本文对论文进行复现:Event Causality Extraction with Event Argument Correlations 事件因果识别(ECI)旨在检测两个给定文本事件之间是否存在因果关系,这对于理解事件因果关系至关重要。然而,ECI任务忽略了关键的事件结构和因果关系组件信息,导致在下游应用中存在困难。因此,论文提出了一种新颖的任务,名为事件因果提取(ECE),旨在从纯文本中提取因果事件对及其结构化事件信息。ECE任务更具挑战性,因为每个事件可能包含多个事件参数,需要考虑事件之间的细粒度关联来确定因果事件对。因此,论文提出了一种采用双网格标注方案的方法,以捕捉ECE的事件内部和事件间参数之间的关联。此外,他们设计了一种事件类型增强的模型架构,以实现双网格标注方案。实验证明了该方法的有效性,并进行了广泛的分析,指出了ECE的若干未来研究方向。 本次代码复现在原有代码的基础上已经下载好bert模型参数,直接训练就好
采用两个语义融合函数,c 和r,分别为因果和效果网格表派生条目表示。每个语义融合函数都由一层CLN实现,因此条目表示为:
2.2.3 训练和推断 由于每个表中的可以同时分配多个标记,我们对条目表示进行多标签分类。具体来说,一个全连接网络预测了每个标记的概率:
torch 1.7.1+cu110
transformers 4.5.1
mkdir log
cd ./src/
step3:训练 python train.py --task_name ece_task --training 1 --debug 0 --hidden_size 768
step4:推理 python train.py --task_name ece_task --training 0 --debug 0 --hidden_size 768 --model_name model_name
# start
class Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args):
super(Model, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = args.hidden_size
self.bert_embedding = BertModel.from_pretrained(args.bert_path)
self.tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.bert_path)
# Grid Representation and Classification for the Cause Table
self.gridmodel = GridModel(hidden_size=self.hidden_size, type_num=int(len(tt_map) // 2), dropout=args.dropout)
# Grid Representation and Classification for the Effect Table
self.gridmodel2 = GridModel(hidden_size=self.hidden_size, type_num=int(len(tt_map) // 2), dropout=args.dropout)
self.dp = nn.Dropout( args.dropout )
self.thresh = args.thresh
def encoding(self, input_ids, segment_ids, input_masks):
out = self.bert_embedding(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=input_masks, token_type_ids=segment_ids)
input_embs = out.last_hidden_state
input_embs = self.dp( input_embs )
return input_embs
def obtain_embs(self, input_embs_, label_indexs ):
etype_embs = torch.index_select(input_embs_, dim = 1, index = label_indexs[0])
input_embs = input_embs_[:, -max_seq_len: , :]
return input_embs, etype_embs
def run(self, input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks, label_indexs):
batch_size = input_ids.shape[0]
input_embs_ = self.encoding(input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks)
input_embs, etype_embs = self.obtain_embs(input_embs_, label_indexs)
# input_embs: [batch, seq, dim]
# etype_embs: [batch, type_num, dim]
tt_outputs_1 = self.gridmodel(input_embs, etype_embs)
tt_outputs_2 = self.gridmodel2(input_embs, etype_embs)
# Concat the output of two tables to derive the final loss
tt_outputs = torch.sigmoid(torch.cat([tt_outputs_1, tt_outputs_2], dim = -1))
return tt_outputs
def forward(self, input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks, label_indexs):
tt_outputs = self.run(input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks, label_indexs)
return tt_outputs
def inference(self, text_ids, input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks, label_indexs):
result = {'text_id': text_ids[0], 'result': []}
batch_size = input_ids.shape[0]
tt_outputs_ = self.run(input_ids, segment_ids, input_maks, label_indexs)
tt_outputs = tt_outputs_.squeeze(0).detach().cpu().numpy() # [type_num, seq, type_nums]
# Decode ent
input_ids = input_ids.squeeze(0)[-max_seq_len:]
sent_len = torch.sum(input_maks.squeeze(0)[-max_seq_len:]).item()
heads, tails, iids = np.where(tt_outputs > self.thresh)
ent_dict, event_ent_dict = {}, {}
reason_dict, result_dict = {}, {}
for (etype_id, token_id, iid) in list(zip(heads, tails, iids)):
# etype_id: index along the column, namely event types
# token_id: index along the row, namely the position of token
# iid: index of the predefined tags
etype = etype_id2type[etype_id]
