该产品提供统计工具,用于利用澳大利亚数字地球中的 Landsat 5 数据时间序列,提供总体状况的年度图像,以及特定年份某一地区的变化程度。
该产品的大地测量部分提供特定年份的 "平均 "无云图像。地磁图像采用多维中值计算,同时使用卫星图像的所有光谱测量值,以保持测量值之间的关系。
该产品的绝对偏差中值部分使用了三种方差测量方法,每种方法都提供了给定年份的 "二阶 "高维统计综合结果。根据亮度和光谱等因素,这三个方差测量值显示了一个区域与 "平均值 "在 "距离 "上的差异程度:
欧氏距离 (EMAD) 余弦(光谱)距离 (SMAD) 布雷-柯蒂斯相似度 (BCMAD) 它们共同提供了特定年份的景观差异信息,对变化检测应用非常有用。
如需了解更多信息,请参阅 DEA 几何中值和中值绝对偏差大地遥感卫星。
Digital Earth Australia Home | Digital Earth Australia | Geoscience Australia
Catalog Owner
Geoscience Australia
Dataset Availability
Dataset Provider
Earth Engine Snippet
Resolution 25 meters
Name | Min | Max | Wavelength | Description |
blue | 0* | 10000* | 0.450-0.520 μm | Band blue surface reflectance geometric median. |
green | 0* | 10000* | 0.520-0.600 μm | Band green surface reflectance geometric median. |
red | 0* | 10000* | 0.630-0.690 μm | Band red surface reflectance geometric median. |
near_infrared | 0* | 10000* | 0.760-0.900 μm | Band near infrared surface reflectance geometric median. |
shortwave_infrared_1 | 0* | 10000* | 1.550-1.750 μm | Band shortwave infrared 1 surface reflectance geometric median. |
shortwave_infrared_2 | 0* | 10000* | 2.080-2.350 μm | Band shortwave infrared 2 surface reflectance geometric median. |
Euclidean_distance_median_absolute_deviation | 0* | 10000* | The Median Absolute Deviation using Euclidean distance (EMAD). EMAD is more sensitive to changes in target brightness. | |
spectral_distance_median_absolute_deviation | 0* | 10000* | The Median Absolute Deviation using Cosine (spectral) distance (SMAD). SMAD is more sensitive to change in target spectral response. | |
Bray_Curtis_dissimilarity_median_absolute_deviation | 0* | 10000* | The Median Absolute Deviation using Bray Curtis dissimilarity (BCMAD). BCMAD is more sensitive to the distribution of the observation values through time. | |
count | 0* | 400* | The number of the available pixels used for calculation per calendar year. |
* estimated min or max value
var geomedian_ls5 = ee.ImageCollection('projects/geoscience-aus-cat/assets/ga_ls5t_nbart_gm_cyear_3');
var geometry =
/* color: #98ff00 */
/* displayProperties: [
"type": "rectangle"
] */
[[[121.15880998755823, -15.010654451073695],
[121.15880998755823, -18.377531570740548],
[125.81701311255823, -18.377531570740548],
[125.81701311255823, -15.010654451073695]]], null, false);
var composite = geomedian_ls5.filterBounds(geometry)
.filterDate('1995-01-01', '1996-01-01')
var visualization = {
bands: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
min: 0,
max: 3000
Map.centerObject(geometry, 10);
Map.addLayer(composite, visualization, '1995 True Color Composite');