笔者很早就对LDA模型着迷,最近在学习gensim库发现了LDA比较有意义且项目较为完整的Tutorials,于是乎就有本系列,本系列包含三款:Latent Dirichlet Allocation、Author-Topic Model、Dynamic Topic Models
pyLDA系列模型 | 解析 | 功能 |
ATM模型(Author-Topic Model) | 加入监督的’作者’,每个作者对不同主题的偏好;弊端:chained topics, intruded words, random topics, and unbalanced topics (see Mimno and co-authors 2011) | 作者主题偏好、词语主题偏好、相似作者推荐、可视化 |
LDA模型(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) | 主题模型 | 文章主题偏好、单词的主题偏好、主题内容展示、主题内容矩阵 |
DTM模型(Dynamic Topic Models) | 加入时间因素,不同主题随着时间变动 | 时间-主题词条矩阵、主题-时间词条矩阵、文档主题偏好、新文档预测、跨时间+主题属性的文档相似性 |
案例与数据主要来源,jupyter notebook可见gensim的官方github 详细解释可见:Dynamic Topic Modeling in Python .
David Blei does a good job explaining the theory behind this in this Google talk. If you prefer to directly read the paper on DTM by Blei and Lafferty
Dynamic Topic Models (DTM) leverages the knowledge of different documents belonging to a different time-slice in an attempt to map how the words in a topic change over time. 同时,DTM每个时期都有同样K个主题数,性能是C++版本的DTM模型的5-7倍
函数或模型 | 作用 |
print_topics | 不同时期的5个主题的情况 |
print_topic_times | 每个主题的3个时期,主题重要词分别是什么 |
doc_topics | 不同文档主题偏好(常规),跟LDA中get_document_topics 一致,返回内容如下:[ 5.46298825e-05 2.18468637e-01 5.46298825e-05 5.46298825e-05 7.81367474e-01] 下文称为主题偏好向量 |
model[]新文档预测 | ldaseq[dictionary.doc2bow( [‘economy’, ‘bank’, ‘mobile’, ‘phone’, ‘markets’, ‘buy’, ‘football’, ‘united’, ‘giggs’])],返回内容:[ 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.99558011] |
print_topics,跨时间+主题属性的文档相似性 | hellinger(doc_football_1, doc_football_2),返回的是:0.95828252517231205 |
材料 | 解释 | 示例 |
corpus | 用过gensim 都懂 | [[(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)], [(0, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (8, 1), (9, 2)]] |
dictionary | 用过gensim 都懂,dictionary = Dictionary(docs) | docs的格式,每篇文章都变成如下样式,然后整入List之中:[‘probabilistic’, ‘characterization’, ‘of’, ‘neural’, ‘model’, ‘computation’, ‘richard’,’david_rumelhart’, ‘-PRON-_grateful’, ‘helpful_discussion’, ‘early_version’, ‘like_thank’, ‘brown_university’] |
id2word | 每个词语ID的映射表,dictionary构成,id2word = dictionary.id2token | {0: ’ 0’, 1: ’ American nstitute of Physics 1988 ‘, 2: ’ Fig’, 3: ’ The’, 4: ‘1 1’, 5: ‘2 2’, 6: ‘2 3’, 7: ‘CA 91125 ‘, 8: ‘CONCLUSIONS ‘} |
time-slices | 时间记录,按顺序来排列 | time_slice = [438, 430, 456]代表着,三个月的时间里,第一个有438篇文章,第二个月有430篇文章,第三个月有456篇文章。当然可以以年月日以及任意计量时间都可以。 |
LdaSeqModel(corpus=None, time_slice=None, id2word=None, alphas=0.01, num_topics=10, initialize='gensim', sstats=None, lda_model=None, obs_variance=0.5, chain_variance=0.005, passes=10, random_state=None, lda_inference_max_iter=25, em_min_iter=6, em_max_iter=20, chunksize=100)
常规参数可参考:pyLDA系列︱gensim中的主题模型(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) 不太一样的参数:
%time ldaseq = ldaseqmodel.LdaSeqModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, time_slice=time_slice, num_topics=5)
:ldaseqmodel.LdaSeqModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, time_slice=time_slice, num_topics=5)
: 已经有了训练好的LDA模型,可以把一些参数解析出来,然后给入模型,此时就需要调整.