tag_type = tt_id2type[iid]
tag, ent_type, ent_pos = tag_type.split('-')
### Step1: Argument Span Decoding ###
# In the Cause Table
if (tt_map['Rea2Rea-product-H'] <= iid <= tt_map['Rea2Rea-industry-T']) or (tt_map['Rea2Res-product-H'] <= iid <= tt_map['Rea2Res-industry-T']):
if etype not in reason_dict:
reason_dict[etype] = { 'reason':{'product': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'region': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'industry': {'H': [], 'T': []}},
'result':{'product': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'region': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'industry': {'H': [], 'T': []}}}
if tag == 'Rea2Rea':
elif tag == 'Rea2Res':
# In the Effect Table
elif (tt_map['Res2Res-product-H'] <= iid <= tt_map['Res2Res-industry-T']) or (tt_map['Res2Rea-product-H'] <= iid <= tt_map['Res2Rea-industry-T']):
if etype not in result_dict:
result_dict[etype] = {'reason':{'product': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'region': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'industry': {'H': [], 'T': []}},
'result':{'product': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'region': {'H': [], 'T': []}, 'industry': {'H': [], 'T': []}}}
if tag == 'Res2Rea':
elif tag == 'Res2Res':
# pdb.set_trace()
reason_ent_dict, result_ent_dict = {}, {}
# In the cause table
for etype in reason_dict:
reason_ent_dict[etype] = {'reason': [], 'result': []}
for tag in reason_dict[etype]: # tag: reason(Intra) / result(Inter)
for key in reason_dict[etype][tag]: # key: product / region / industry
for ent_hid in reason_dict[etype][tag][key]['H']:
ent_tid_list = [ii for ii in reason_dict[etype][tag][key]['T'] if ii >= ent_hid]
if len(ent_tid_list) > 0:
ent_tid = min(ent_tid_list)
if max(ent_hid, ent_tid) < sent_len:
ent_text = "".join( self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( input_ids[ent_hid: ent_tid + 1] ) )
reason_ent_dict[etype][tag].append((ent_text, key))
# In the effect table
for etype in result_dict:
result_ent_dict[etype] = {'reason': [], 'result': []}
for tag in result_dict[etype]: # tag: reason(Inter) / result(Intra)
for key in result_dict[etype][tag]: # key: product / region / industry
for ent_hid in result_dict[etype][tag][key]['H']:
ent_tid_list = [ii for ii in result_dict[etype][tag][key]['T'] if ii >= ent_hid]
if len(ent_tid_list) > 0:
ent_tid = min(ent_tid_list)
if max(ent_hid, ent_tid) < sent_len:
ent_text = "".join( self.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens( input_ids[ent_hid: ent_tid + 1] ) )
result_ent_dict[etype][tag].append((ent_text, key))
### Step3: Decode event pair ###
for reason_type in reason_ent_dict:
for result_type in result_ent_dict:
reason_args = [item for item in reason_ent_dict[reason_type]['reason'] if item in result_ent_dict[result_type]['reason']]
result_args = [item for item in result_ent_dict[result_type]['result'] if item in reason_ent_dict[reason_type]['result']]
if max( len(reason_args), len(result_args)) != 0:
rr_pair = {'reason_type': reason_type, 'result_type': result_type,
'reason_product': set(), 'reason_region': set(), 'reason_industry': set(),
'result_product': set(), 'result_region': set(), 'result_industry': set()}
for item in reason_args:
ent_text, ent_type = item[-2], 'reason_' + item[-1]
for item in result_args:
ent_text, ent_type = item[-2], 'result_' + item[-1]
for key in ['reason_product', 'reason_region', 'reason_industry', 'result_product', 'result_region', 'result_industry']:
rr_pair[key] = ",".join(list(rr_pair[key])) if len(rr_pair[key]) != 0 else ""
return result