社区首页 >专栏 >机器学习研究和开发所需的组件列表


发布2018-11-23 18:07:26
发布2018-11-23 18:07:26
  • 线性代数: 机器学习开发人员需要数据结构,如向量,矩阵和张量,它们具有紧凑的语法和硬件加速操作。其他语言的例子:NumPy,MATLAB和R标准库,Torch。
  • 概率论: 各种随机数据生成:随机数和它们的集合; 概率分布; 排列; 收集,加权抽样等等。示例:NumPy和R标准库。
  • 数据输入输出: 在机器学习中,我们通常最感兴趣的是以下列格式解析和保存数据:纯文本,CSV等表格文件,SQL等数据库,Internet格式JSON,XML,HTML和Web抓取。还有很多特定于域的格式。
  • 数据争用: 类似表的数据结构,数据工程工具:数据集清理,查询,拆分,合并,改组等。Pandas,dplyr。
  • 数据分析/统计: 描述性统计,假设检验和各种统计资料。R标准库,以及很多CRAN包。
  • 可视化: 统计数据可视化(非饼图):图形可视化,直方图,马赛克图,热图,树状图,3D表面,空间和多维数据可视化,交互式可视化,Matplotlib,Seaborn,Bokeh,ggplot2,ggmap,Graphviz,D3 .js。
  • 符号计算: 自动区分:SymPy,Theano,Autograd。
  • 机器学习包: 机器学习算法和求解器。Scikit-learn,Keras,XGBoost,E1071和caret。
  • 交互式原型设计环境: Jupyter,R studio,MATLAB和iTorch。

Here is a list of components that are needed for the successful machine learning research and development, and examples of popular libraries and tools of the type:

  • Linear algebra: Machine learning developer needs data structures like vectors, matrices, and tensors with compact syntax and hardware-accelerated operations on them. Examples in other languages: NumPy, MATLAB, and R standard libraries, Torch.
  • Probability theory: All kinds of random data generation: random numbers and collections of them; probability distributions; permutations; shuffling of collections, weighted sampling, and so on. Examples: NumPy, and R standard library.
  • Data input-output: In machine learning, we are usually most interested in the parsing and saving data in the following formats: plain text, tabular files like CSV, databases like SQL, internet formats JSON, XML, HTML, and web scraping. There are also a lot of domain-specific formats.
  • Data wrangling: Table-like data structures, data engineering tools: dataset cleaning, querying, splitting, merging, shuffling, and so on. Pandas, dplyr.
  • Data analysis/statistic: Descriptive statistic, hypotheses testing and all kinds of statistical stuff. R standard library, and a lot of CRAN packages.
  • Visualization: Statistical data visualization (not pie charts): graph visualization, histograms, mosaic plots, heat maps, dendrograms, 3D-surfaces, spatial and multidimensional data visualization, interactive visualization, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, ggplot2, ggmap, Graphviz, D3.js.
  • Symbolic computations: Automatic differentiation: SymPy, Theano, Autograd.
  • Machine learning packages: Machine learning algorithms and solvers. Scikit-learn, Keras, XGBoost, E1071, and caret.
  • Interactive prototyping environment: Jupyter, R studio, MATLAB, and iTorch.

摘录来自: Oleksandr Sosnovshchenko. “Machine Learning with Swift: Artificial Intelligence for iOS。” Apple Books.

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原始发表:2018.10.22 ,如有侵权请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除

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