axios 创建 /webapp/src/apis 目录, 用于存放所有针对 k8sailor 后端的数据请求 使用 axios config 模式初始化一个客户端 /webapp/src/apis/httpc.ts...import axios from 'axios' // 使用 config 模式 // let httpc...的请求参数 /webapp/src/apis/deployment.ts 有了公共的 httpc 之后, 在不同的 组建 中就可以直接 import 使用了。...注意: 在 httpc.get() 的时候, 只写了 deployments 的接口相对地址。在发送请求是, axsio 会自动进行补全。 import httpc from '....(namespace = "default"): Promise{ const resp = await httpc.get(`/deployments?
using System.Reflection; namespace CCAPI { public class CCAPI { public HttpContext httpc...public CCAPI() { } public void init() { string getType = httpc.Request...["getType"]; if (getType == null) { httpc.Response.Write("{\"...\"}"); httpc.Response.End(); return; } string...resultJson = ""; resultJson = RunGetTypeMethod(getType, null); httpc.Response.Write
/ 安装成功后,通过require(“resty.http”)引入 lua_http模块,它有以下的api方法: syntax: httpc...= 创建一个 http对象 syntax: res, err = httpc:request_uri(uri, params)根据参数获取内容,包括: status 状态码...响应头 body 响应体 vim /usr/example/lua/test_http.lua,写以下代码: local http = require("resty.http") local httpc...= local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("", { method = "GET",...Transfer-Encoding" and k ~= "Connection" then ngx.header[k] = v end end ngx.say(resp.body) httpc
说明: local http = require("resty.http") local httpc...=; if not httpc then ngx.say("\n\r httpc new fail") end httpc:set_timeout(8000) -- keepalive...参数不写可能导致报错 local res,err = httpc:request_uri("",{ method="POST", path="/xxx...x-www-form-urlencoded", }, keepalive_timeout = 60, keepalive_pool = 10 }) if not res then ngx.say("httpc
httpc.c[178]: http client init ok....httpc.c[179]: http read connecting........ [15:48:51:714][ 37.590]fota-httpc httpc.c[193]: range...httpc.c[130]: header_ret:840248 [15:48:52:367][ 38.230]fota-httpc httpc.c[132]: status code:206...wait...... [15:49:06:799][ 52.660]fota-httpc httpc.c[238]: http_read done: offset:840248 tsize:840248...httpc.c[144]: httpc cleanup... [15:49:07:014][ 52.890]fota-httpc httpc.c[44]: HTTP_EVENT_DISCONNECTED
下面是使用lua-resty-http进行爬虫的简单示例:local http = require("resty.http")-- 创建HTTP客户端实例local httpc = 发送GET请求local res, err = httpc:request_uri("", { method = "GET",})if not res then...", err) returnend-- 打印HTTP响应状态码和内容ngx.say("状态码: ", res.status)ngx.say("内容: ", res.body)-- 关闭HTTP客户端httpc...接下来,使用httpc:request_uri()函数发送GET请求,并传入目标URL和请求参数。最后,通过res.status和res.body可以获取到HTTP响应的状态码和内容。
) { // httpc(new HttpClient) httpc->request(FunctionID::get_info); // 通过http请求get info...connect(httpc, &HttpClient::responseData, this, &CreateAccount::get_required_keys_returned); } }...httpc->request(FunctionID::push_transaction, param); // 通过connect建立socket连接访问push_transaction...if (httpc) { httpc->request(FunctionID::abi_json_to_bin, QJsonDocument(obj).toJson()); connect...(httpc, &HttpClient::responseData, this, &PushManager::abi_json_to_bin_returned); } 接口abi_json_to_bin
productId="..productId local http = require("resty.http") local httpc = local resp, err...= httpc:request_uri(backend,{ method = "GET", path = requestPath }) if not resp then ngx.say("request...error: ", err) return end ngx.say(resp.body) httpc:close() 疑问 如果应用层某一台nginx宕机,,请求取模的参数要变更??