You can use your own sstats of an LDA model previously trained as
well by specifying ‘own’ and passing a np matrix through sstats. If
you wish to just pass a previously used LDA model, pass it through
lda_model Shape of sstats is (vocab_len, num_topics)
.print_topics(time=0, top_terms=20)
不同时期的5个主题的概况,其中time是指时期阶段,官方案例中训练有三个时期,就是三个月,那么time可选:[0,1,2],返回的内容格式为:(word, word_probability)
from gensim.models import ldaseqmodel
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary, bleicorpus
import numpy
from gensim.matutils import hellinger
%time ldaseq = ldaseqmodel.LdaSeqModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, time_slice=time_slice, num_topics=5)
>>> [[(u'blair', 0.0062483544617615841),
(u'labour', 0.0059223974769828398)],
[(u'film', 0.0050860317914258307),
(u'minister', 0.0044210871797581213)],
[(u'government', 0.0039312390246381002),
(u'election', 0.0038787664682510613)],
[(u'prime', 0.0038773564950156151),
(u'party', 0.0036428824115890975)],
[(u'brown', 0.0034964052703373195),
(u'howard', 0.0032628247571913969)]
print_topic_times(topic, top_terms=20)
>>> [[(u'blair', 0.0061528696567048772),
(u'labour', 0.0054905202853533239)],
[(u'film', 0.0051444037762632807),
(u'minister', 0.0043556939573101399)],
[(u'government', 0.0038839073759585367),
(u'election', 0.0037979240057325865)]
doc = ldaseq.doc_topics(558) # check the 558th document in the corpuses topic distribution
print (doc)
>>> [ 5.46298825e-05 2.18468637e-01 5.46298825e-05 5.46298825e-05 7.81367474e-01]
五个主题中,第558篇文章对1,4号主题更为偏好。 当然可以通过解析corpus来进行核实:
words = [dictionary[word_id] for word_id, count in corpus[558]]
print (words)
>>> [u'set', u'time,"', u'chairman', u'decision', u'news', u'director', u'former', u'vowed', u'"it', u'results', u'club', u'third', u'home', u'paul', u'saturday.', u'south', u'conference']
doc_football_1 = ['economy', 'bank', 'mobile', 'phone', 'markets', 'buy', 'football', 'united', 'giggs']
doc_football_1 = dictionary.doc2bow(doc_football_1)
doc_football_1 = ldaseq[doc_football_1]
print (doc_football_1)
>>> [ 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.00110497 0.99558011]
模型进行预测,可见结果,与doc_topics 类似,返回的是该新文档,与四号主题比较贴合。
doc_football_2 = ['arsenal', 'fourth', 'wenger', 'oil', 'middle', 'east', 'sanction', 'fluctuation']
doc_football_2 = dictionary.doc2bow(doc_football_2)
doc_football_2 = ldaseq[doc_football_2]
>>> array([ 0.00141844, 0.00141844, 0.00141844, 0.00141844, 0.99432624])
hellinger(doc_football_1, doc_football_2)
>>> 0.0062680905375190245
from gensim.models.wrappers.dtmmodel import DtmModel
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary, bleicorpus
import pyLDAvis
# dtm_path = "/Users/bhargavvader/Downloads/dtm_release/dtm/main"
# dtm_model = DtmModel(dtm_path, corpus, time_slice, num_topics=5, id2word=dictionary, initialize_lda=True)
# dtm_model.save('dtm_news')
# if we've saved before simply load the model
# ldaseq_chain.save('dtm_news')
dtm_model = DtmModel.load('dtm_news')
doc_topic, topic_term, doc_lengths, term_frequency, vocab = dtm_model.dtm_vis(time=0, corpus=corpus)
vis_wrapper = pyLDAvis.prepare(topic_term_dists=topic_term, doc_topic_dists=doc_topic, doc_lengths=doc_lengths, vocab=vocab, term_frequency=term_frequency)
from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel
import pickle
# we just have to specify the time-slice we want to find coherence for.
topics_wrapper = dtm_model.dtm_coherence(time=0) # 标准模型
topics_dtm = ldaseq.dtm_coherence(time=2) # 本次模型
# running u_mass coherence on our models
cm_wrapper = CoherenceModel(topics=topics_wrapper, corpus=corpus, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='u_mass')
cm_DTM = CoherenceModel(topics=topics_dtm, corpus=corpus, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='u_mass')
print ("U_mass topic coherence")
print ("Wrapper coherence is ", cm_wrapper.get_coherence())
print ("DTM Python coherence is", cm_DTM.get_coherence())
# to use 'c_v' we need texts, which we have saved to disk.
texts = pickle.load(open('Corpus/texts', 'rb'))
cm_wrapper = CoherenceModel(topics=topics_wrapper, texts=texts, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v')
cm_DTM = CoherenceModel(topics=topics_dtm, texts=texts, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v')
print ("C_v topic coherence")
print ("Wrapper coherence is ", cm_wrapper.get_coherence())
print ("DTM Python coherence is", cm_DTM.get_coherence())
该部分解释较少,详情可见: We also, however, have the option of passing our own model or suff stats values. Our final DTM results are heavily influenced by what we pass over here. We already know what a “Good” or “Bad” LDA model is (if not, read about it here).