社区首页 >专栏 >科学家预言:今天会发生平流层突然变暖(SSW)事件


发布2021-01-08 14:47:09
发布2021-01-08 14:47:09

今天最冷的是莫过于朋友圈里的北京,对于做相关研究的可以从SSW角度去分析一下,转载了煎蛋和University of Bristol的两篇文章,仅供参考。


来源:煎蛋 majer @ 2021.01.06 , 02:47






主要作者Richard Hall博士说,在接下来的一两周里,极度寒冷的可能性增加。“虽然不能确定就会出现极端寒冷的天气事件,但大约三分之二的SSW对地表天气有重大影响。此外,当今的SSW可能是最危险的一种,极地旋涡分裂成两个较小的'幼儿'涡旋。”

“这些极地涡旋带来的极端寒冷天气清楚地提示我们,天气会突然转变。”布里斯托大学大气科学系的副教授,研究的合著者Dann Mitchell解释说。

“我们的研究首次量化了SSW后,极端地面天气出现的期望值。重要的是,平流层极地涡旋一分为二后,如目前正在发生的,出现极端气候的可能性变得很高。……尽管取得了进展,但这些戏剧性事件的机制以及它们如何影响地表天气,这些问题仍然存在很多不解之处,因此这是未来研究中令人兴奋且重要的领域。”另一位合著者、埃克塞特大学全球系统研究所的数学系高级讲师William Seviour博士说。


*补充 来自国内气象局的消息。北极超冷团涡旋已进入我国内蒙东部,接下来大致会擦过辽宁和吉林。完整过程里最冷的地方应是内蒙中部、山西和河北北部。因为之前寒潮刚过,基础温度本来就低,累积降温幅度远不如上次,所以中央气象局或许不会发布橙色预警。

**稍微解释一下,为什么北极平流层升温,其它欧亚大陆会出现寒潮。简单说,就是北极上空突然形成的热空气团把冷空气挤了出去,挤到了周边。而且因为能量守恒,热空气团有多热,周围的冷团相应就会多冷。比如说按照正文里预测,北极平流层上气温会突然升高多达50°C,而现在中国气象中心指出过境的北极涡旋500百帕冷心温度-52℃。南极上空的平流层也会发生ssw,只不过南极ssw影响澳洲那部分,北极影响欧亚部分。同时,因为北极气温升温速度高于其它地区(具体原因可见 大地震导致北极地区气温突然升高http://jandan.net/p/108236),会有所谓的升温扩大效应,所以引发的极端气候比南极更频繁。


Imminent sudden stratospheric warming to occur, bringing increased risk of snow over coming weeks

by University of Bristol

source: https://phys.org/news/2021-01-imminent-sudden-stratospheric-weeks.html

The stratospheric potential vorticity field on 10th February 2018. The Stratospheric Polar Vortex is about to split in two, and the weakening of the vortex was followed around two weeks later by a severe cold air outbreak over Europe known as the Beast from the East. Data from ERA-Interim reanalysis (Dee et al., 2011). Credit: University of Bristol

A new study led by researchers at the Universities of Bristol, Exeter, and Bath helps to shed light on the winter weather we may soon have in store following a dramatic meteorological event currently unfolding high above the North Pole.

Weather forecasting models are predicting with increasing confidence that a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event will take place today, 5 January 2021.

The stratosphere is the layer of the atmosphere from around 10-50km above the earth's surface. SSW events are some of the most extreme of atmospheric phenomena and can see polar stratospheric temperature increase by up to 50°C over the course of a few days. Such events can bring very cold weather, which often result in snowstorms.

The infamous 2018 'Beast from the East' is a stark reminder of what an SSW can bring. The disturbance in the stratosphere can be transmitted downward and if this continues to the Earth's surface, there can be a shift in the jet stream, leading to unusually cold weather across Europe and Northern Asia. It can take a number of weeks for the signal to reach the surface, or the process may only take a few days.

