近来需要在 streamlit 项目实现跑马灯效果,但是没有现成组件。于是自定义实现了这个组件,并且发布到了 pypi 。
pypi 地址:https://pypi.org/project/streamlit-marquee/
github 源码地址:https://github.com/inspurer/streamlit-marquee
a marquee component for streamlit
first, install via pip online
pip install streamlit-marquee
or download the wheel file and install offline
pip install {{the downloaded wheel file path in your pc}}
or just download the source-code.
then, there are two demos below.
from streamlit\_marquee import streamlit\_marquee
# the marquee container background color
'background': "#ff0000",
# the marquee text size
'fontSize': '12px',
# the marquee text color
"color": "#ffffff",
# the marquee text content
'content': 'here is custom marquee component~',
# the marquee container width
'width': '600px',
# the marquee container line height
'lineHeight': "35px",
# the marquee duration
'animationDuration': '5s',
from streamlit\_marquee import streamlit\_marquee
streamlit\_marquee(content='here is custom marquee component~')
since the html tag <marquee>
has been declared as deprecated.
as an alternative, use css animation to realize.
* background
* fontSize
* color
* content
* width
* lineHeight
* animationDuration
you can also download the source code and change to support more attributes such as transition-timing-function.
any question, please open issues.
如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。
如有侵权,请联系 cloudcommunity@tencent.com 删除。