Robert Sedgewick教授在Coursera上开了一门算法课,这是图论中的一道编程作业题。
图像由像素构成,可以看成是一张二维数组,其中的存储着Color,这样每个位置都有相应的颜色,就可以表示一张图片了。 这道题目的目的是resize图像,每次删除一行或一列颜色值最不明想的像素。
图像在二维数组中的表示 :
(255,101,51) (255,101,153) (255,101,255)
(255,153,51) (255,153,153) (255,153,255)
(255,203,51) (255,204,153) (255,205,255)
(255,255,51) (255,255,153) (255,255,255)
Δx2(x, y) + Δy2(x, y)
其中,Δx2(x, y) = Rx(x, y)2 + Gx(x, y)2 + Bx(x, y)2
Δy2(x, y)同理。
private Picture mPicture;
private static final double BORDER_ENERGY = 255.0 * 255 * 3;
* energy of pixel at column x and row y
public double energy(int x, int y) {
if (x < 0 || x >= width() || y < 0 || y >= height()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
if (isBorder(x, y)) return BORDER_ENERGY;
return energyFun(mPicture.get(x - 1, y), mPicture.get(x + 1, y))
+ energyFun(mPicture.get(x, y - 1), mPicture.get(x, y + 1));
private double energyFun(Color color1, Color color2) {
int r1 = color1.getRed();
int g1 = color1.getGreen();
int b1 = color1.getBlue();
int r2 = color2.getRed();
int g2 = color2.getGreen();
int b2 = color2.getBlue();
int delta = square(r1 - r2) + square(g1 - g2) + square(b1 - b2);
return delta;
private int square(int i) {
return i * i;
private boolean isBorder(int x, int y) {
if (x == 0 || x == mPicture.width() - 1) return true;
else if (y == 0 || y == mPicture.height() - 1) return true;
else return false;
* sequence of indices for vertical seam
* @return
public int[] findVerticalSeam() {
int[] result = new int[height()];
EdgeWeightedDigraph verticalG = buildVerticalGraph(width(), height());
AcyclicSP sp = new AcyclicSP(verticalG, 0);
Iterable<DirectedEdge> edges = sp.pathTo(verticalG.V() - 1);
int len = 0;
for (DirectedEdge e : edges) {
//StdOut.println(e); //调试 打印路径
int v = e.from();
if (v != 0 && v != (verticalG.V() - 1)) {
result[len++] = convertToX(v);
return result;
* 将图中标示的点映射到相应的x值
* @param v
* @return
private int convertToX(int v) {
return (v - 1) % width();
* //构造图,将二维矩阵转化为唯一标示的整数作为图的顶点
* //顶点的权重转化为边的权重:一条边两个顶点的权重之和
* //上下两个虚拟点的energy为0,这样把最终算出来的总权重之和除以2就是原来最短路径的顶点的权重之和了
* @param width
* @param height
private EdgeWeightedDigraph buildVerticalGraph(int width, int height) {
EdgeWeightedDigraph G = new EdgeWeightedDigraph(width * height + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < G.V() - 1; i++) { //上方的起始虚拟点
if (i == 0) {
for (int j = 1; j <= width; j++) {
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(0, j, 0 + energy(j - 1, 0)));
} else if (i >= G.V() - 1 - width) { //最下方的所有点连接 下方的终点虚拟点
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, G.V() - 1, energy((i - 1) % width, height - 1) + 0));
} else {
int fromX = (i - 1) % width;
int fromY = (i - 1) / width;
int toX = fromX; //正下方
int toY = fromY + 1;
if ((i - 1) % width == 0) { //最左边的点(以排除最下方的最左侧的点)
toX = fromX; //正下方
toY = fromY + 1;
double fromWeight = energy(fromX, fromY);
double toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width, fromWeight + toWeight));
toX = fromX + 1; //右下方
toY = fromY + 1;
toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width + 1, fromWeight + toWeight));
} else if ((i - 1) % width == (width - 1)) {//最右边的点((以排除最下方的点)
toX = fromX; //正下方
toY = fromY + 1;
double fromWeight = energy(fromX, fromY);
double toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width, fromWeight + toWeight));
toX = fromX - 1; //左下方
toY = fromY + 1;
toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width - 1, fromWeight + toWeight));
} else { //一般的点都有3个有向边发出((以排除最下方的)
toX = fromX; //正下方
toY = fromY + 1;
double fromWeight = energy(fromX, fromY);
double toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width, fromWeight + toWeight));
toX = fromX - 1; //左下方
toY = fromY + 1;
toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width - 1, fromWeight + toWeight));
toX = fromX + 1; //右下方
toY = fromY + 1;
toWeight = energy(toX, toY);
G.addEdge(new DirectedEdge(i, i + width + 1, fromWeight + toWeight));
return G;
* remove vertical seam from current picture
* @param seam
public void removeVerticalSeam(int[] seam) {
if (height() <= 1)
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException();
Picture pic = new Picture(width() - 1, height());
for (int h = 0; h < pic.height(); h++) {
for (int w = 0; w < seam[h]; w++) {
pic.set(w, h, mPicture.get(w, h));
for (int w = seam[h] + 1; w < width(); w++) {
pic.set(w - 1, h, mPicture.get(w, h));
this.mPicture = pic;