Metal Bulletin已经开始针对中国硫酸钴价格进行评估和报价,中国硫酸钴价格是以相较于Metal Bulletin低级钴低幅价格(折20.5%钴含量的价格)的升贴水形式进行报价。
5月2日第一次评估价格是:-$0.82 - -$0.51/lb。
获得历史数据请参考Metal Bulletin Price book
Price:China cobalt sulfate, Co 20.5% min, ex-works, adjustment to low-gradecobalt low-end price at Co 20.5% basis, $/lb
Type:assessed range
Currency/unit:USD per lb
Chemical specification:Co: 20.5% min, Ni: 0.001% max, Cu: 0.001% max,Fe: 0.001% max, Zn: 0.001% max
Lot size:one tonne
Payment terms:on bank acceptance (other payment normalized)
Delivery window:within 30 days
Publication:twice a week on Wednesday and Friday, between 2pm and3pm London time
a. China cobalt sulfate price/1.16*/forex rate/2,204.62 = China cobalt sulfate,ex-works, $/lb
b. Metal Bulletin low-grade low-end price x 0.205 = Metal Bulletin low-gradecobalt low-end price at Co 20.5% basis, $/lb
Final premium/discount, $/lb = a-b
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