

与JoltTransformJSON使用方法一样,只是添加了输入格式和输出格式策略,都是使用Jolt转换json,成功的路由到'success',失败的'failure'。处理JSON的实用程序不是基于流的,因此大型JSON文档转换可能会消耗大量内存。目前支持UTF-8流文件内容和Jolt Spec。可以使用表达式语言定义Spec,其中可以在Spec语法的左侧或右侧引用属性。支持自定义转换(实现转换接口)。包含当前类路径上不存在的自定义库的模块可以通过自定义模块目录属性包含。注意:在配置处理器时,如果用户选择了默认的转换,但仍然提供了一个链Spec,那么系统不会警告该Spec是无效的,并且会产生失败的流文件。这是确定的一个已知问题。


关于 npm 和 yarn 总结一些细节

Searches the local package tree and attempts to simplify the overall structure by moving dependencies further up the tree, where they can be more effectively shared by multiple dependent packages. For example, consider this dependency graph: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x | `-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@~1.0.9 `-- c@1.0.10 In this case, npm dedupe will transform the tree to: a +-- b +-- d `-- c@1.0.10 Because of the hierarchical nature of node's module lookup, b and d will both get their dependency met by the single c package at the root level of the tree. 复制代码 // npm7 以后微调 // 在保持上述原则的基础上,升级了如下细微的规则: In some cases, you may have a dependency graph like this: a +-- b <-- depends on c@1.0.x +-- c@1.0.3 `-- d <-- depends on c@1.x `-- c@1.9.9 During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3, the newer c@1.9.0 dependency was used, because npm favors updates by default, even when doing so causes duplication. Running npm dedupe will cause npm to note the duplication and re-evaluate, deleting the nested c module, because the one in the root is sufficient. To prefer deduplication over novelty during the installation process, run npm install --prefer-dedupe or npm config set prefer-dedupe true. Arguments are ignored. Dedupe always acts on the entire tree. Note that this operation transforms the dependency tree, but will never result in new modules being installed. Using npm find-dupes will run the command in --dry-run mode. Note: npm dedupe will never update the semver values of direct dependencies in your project package.json, if you want to update values in package.json you can run: npm update --save instead.During the installation process, the c@1.0.3 dependency for b was placed in the root of the tree. Though d's dependency on c@1.x could have been satisfied by c@1.0.3
