Declaring functions
noptr-declarator ( parameter-list ) cv(optional) ref(optional) except(optional) attr(optional) requires(concepts TS) | (1) | |
noptr-declarator ( parameter-list ) cv(optional) ref(optional) except(optional) attr(optional) -> trailing requires(concepts TS) | (2) | (since C++11) |
noptr-declarator | - | any valid declarator, but if it begins with *, &, or &&, it has to be surrounded by parentheses. |
parameter-list | - | possibly empty, comma-separated list of the function parameters (see below for details) |
attr(C++11) | - | optional list of attributes. These attributes are applied to the type of the function, not the function itself. The attributes for the function appear after the identifier within the declarator and are combined with the attributes that appear in the beginning of the declaration, if any. |
cv | - | const/volatile qualification, only allowed in non-static member function declarations |
ref(C++11) | - | ref-qualification, only allowed in non-static member function declarations |
except | - | either dynamic exception specification(until C++17) or noexcept specification(C++11) Note that the exception specification is not part of the function type (until C++17) |
trailing(C++11) | - | Trailing return type, useful if the return type depends on argument names, such as template <class T, class U> auto add(T t, U u) -> decltype(t + u); or is complicated, such as in auto fpif(int)->int(*)(int) |
requires(concepts TS) | - | The requires clause, which declares the associated constraints for the function, which must be satisfied in order for the function to be selected by overload resolution. Note that the associated constraint is part of function signature, but not part of function type. |
// declares an int, an int*, a function, and a pointer to a function
int a = 1, *p = NULL, f(), (*pf)(double);
// decl-specifier-seq is int
// declarator f() declares (but doesn't define)
// a function taking no arguments and returning int
struct S
virtual int f(char) const, g(int) &&; // declares two non-static member functions
virtual int f(char), x; // compile-time error: virtual (in decl-specifier-seq)
// is only allowed in declarations of non-static
// member functions
As with any declaration, attributes that appear before the declaration and the attributes that appear immediately after the identifier within the declarator both apply to the entity being declared or defined (in this case, to the function). [noreturn] void f [noreturn]; // OK, both attributes apply to the function f However, the attributes that appear after the declarator (in the syntax above), apply to the type of the function, not to the function itself. void f() [noreturn]; // Error: this attribute has no effect on a type | (since C++11) |
Return type deduction If the decl-specifier-seq of the function declaration contains the keyword auto, trailing return type may be omitted, and will be deduced by the compiler from the type of the expression used in the return statement. If the return type does not use decltype(auto), the deduction follows the rules of template argument deduction. int x = 1; auto f() { return x; } // return type is int const auto& f() { return x; } // return type is const int& If the return type is decltype(auto), the return type is as what would be obtained if the expression used in the return statement were wrapped in decltype. int x = 1; decltype(auto) f() { return x; } // return type is int, same as decltype(x) decltype(auto) f() { return(x); } // return type is int&, same as decltype((x)) (note: "const decltype(auto)&" is an error, decltype(auto) must be used on its own). If there are multiple return statements, they must all deduce to the same type. auto f(bool val) { if(val) return 123; // deduces return type int else return 3.14f; // deduces return type float: error } If there is no return statement or if the argument of the return statement is a void expression, the declared return type must be either decltype(auto), in which case the deduced return type is void, or (possibly cv-qualified) auto, in which case the deduced return type is then (identically cv-qualified) void. auto f() {} // returns void auto g() { return f(); } // returns void auto* x() {} // error: cannot deduce auto* from void Once a return statement has been seen in a function, the return type deduced from that statement can be used in the rest of the function, including in other return statements. auto sum(int i) { if(i == 1) return i; // sum’s return type is int else return sum(i - 1) + i; // OK, sum’s return type is already known } If the return statement uses a brace-init-list, deduction is not allowed: auto func () { return {1, 2, 3}; } // error Virtual functions cannot use return type deduction. struct F { virtual auto f() { return 2; } // error }; If a function uses return type deduction, it cannot be redeclared using the type that it deduces to, or another kind of return type deduction even if it deduces to the same type. auto f(); // declared, not yet defined auto f() { return 42; } // defined, return type is int int f(); // error, cannot use the deduced type decltype(auto) f(); // error, different kind of deduction auto f(); // re-declared, OK template<typename T> struct A { friend T frf(T); }; auto frf(int i) { return i; } // not a friend of A<int> Function templates other than user-defined conversion functions can use return type deduction. The deduction takes place at instantiation even if the expression in the return statement is not dependent. This instantiation is not in an immediate context for the purposes of SFINAE. template<class T> auto f(T t) { return t; } typedef decltype(f(1)) fint_t; // instantiates f<int> to deduce return type template<class T> auto f(T* t) { return *t; } void g() { int (*p)(int*) = &f; } // instantiates both fs to determine return types, // chooses second template overload Specializations of function templates that use return type deduction must use the same return type placeholders. template<typename T> auto g(T t) { return t; } // #1 template auto g(int); // OK, return type is int //template char g(char); // error, no matching template template<> auto g(double); // OK, forward declaration with unknown return type template<typename T> T g(T t) { return t; } // OK, not equivalent to #1 template char g(char); // OK, now there is a matching template template auto g(float); // still matches #1 // void h() { return g(42); } // error, ambiguous Explicit instantiation declarations do not themselves instantiate function templates that use return type deduction. template<typename T> auto f(T t) { return t; } extern template auto f(int); // does not instantiate f<int> int (*p)(int) = f; // instantiates f<int> to determine its return type, // but an explicit instantiation definition // is still required somewhere in the program | (since C++14) |
