linux重启网卡命令有:1、命令【service network restart】;2、命令【ifconfig eth0 down / ifconfig eth0 up】;3、命令【ifdown eth0...本教程操作环境:linux7.3系统,DELL G3电脑。 linux重启网卡命令有: 一、service network restart 1、首先用CRT工具连接到Linux命令行界面。...二、ifconfig eth0 down / ifconfig eth0 up 1、连接到命令行界面,输入ifconfig查看网卡的基本信息; 2、查看到eth3的网卡信息。...输入ifconfig eth3 down ,卸载eth3网卡; 3、输入ifconfig eth3 up,重新加载eth3网卡。
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于是找到一个安全免费可用的Tailscale · Best VPN Service for Secure Networks,在windows中顺利注册账号后,登陆了我的windows device后,在linux...GPG error: stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't....x nodistro InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386' W: Failed to fetch in to start using Tailscale by running: tailscale up root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/cold# 解决 看到tailscale...up说明已经安装成功,并且启动成功了。
Matrix write up 昨晚对Matrix靶机产生了兴趣所以对她进行一波调戏看看她的深处有啥(/root/flag.txt)。 首先我们进行nmap扫描确定了ip ?..."Then you'll see, that it is notthe spoon that bends, it is only yourself. " > Cypher.matrix 发现这是一段linux...另外明天还有write up 不要错过
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HACK THE BOX Celestial Write Up 首先我们对靶机进行端口扫描发现靶机只开了一个端口 ? 于是我们访问3000端口发现显示404 ?
These scripts are very useful in a development environment to clean up your MessageBox and Tracking databases...To clean up the MessageBox First create the stored procedure bts_CleanupMsgBox by running the sql script...procedure bts_PurgeSubscriptions on your message box database Restart all BizTalk services To clean up
在 7 系列中实现数字电路的与、或、非等逻辑是通过 6 输入的查找表实现的。LUT 有 6 个输入(A1~A6)和 2 个输出(O5~O6)。在一个 Slice...
---- layout: default title: The remote end hung up unexpectedly category: [技术, git] comments: true...--- fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly 上传一份代码的时候,出现了这个错误,然后就没有成功上传....Delta compression using up to 2 threads....Compressing objects: 100% (20587/20587), done. efatal: The remote end hung up unexpecterror: RPC failed...= 524288000 linux: git config http.postBuffer 524288000 分析 目前是成功解决问题了,根据错误,这个是明显的文件过大导致的上传失败了,我实际更改的时候是直接更改的
This mini-howto describes how to set up KeePass on Centos 6....Next -- start (as the desktop user, not root) alacarte $ alacarte This will bring up the menu editing...This will pop up a dialog where you enter the information to start KeePass.... 使用密码记录工具keepass来保存密码
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