query doyo.news query: { $query: { nid: { $gt: ...0 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 3795 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 3795 } } } 10510ms
2022-05-27T08:27:28.254+0800 I COMMAND [conn84689] command doyo.news command: count { count: "news... acquireCount: { r: 3788 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 3788 } } } protocol:op_query 10247ms
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mlogfilter mongodb.log --scan --shorten 200
2022-05-27T12:10:51.816+0800 I COMMAND [conn581] query doyo.news query: { $query: { bigcate: "2", ...0 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1470 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 1470 } } } 11869ms
2022-05-27T12:10:53.739+0800 I COMMAND [conn578] query doyo.news query: { $query: { bigcate: "1", ...6 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 3183 } }, Collection: { acquireCount: { r: 3183 } } } 14412ms
[root@10-23-85-17 ~]# mlogfilter mongodb.log --from May 27 0:00 --to "+1h" | tail -n3
2022-05-27T00:00:05.941+0800 I CONTROL [conn80893] distarch: x86_64
2022-05-27T00:00:05.941+0800 I CONTROL [conn80893] target_arch: x86_64
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