result = to_uber + " IS SOOO " + to_uber + "!!!"而不是这么丑陋def uber_func(to_uber: str) -> str: This is an overall description# To uber means
result = to_uber + "
{%- for key_uber, value_uber in uber_dict|dictsort -%} {%- if == false and false and !澄清与实
This is a wall of text for my uber fake blog!!!!This is a wall of text for my uber fake blog!!!!This is a wall of text for my uber fake blog!!!!
This is a wa
我试图从我的应用程序中打开Uber应用程序。它直接把我转到了应用商店,而不是应用程序。我希望它直接打开优步应用,而不是通过应用商店应用。这是我的功能: if let url = NSURL(string: "Uber://"), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL( as URL)
} else if let itunesUrl = NSURL(string: "http