The study, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), involved the analysis of 40 observed SSW events which occurred over the last 60 years. Researchers developed a novel method for tracking the signal of an SSW downward from its onset in the stratosphere to the surface.

Findings in the paper, Tracking the stratosphere-to-surface impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings suggest split events tend to be associated with colder weather over north west Europe and Siberia.

Lead author of the study, Dr. Richard Hall, said there was an increased chance of extreme cold, and potentially snow, over the next week or two. "While an extreme cold weather event is not a certainty, around two thirds of SSWs have a significant impact on surface weather. What's more, today's SSW is potentially the most dangerous kind, where the polar vortex splits into two smaller 'child' vortices."

"The extreme cold weather that these polar vortex breakdowns bring is a stark reminder of how suddenly our weather can flip. Even with climate change warming our planet, these events will still occur, meaning we must be adaptable to an ever more extreme range of temperatures," said Dann Mitchell, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Bristol and co-author of the study.

"Our study quantifies for the first time the probabilities of when we might expect extreme surface weather following a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event. These vary widely, but importantly the impacts appear faster and stronger following events in which the stratospheric polar vortex splits in two, as is predicted in the currently unfolding event. Despite this advance many questions remain as to the mechanisms causing these dramatic events, and how they can influence the surface, and so this is an exciting and important area for future research," said Dr. William Seviour, senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter, and co-author of the study.




2018年2月10日平流层位势涡度场。平流层极地涡旋即将分裂成两部分,涡旋减弱之后大约两周后,欧洲上空爆发了被称为来自东方的野兽的严重冷空气。数据来自 ERA-Interim 再分析(Dee et al. ,2011)。图片来源: 布里斯托尔大学



平流层是在地球表面以上10-50公里处的大气层。SSW 事件是一些最极端的大气现象,可以看到极地平流层的温度在几天内上升高达50 ° c。这样的事件会带来非常寒冷的天气,常常导致暴风雪。

2018年臭名昭著的《来自东方的野兽》是对 SSW 能带来什么的一个赤裸裸的提醒。平流层的扰动可以向下传递,如果这种扰动继续到达地球表面,高速气流就会发生转变,导致异常寒冷的天气横跨欧洲和北亚。信号到达水面可能需要几个星期,或者这个过程可能只需要几天。

这项研究发表在《地球物理研究期刊,由自然环境研究委员会(NERC)资助,包括对过去60年发生的40个观测到的 SSW 事件的分析。研究人员开发了一种新的方法来跟踪从平流层开始向下到平流层表面的 SSW 信号。


这项研究的主要作者理查德 · 霍尔博士说,在接下来的一两个星期里,极端寒冷和可能下雪的几率会增加。“虽然极端寒冷的天气事件并不一定发生,但大约三分之二的地面监测站对地表天气有重大影响。此外,今天的 SSW 可能是最危险的一种,极涡分裂成两个更小的‘儿童’涡旋。”

“极地涡旋破裂带来的极端寒冷天气提醒我们,我们的天气会突然发生翻转。即使气候变暖使我们的星球变暖,这些事件仍然会发生,这意味着我们必须适应一个更加极端的温度范围,” Dann Mitchell 说,他是布里斯托尔大学大气科学副教授,也是这项研究的合著者。

“我们的研究首次量化了平流层突然变暖(SSW)事件之后,我们可能预期出现极端地表天气的概率。这些变化很大,但重要的是,在平流层极地涡旋分裂为两部分的事件发生后,其影响似乎更快更强,正如目前展开的事件所预测的那样。尽管取得了这些进展,许多问题仍然存在,比如引起这些戏剧性事件的机制,以及它们如何影响地表,因此这是一个令人兴奋和重要的领域,为未来的研究,” William Seviour 博士说,他是艾希特大学数学和全球系统研究所的高级讲师,也是这项研究的合著者。

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