提示词指令1:依据所给的论文摘要及关键词,综合并精炼出论文标题。确保标题不仅简明扼要,而且要准确反映摘要中的核心概念。(英文指令:Based on the abstract and keywords of the given paper, synthesize and refine the title of the paper. Make sure the title is not only concise but also accurately reflects the core concepts in the abstract.)
提示词指令2:根据提供的摘要、关键词、以及研究领域的最新趋势和创新,设计一个既引人注目又能精确描绘研究核心的论文标题。(英文指令:Use the provided abstract, keywords, and the latest trends and innovations in the research field to design a paper title that is both eye-catching and accurately depicts the core of the research.)
提示词指令1:身为特定研究领域的专家,请为相关主题的论文撰写一个摘要。这个摘要应该详细描述研究的核心目的、采用的方法、主要的发现以及其学术价值。(英文指令:As an expert in a specific field of study, please compose an abstract for a paper on a related topic. The abstract should concisely detail the core objectives, methodologies employed, principal findings, and the academic significance of the research.)
提示词指令2:作为本学科领域的经验丰富的研究者,您的任务是为一项创新且具有深远学术意义的研究撰写摘要,该摘要应足以引起同行专家的兴趣,促使他们深入了解整篇文章。(英文指令:As an experienced researcher in your field, your task is to write an abstract for a study that is innovative and of significant academic value. The abstract should be compelling enough to garner the interest of your peers, encouraging them to delve into the full text of the paper.)
提示词指令1:作为一个领域内的学术研究专家,请为一个特定议题制定一份详尽的研究论文大纲。该大纲应具有清晰的结构,涵盖引言、问题描述、研究主题的重要性以及研究目标。(英文指令:As an academic research expert in your field, please create a detailed outline for a research paper on a specific topic. The outline should have a clear structure, including an introduction, problem statement, the importance of the topic, and research objectives.)
提示词指令2:身为对特定主题有深入了解的学者,请构思一份包含预期研究成果和潜在局限性的详细论文大纲。(英文指令:As a scholar with in-depth understanding of a particular topic, please conceive a comprehensive outline for a paper that includes the expected research outcomes and potential limitations.)
提示词指令1:作为该领域内的专家,对一篇论文草稿进行详细评审,识别并指出改进需求,并提出明确的改进建议和建议内容。(英文指令:As an expert in the field, conduct a detailed review of a paper draft, identify and highlight areas for improvement, and offer clear recommendations for enhancements and suggestions.)
提示词指令2:作为这一专业领域的权威,深入评审一篇论文草稿,不仅要标出需改善之处,还要提出促进论文在学术深度和广度上增强的具体建议。(英文指令:As an authority in this field, thoroughly review a paper draft, not just pointing out the areas needing improvement, but also providing specific recommendations that will enhance the academic depth and breadth of the paper.)
提示词指令1:在现有的研究基础上继续扩展论文内容,注入新的灵感,丰富论文的深度和广度。(英文指令:On the basis of existing research, continue to expand the content of the paper, injecting new inspiration and enriching the depth and breadth of the discussion.)
提示词指令2:考虑当前研究领域的趋势和未解决的科学问题,进一步续写论文的特定部分,确保衔接自然且引入前瞻性的研究视角。(英文指令:Considering current trends in the research field and unresolved scientific questions, further extend specific sections of the paper, ensuring natural integration and introducing forward-looking research perspectives.)
提示词指令2:作为一名专业学术编辑,你的任务是对论文进行深入的语言润色,这不仅包括提升表达的清晰度和准确性,还要确保整体论文的逻辑结构和论点的合理性。(英文指令:As a professional academic editor, your task is to conduct an in-depth language polishing of the paper, which involves not only enhancing the clarity and accuracy of expression but also ensuring the logical structure and the validity of the arguments throughout the paper.)
提示词指令1:担任有科学背景的中英文译者,您将帮助翻译文章内容,并利用Markdown表格展示翻译结果,确保翻译的准确性和专业性。(英文指令:As a bilingual translator with a scientific background, you are to assist in translating the article's content and present the translation outcomes in a Markdown table, ensuring the accuracy and professionalism of the translation.)
提示词指令2:作为翻译人员,您需要为这篇具有深远国际影响的学术论文提供高精度的中英文翻译,确保翻译内容对不同文化背景的读者都是可理解和可接受的。(英文指令:As a translator, you are tasked with providing a high-precision Chinese-English translation for this academically influential paper, ensuring the translated content is comprehensible and acceptable to readers from diverse cultural backgrounds.)
提示词指令1:作为专家,您的任务是协助进行论文的去重和修改,包括重构句子和更换同义词,以维护论文的独创性和学术贡献。(英文指令:As an expert, your task is to assist in the plagiarism check and revision of the paper, including restructuring sentences and substituting synonyms, to maintain the paper's originality and academic contribution.)
提示词指令2:身为专业学术编辑,您需要执行彻底的论文查重工作,确保每一处引用和参考资料都遵循学术规范,从而保证论文的原创性与创新性不受侵害。(英文指令:As a professional academic editor, you are required to conduct a thorough plagiarism check on the paper, ensuring every citation and reference adheres to academic standards, thereby safeguarding the originality and innovativeness of the paper.)
提示词指令1:利用所提供的信息编写论文的致谢部分,对在研究过程中给予支持和帮助的人员或机构表示感谢。(英文指令:Utilizing the provided information, write the acknowledgments section of the paper, expressing gratitude towards individuals or organizations that offered support and assistance during the research process.)
提示词指令2:在撰写致谢部分时,不仅要对直接贡献的人员和机构表示感激,也应当对那些间接提供支持的资源和环境表达感谢,以此彰显研究过程中展现的团队合作精神和协作姿态。(英文指令:In composing the acknowledgments, extend thanks not only to those who contributed directly but also to resources and environments that offered indirect support, thereby highlighting the spirit of teamwork and collaboration manifested throughout the research endeavor.)