前言 我做了两期有关Looper的视频,目前来看播放量还不错,有兴趣的可以去B站观看,视频中我提到Looper采用pipe机制wake,纠正一下自己的错误,新版本的Looper已经采用eventfd代替...() { ssize_t nWrite; do { //wake的时候往pipe的写端mWakeWritePipeFd写一字符"W" nWrite = write...= EAGAIN) { ALOGW("Could not write wake signal, errno=%d", errno); } } } 第一步:...初始化创建pipe,产生2个fd,分别是mWakeReadPipeFd和mWakeWritePipeFd 第二步:epoll机制监听pipe的读端mWakeReadPipeFd 第三步:wake的时候往...= EAGAIN) { ALOGW("Could not write wake signal, errno=%d", errno); } } } 第一步:
linux重启网卡命令有:1、命令【service network restart】;2、命令【ifconfig eth0 down / ifconfig eth0 up】;3、命令【ifdown eth0...本教程操作环境:linux7.3系统,DELL G3电脑。 linux重启网卡命令有: 一、service network restart 1、首先用CRT工具连接到Linux命令行界面。...二、ifconfig eth0 down / ifconfig eth0 up 1、连接到命令行界面,输入ifconfig查看网卡的基本信息; 2、查看到eth3的网卡信息。...输入ifconfig eth3 down ,卸载eth3网卡; 3、输入ifconfig eth3 up,重新加载eth3网卡。
Since Sensory introduced the first commercially successful voice triggers aka wake word that called up...has great command-based engines like TrulyHandsfree that can listen for a large set of “disguised” wake-up...words it’s only going to get worse if we remove the wake words....I saw this article a few years ago saying Google might drop the wake word.. Yeah right....So I get it…people want wake words to go away…but people want it to work after they go away.
定义一人局部静态变量ec43_wlock: static struct wake_lock ec43_wlock; 2....初始化 wake_lock: wake_lock_init(&ec43_wlock, WAKE_LOCK_SUSPEND, “ec43_wakelock”); 3.在须要唤醒处调用: wake_lock_timeout...具体不再说明,自己查看 //wake_lock_timeout(&ec43_wlock, 10*HZ); 4. remove中移除该waku_lock: wake_lock_destroy(
Sensory has always had a forte in wake words....Sensory was able to get the accuracy up and the power consumption down and introduced wake words to the...This happens for example when your Echo lights up, but no response is given....The Echo thinks it heard the wake word but upon reviewing what you said in the cloud, it decides you...Sensory doesn’t need to take pre and post wake word private data to make it more accurate.
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于是找到一个安全免费可用的Tailscale · Best VPN Service for Secure Networks,在windows中顺利注册账号后,登陆了我的windows device后,在linux...GPG error: https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't....x nodistro InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386' W: Failed to fetch https://dl.google.com/linux...Log in to start using Tailscale by running: tailscale up root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/cold# 解决 看到tailscale...up说明已经安装成功,并且启动成功了。
唤醒抢占 当在try_to_wake_up/wake_up_process和wake_up_new_task中唤醒进程时, 内核使用全局check_preempt_curr看看是否进程可以抢占当前进程可以抢占当前运行的进程.... */ 3 linux进程的唤醒 当在try_to_wake_up/wake_up_process和wake_up_new_task中唤醒进程时, 内核使用全局check_preempt_curr看看是否进程可以抢占当前进程可以抢占当前运行的进程...当然, 这个进程只有在下次被调度器调度到的时候才能真正地投入运行. 3.2 try_to_wake_up try_to_wake_up函数通过把进程状态设置为TASK_RUNNING, 并把该进程插入本地.... try_to_wake_up函数定义在kernel/sched/core.c, line 1906 3.3 wake_up_new_task void wake_up_new_task(struct..., 而我们fork新创建的进程在完成自己的创建工作后, 可以通过wake_up_new_task完成唤醒工作, 参见Linux下进程的创建过程分析(_do_fork/do_fork详解)–Linux进程的管理与调度
(x) __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL, 1, NULL) #define wake_up_nr(x, nr) __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL..., nr, NULL) #define wake_up_all(x) __wake_up(x, TASK_NORMAL, 0, NULL) #define wake_up_locked...(x) __wake_up_locked((x), TASK_NORMAL, 1) #define wake_up_all_locked(x) __wake_up_locked(...define wake_up_interruptible_nr(x, nr) __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, nr, NULL) #define wake_up_interruptible_all...(x) __wake_up(x, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE, 0, NULL) #define wake_up_interruptible_sync(x) __wake_up_sync
唤醒内核线程(可以唤醒所有进程(线程)): wake_up_process(struct task_struct *k); wake_up_process函数解析 函数schedule()实现调度程序...IS_ERR(practice_task_p)) wake_up_process(practice_task_p); return 0; } static...由kthread_create()和wake_up_process()两部分组成,这里的函数kthread_create()只是创建了内核线程,而后面的这个函数wake_up_process()则是启动了这个线程...如果线程创建成功,再调用wake_up_process()唤醒新创建的线程。...kthread_run调用wake_up_process()重新唤醒新创建线程,此时新线程才开始运行kthread_run参数中的入口函数。
Matrix write up 昨晚对Matrix靶机产生了兴趣所以对她进行一波调戏看看她的深处有啥(/root/flag.txt)。 首先我们进行nmap扫描确定了ip ?..."Then you'll see, that it is notthe spoon that bends, it is only yourself. " > Cypher.matrix 发现这是一段linux...另外明天还有write up 不要错过
Time has come for linux to have better threading performance....-2.6.21-rc5-mm4/include/linux/futex.h +++ linux-2.6.21-rc5-mm4-ed/include/linux/futex.h @@ -19,6 +19,18...* Wake up all waiters hashed on the physical page that is mapped * to this virtual address: */ -static...int futex_wake(unsigned long __user *uaddr, int nr_wake) +static int futex_wake(unsigned long __user...long __user *uaddr2, - int nr_wake, int nr_wake2, int op, int futex64) + int nr_wake, int
include “core.h” 在core.h文件中有: #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND #include linux...= 100, EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_DISABLE_FB = 150, }; 具体请见附件kernel/include/linux...early_suspend); if (ar) ar->screen_off = false; } #endif 附:kernel/include/linux.../earlysuspend.h #ifndef _LINUX_EARLYSUSPEND_H #define _LINUX_EARLYSUSPEND_H #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND...#include linux/list.h> #endif /* The early_suspend structure defines suspend and resume hooks
Wake ON LAN for mac一款局域网唤醒利器,能够帮助我们通过Mac电脑远程唤醒和打开远程Wake On Lan设备,通过网络除了可以远程开启Wake On Lan设备,还支持远程重启、关闭...图片Wake On Lan功能特色管理任意数量的设备发送标准魔术包登录后唤醒设备观看上次唤醒的状态无缝集成到您的菜单栏支持的操作系统macOS 12.0 或更高版本Apple Silicon 或 Intel
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