
Artificial Intelligence 想看看机器人会写出什么样的文章吗

Artificial intelligence

How soon will computers replace The Economist’s writers?

We’ve got a few years left, at least

Print editionScience and technology

Dec 19th 2017





THE machines are coming. Amuch-citedstudy in 2013 concluded that half of American jobs were at risk in the coming decades.Writers are not immune.Another paper, which surveyed researchers into artificial intelligence (AI), concluded that computers would be writing school essays by the mid-2020s andchurning outbestselling books by the 2040s.


Writers are not immune.作家也不能幸免

churning out艰苦地做出;大量炮制

In the spirit ofgoing fast and breaking things,The Economisthas therefore trained an AI program on articles from the Science and Technology section, and invited it to come up with a piece of its own. The results, presentedunedited below, show both the power and the limitations of pattern-recognition machine learning, which ismore or lesswhat AIboils down to.

The computer hasmimickedour style, and spotted topics we cover frequently. But although the sentences are grammatically correct, they lack meaning. To his relief, yourcorrespondentshould thus have a job to come back to after Christmas.

more or less多多少少地

In the spirit of本着…的精神

boils down to归结为




And now to our robot reporter...

A MUST of the world’s largest computer scientists have shown that the cost of transporting the sound waves into the back of the sun is the best way to create a set of pictures of the sort that can be solved. It is also because the same film is a specialprototype(see article). A person with a stretch of a piece of software can be transmitted by a security process that can be added to a single bit of reading. The material is composed of a singlepixel, which is possible and thus causes thelaserto be started to convert the resulting steam to the surface of the battery capable of producing power from the air and then turning it into a low-cost display. The solution is toencodethe special control of a chip to be found in a car.



Laser/'leɪzə,ˋlezɚ/n.[C ]激光器


The result is a shape of an alternative to electric cars, but the most famous problem is that the control system is then powered by a computer that iscomposedof a second part of thespectrum. The first solution is far from cheap. But if it is a bit like a solid sheet of contact with the spectrum, it can be read as the sound waves are available. The position of the system is made of a carbon containing a special component that can be used to connect the air to a conventionaldiesel engine.



The problem with the approach is that it reaches the fuel by reflecting a fuel cell to an array of materials that are sensitive to the light that is composed of solar energy. In the meantime, the process can be made to act as a prototype of asuperconductingmachine. The technology is also a short-range process that is being developed for comparison by the magnetic fields of the solar system.


The result is a chemical called the carbonnanotubethat is absorbed by the process of converting a solid oxide into a chemical that is specific to thecellular nerve. The stuff is able to extract energy from the image and then releases the electrons that can be detected by stimulating the image in thebloodstream.The surface temperature is not a molecule that is also being compared with the small energy of the structure of a metal. A single organ is a large amount of energy, which is particularly intense. The internal combustion chamber is thus able to produce aphotonwhich is being developed to produce a second protein called the body-causing protein that has a complex and comparable process to stop the components of anantibiotic.

•nanotube['nænə,tʊb; 'nænə,tjʊb]n.奈米碳管;奈米管;纳米电子管

•cellular nerve细胞神经

•bloodstreamn. [生理]血流,血液的流动

•photonn. [物]光子;辐射量子;见光度


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