1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings
查询:select dept0_.id as id1_1_0_, dept0_.create_by as create_10_1_0_, dept0_.create_date as create_d2_1_0_, dept0_.pid as pid3_1_0_,...
错误代码: 1064
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 0, 1000' at line 17
执行耗时 : 0 sec
传送时间 : 0 sec
总耗时 : 0.003 sec
dept0_.id AS id1_1_0_,
dept0_.create_by AS create_10_1_0_,
dept0_.create_date AS create_d2_1_0_,
dept0_.pid AS pid3_1_0_,
dept0_.pids AS pids4_1_0_,
dept0_.remark AS remark5_1_0_,
dept0_.sort AS sort6_1_0_,
dept0_.status AS status7_1_0_,
dept0_.title AS title8_1_0_,
dept0_.update_by AS update_11_1_0_,
dept0_.update_date AS update_d9_1_0_
sys_dept dept0_
WHERE dept0_.id = 1
AND (dept0_.status != 3