

Conference Highlight




Entrepreneurs in Tech: The Rise and Grind of the Dynamic Duo


Natalie Wang



She graduated at the top of her cohort for her college entrance examinations. On top of working as a CCTV news anchor, she is the founder of her own fashion startup and wife to a unicorn start-up company founder.



Bin Li


He is a keen entrepreneur, investor and founder of a unicorn start-up as well as husband to a rising fashion startup founder.



One would be inclined to think that the nature of the two companies founded by both are from two completely different worlds. One is in a traditionally masculine-dominated car industry while the other isin a traditionally female-dominated fashion / lifestyle industry.But why is it that the two founders managed to run these two completely contrasting businesses and achieve success in expanding them rapidly? What is the secret to them being able to so concurrently?

We areveryprivilegedto welcomethis power couple to share with us their stories on the daily grind of their entrepreneurship journey!


It is not often that we hear of stories where two individuals are not just romantic partners but also founders of their own company. Of course, such stories are not impossible but just hard to come by. To name a few, we have Robin Li and Melissa Ma (Baidu) as well as Guoqing Li and Yu Yu (Dang Dang Web). However, the power couple that we are going to be introducing today are unique in the sense thatthey are both founders but coming from different backgrounds and two completely different startups.And this has worked well for both of them. Bin Li’s NIO has already achieved the status of a unicorn start-up while Natalie Wang’s Glamor App is slowly but surely gaining currency among more and more users.



Despite the fact that both of them try to maintain a distance from each other when it comes to their entrepreneurship ambitions, it is not hard to tell that both of them still cast a certain shadow of influence on each other.

For instance, Natalie is an angel investor to NIO while Bin Li is also an angel investor to Glamor APP.




Judging from his entrepreneurship endeavors which dates even far back to when he was still in University, we cannot help but come to a chorus that Bin Li is indeed an avid entrepreneur. While still a university student, Bin Li dipped his toes into the entrepreneurship pool by establishing one of China’s earliest internet company. In the year of 1997, Bin Li once again founded another company Ke Wen Shu Ye, the predecessor of Dang Dang Web. Mainly focusing on Internet Technology and the automobile industry, Bin Li has taken part in over 40 entrepreneurship endeavors ranging from establishing his own company to investing.

Of course, Bin Li’s entrepreneurship journey was not all smooth. There were times where he too had to face with immense challenges and even to the extent whereby the survival of his company was at question. For instance, in the year 2001, one of Bin Li’s automobile company was in debt of a few millions. It was through Bin Li’s hard work and strong leadership that the company managed to be revived in the Year 2003.

And in the year 2014, Bin Li’s Nio Smart Automobile company earned the status of a unicorn start-up within just three years of establishment. What an amazing feat!




On the other hand, Natalie charted a completely different path of her own. She is a CCTV-News News Anchor and host of a great variety of popular Chinese talk shows. She has been actively involved in many fields ranging from Internet business expansion, the Shenzhou spaceflight initiative by China, environmental issues and many more. Because of her job scope, Natalie was able to accumulate a wide range of experiences under her belt. She has interacted and even interviewed people from all walks of life. They include important government personnel, successful businessmen as well as people from the lower spectrum of society like children suffering from Autism or poor farmers.

However, Natalie has since left the Media industry in the early year of 2018 and established her own technology company, named Cogo Technology. In the same year, her company partnered with Tencent News to launch a documentary detailing the life stories of inspirational females. The first season featured popular actresses Yang Mi, Wen Yali, Hu Jing, Wan Wan and many more talented females. The documentary garnered an impressive number of 80 million viewers.

At the end of January in the year of 2019, COGO Technology rolled out their Glamor App which was made available for downloads in App stores.



"Tech for Good"is not just an advertising jingle but something taken seriously. In fact, the inspiration for NIO came from Bin Li’s genuine concerns for the environment.

On the fateful day of 24th February 2014, Bin Li was at the balcony of his home when he noticed the gloomy haze in the sky. The scene impacted him so much that he took a photo and wrote himself a letter.


“The invention of automobile has broken limits that were once thought impossible by humans. They signify a positive change for mankind, bringing about greater freedom for everyone but at what cost? Unfortunately, all of these came at the cost of road traffic congestion and environmental pollution. Is this really what we want for our earth? I thought hard about this matter and made a resolution that I must take the initiative to do something about this. Every now and then, I will take out the letter I wrote myself on that fateful day to remind myself of my dedication to saving our environment and to this day it has formed the core and heart of Nio Smart Automobility Company”


Bin Li, Founder & CEO, NIO


Glamor App is not just a platform for sharing of the latest clothing trend or makeup among its users. Natalie, being a talk show host is extremely adept at understanding human needs and experiences. Her expertise in this area has enabled her to come up with the idea of the App to help users around the world to keep up with the latest clothing trends as well as ensure their wellbeing and growth by enabling them to share their dreams and unique stories.


Hand in hand, both of them have successfully utilized technology to do good for society. For the first time, they will be sharing the stage at theShe Loves Tech 2019 Global Startup Competition and International Conferenceto share about their stories!


They want to hear from you!


Have questions to ask them? Leave a comment below and we’ll select some of these questions to be asked on the day of the conference!

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