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq declarator | (1) | |
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq declarator = initializer | (2) | |
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq abstract-declarator(optional) | (3) | |
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq abstract-declarator(optional) = initializer | (4) | |
... | (5) | |
void | (6) | |
int f(int a, int *p, int (*(*x)(double))[3]);
int f(int a = 7, int *p = nullptr, int (*(*x)(double))[3] = nullptr);
int f(int, int *, int (*(*)(double))[3]);
int f(int = 7, int * = nullptr, int (*(*)(double))[3] = nullptr);
int printf(const char* fmt, ...);
6%29表示函数不接受参数,它是空参数列表的确切同义词:int f(void);
和int f();
%28可能是cv-限定%29不能在参数列表中使用,否则:int f(void, int);
和int f(const void);
如果实例化,则不会成为无参数函数。T = void
If any of the function parameters uses a placeholder (either auto or a constrained type), the function declaration is instead an abbreviated function template declaration: void f(auto (auto::*)(auto)); // #1 template<typename T, typename U, typename V> void f(T (U::*)(V)); // same as #1 void g1(const C1*, C2&); // #2 (assuming C1 and C2 are concepts template<C1 T, C2 U> void g1(const T*, U&); // same as #2 | (concepts TS) |
4%29顶级cv限定符从参数类型%28中删除。调整只影响函数类型,但%27T修改参数的属性:int f(const int p, decltype(p)*);
和int f(int, const int*);
int f(char s[3]);
int f(char[]);
int f(char* s);
int f(char* const);
int f(char* volatile s);
int f(int());
int f(int (*g)());
Parameter type cannot be a type that includes a reference or a pointer to array of unknown bound, including a multi-level pointers/arrays of such types, or a pointer to functions whose parameters are such types | (until C++14) |
template<typename ...Args> void f(Args..., ...);
template<typename ...Args> void f(Args... ...);
template<typename ...Args> void f(Args......);
attr(optional) decl-specifier-seq(optional) declarator virt-specifier-seq(optional) function-body | | |
ctor-initializer(optional) compound-statement | (1) | |
function-try-block | (2) | |
= delete ; | (3) | (since C++11) |
= default ; | (4) | (since C++11) |
attr(C++11) | - | optional list of attributes. These attributes are combined with the attributes after the identifier in the declarator (see top of this page), if any. |
decl-specifier-seq | - | the return type with specifiers, as in the declaration grammar |
declarator | - | function declarator, same as in the function declaration grammar above |
virt-specifier-seq(C++11) | - | override, final, or their combination in any order (only allowed for member functions) |
ctor-initializer | - | member initializer list, only allowed in constructors |
compound-statement | - | the brace-enclosed sequence of statements that constututes the body of a function |
int max(int a, int b, int c)
int m = (a > b)? a : b;
return (m > c)? m : c;
// decl-specifier-seq is "int"
// declarator is "max(int a, int b, int c)"
// body is { ... }
函数定义的声明器中声明的参数为范围内在身体里。如果函数体中没有使用参数,则不需要命名为%28 it%27s,足以使用抽象声明器%29。
void print(int a, int) // second parameter is not used
std::printf("a = %d\n",a);
void f(const int n) // declares function of type void(int)
// but in the body, the type of n is const int
Deleted functions If, instead of a function body, the special syntax = delete ; is used, the function is defined as deleted. Any use of a deleted function is ill-formed (the program will not compile). This includes calls, both explicit (with a function call operator) and implicit (a call to deleted overloaded operator, special member function, allocation function etc), constructing a pointer or pointer-to-member to a deleted function, and even the use of a deleted function in an unevaluated expression. However, implicit ODR-use of a non-pure virtual member function that happens to be deleted is allowed. If the function is overloaded, overload resolution takes place first, and the program is only ill-formed if the deleted function was selected. struct sometype { void* operator new(std::size_t) = delete; void* operator new = delete; }; sometype* p = new sometype; // error, attempts to call deleted sometype::operator new The deleted definition of a function must be the first declaration in a translation unit: a previously-declared function cannot be redeclared as deleted: struct sometype { sometype(); }; sometype::sometype() = delete; // error: must be deleted on the first declaration __func__ Within the function body, the function-local predefined variable __func__ is defined as if by. static const char __func__[] = "function-name"; This variable has block scope and static storage duration: struct S { S(): s(__func__) {} // OK: initializer-list is part of function body const char* s; }; void f(const char* s = __func__); // error: parameter-list is part of declarator | (since C++11) |
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// declaration in namespace(file) scope
// (the definition is provided later)
int f1();
// simple function with a default argument, returning nothing
void f0(const std::string& arg = "world")
std::cout << "Hello, " << arg << '\n';
// function returning a pointer to f0
auto fp11() -> void(*)(const std::string&)
return f0;
// function returning a pointer to f0, pre-C++11 style
void (*fp03())(const std::string&)
return f0;
int main()
int f2(std::string); // declaration in function scope
std::cout << f2("bad12") << '\n';
// simple non-member function returning int
int f1()
return 42;
// function with an exception specification and a function try block
int f2(std::string str) noexcept try
return std::stoi(str);
catch(const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << "stoi() failed!\n";
return 0;
Hello, world
Hello, test
Hello, again
stoi() failed!
DR | Applied to | Behavior as published | Correct behavior |
CWG 1394 | c++11 | deleted function could not return an incomplete type | incomplete return type allowed |
CWG 577 | c++11 | dependent type void could be used to declare a no-parameter function | only non-dependent void is allowed |
CWG 393 | c++14 | types that include pointers/references to array of unknown bound can't be parameters | such types are allowed |