ip = string.sub(ip, 1, -2) end local http = require "resty.http" local httpc...&password="..str local res, err = httpc:request_uri(url, { method = "POST",...--判断token是否为空,为空则直接400 if not token then ngx.exit(400) end local http = require "resty.http" local local url = "" local resStr="false" --响应结果 local res, err = httpc
OPM工具包安装,更多请查看 上一篇 opm get ledgetech/lua-resty-http 基础使用 使用 Lua-resty-http 发送 HTTP 请求的一个基本示例 local httpc...require("resty.http").new() -- Single-shot requests use the `request_uri` interface. local res, err = httpc...require("resty.http").new() -- Single-shot requests use the `request_uri` interface. local res, err = httpc...----- read_http 大并发采用 resty.http ,对于:ngx.location.capture 慎用 local function read_http(id) local httpc...= local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("", { method =
productId="..productId local http = require("resty.http") local httpc = local resp, err...= httpc:request_uri(backend,{ method = "GET", path = requestPath }) if not resp then ngx.say("...request error: ", err) return end ngx.say(resp.body) httpc:close() 2、热点问题:超级热数据导致系统崩溃的场景: ?
shopCacheKey) if productCache == "" or productCache == nil then local http = require("resty.http") local httpc...= local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("",{ method = "GET", path...* 60) end if shopCache == "" or shopCache == nil then local http = require("resty.http") local httpc...= local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("",{ method = "GET", path
) { // httpc(new HttpClient) httpc->request(FunctionID::get_info); // 通过http请求get info...connect(httpc, &HttpClient::responseData, this, &CreateAccount::get_required_keys_returned); } }...httpc->request(FunctionID::push_transaction, param); // 通过connect建立socket连接访问push_transaction...if (httpc) { httpc->request(FunctionID::abi_json_to_bin, QJsonDocument(obj).toJson()); connect...QByteArray param = packPushTransactionParam(); emit trxPacked(param); ... httpc->request(FunctionID::
= require "resty.http" local res = ngx.location.capture("/localServer") local httpc...= httpc:set_timeout(2000) local ok, err = httpc:request_uri("http:/
method = uri_args["method"] -- 引入http的工具 local http = require("resty.http") -- 创建一个客户端的连接对象 local httpc...= -- 发起客户端请求 local resp, err = httpc:request_uri( backend_url, -- 请求地址 {...err) -- 终止后续流程,如果不return将会继续往后执行 return end -- **响应请求结果** ngx.say(resp.body) -- **关闭连接** httpc...productCache == nil then -- 引入http模块 local http = require("resty.http") -- 创建一个http的连接 local httpc..."" -- 接口地址 local path = "/product/getbyid" -- 请求接口 local resp,err=httpc
require "resty.http" -- 目标网站URL local target_url = "" -- 发送HTTP GET请求 local httpc...= local res, err = httpc:request_uri(target_url, { method = "GET", ssl_verify = false
= local resp, err = httpc:request_uri("", { method = "GET"...and k ~= "Connection" then ngx.header[k] = v end end ngx.say(resp.body) httpc...) http模块加入 resolver; lua-resty-http实现一致性hash负载均衡 local http = require("resty.http") local httpc...ngx.var.arg_id local id_hash = ngx.crc32_long(item_id) local index = (id_hash % 2) +1 local resp, err = httpc...not resp then ngx.say("request error :", err) return end ngx.say(resp.body) httpc
ngx.say(cached_response) return end -- 从API获取响应结果 local http = require "resty.http" local httpc...= local api_url = "" .. ngx.var.request_uri local res, err = httpc
HTTPException httpc.client模块中的异常基类,其为Exception的子类。
lua_code_cache off; content_by_lua_file conf/lua/lua_http_test.lua; } } lua_http_test.lua 脚本 local httpc...require("resty.http").new() -- Single-shot requests use the `request_uri` interface. local res, err = httpc
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