top","setback facade","setback base","setback everywhere") attr Building_Form = _getInitialBuildingForm...everywhere" else : 5%:"extrusion" 15%:"setback top" 15%:"setback facade" 15%...:"setback base" else:"setback everywhere" _getInitialUsage = case Eave_Ht>30: "Random" else: 80%:"": SetbackTop case Building_Form == "setback facade": SetbackFacade case Building_Form...== "setback base": SetbackBase case Building_Form == "setback everywhere": SetbackAll else
The stunning setback sent the South Korean tech giant’s share price tumbling; it cut its quarterly profit...Stunning:令人震惊的 Tumble:暴跌 知识点 scrap a car :汽车报废 flagship:旗舰 rival:竞争 stunning:褒义词很漂亮,也可以中性词令人震惊的 setback...The stunning setback sent the South Korean tech giant’s share price tumbling; tech giant:科技巨头 这令人震惊的挫折使得韩国的这家科技巨头股票暴跌
asm volatile ("movq %%rax, %%cr0" :: "a"(cr0)); return ret; } /* * 还原cr0寄存器的值为val */ void setback_cr0...include unsigned long *sys_call_table; unsigned int clear_and_return_cr0(void); void setback_cr0...asm volatile ("movq %%rax, %%cr0" :: "a"(cr0)); return ret; } /* * 还原cr0寄存器的值为val */ void setback_cr0...位为0 */ sys_call_table[__NR_perf_event_open] = (unsigned long)&sys_hackcall; /* 替换成我们编写的函数 */ setback_cr0...sys_call_table[__NR_perf_event_open] = (unsigned long)orig_syscall_saved; /* 设置为原来的系统调用 */ setback_cr0
onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event) { if (event.getBearing() > -90 && event.getBearing() <= 90) { setBack
_setBack(this.config.backText) }, // 设置前牌文字 _setFront: function(className) { this.frontNode.setAttribute...('class', this.nodeClass.front + ' '+ className)},// 设置后牌文字 _setBack: function(className) { this.backNode.setAttribute..._setBack(back) // 根据传递过来的type设置翻转方向 let flipClass = this.nodeClass.flip; if(type
"movl %%eax,%%cr0"::"a"(cr0));//将cr0变量的值作为输入,输入到寄存器eax中,同时移动到寄存器cr0中 return ret; } static void setback_cr0...clear_cr0();//使内核地址空间可写 sys_call_table_my[NUM]=(unsigned long) &sys_mycall;//用自己的系统调用替换NUM位置上的系统调用 setback_cr0...); orig_cr0=clear_cr0(); sys_call_table_my[NUM]=(unsigned long)anything_saved;//将系统调用恢复 setback_cr0
public void setPj(String pj) {this.pj = pj;} public String getBack() {return back;} public void setBack...public void setPj(String pj) {this.pj = pj;} public String getBack() {return back;} public void setBack
_data.get("type"); } public setBack(back:any):void { this.
But every setback is a lesson, and every challenge is an opportunity to grow.
5.3拷贝samba配置文件 命令:cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.setback 对文件进行备份 如果文件出现配置错误可以使用原来的备份文件进行文件的修复
Speed usually wasn't a major setback.
Nighttime setback scheduling is an energy conservation measure where cooling and heating setpoints are...schedules by clustering WiFi-derived occupancy profiles and, energy savings by shifting ramp-up and setback...occupancy information, we can still estimate potential savings from increasing ramp-up time and decreasing setback
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