它给了我一个错误You have to install development tools first.,所以我尝试了xcode-select --install,它告诉我它们已经安装了:
xcode-select: error: commandlinetools are alreadyinstalled, use "SoftwareUpdate" to inst
xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a commandlinetools instancexcode-select: error: commandlinetools are
process exited with status -1 (Error 1)sudo Xcode-select -s ~/myDeveloperDirectoryXcode-select --install和我得到了和
error: commandlinetools are alreadyinstalled, use "<em
similarly named formulae were found: To installone of them, run (for example): Error: No available formula or cask with the我还做了以下工作:xcode-select: error: co