
中国科技期刊卓越行动计划推介:ChemPhysMater(Volume 3 Issue 4)

Volume 3 Issue 4 Oct 2024


Review Articles

Anisotropic etching of 2D layered materials

Yuge Zhang, Qian Liu, Deliang Zhang, Yue Hong, Qiang Li

Swollen hydrogel nanotechnology: Advanced applications of the rudimentary swelling properties of hydrogels

Rong Wang, Chongling Cheng, Huiyun Wang, Dayang Wang

Experimental techniques for quantifying interactions of polymer-coated particles and surfaces: Insights for material design and optimization

Yinan Li, To Ngai

Application of covalent organic frameworks as electrode materials for supercapacitors

Yanmin Wan, Baoshou Shen, Xiaoli Zhu, Zhongming Guo

Research Articles

High-performance alkaline aqueous zinc battery enabled by nickel-cobalt-tellurium materials

Na Li, Chenggang Wang, Xixi Zhang, Chuanlin Li, Guangmeng Qu, Xiao Wang, Xijin Xu

Impact of doping and hydrostatic pressure on structural, electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of novel double halide perovskite Cs2LiGaBr6

Dholon Kumar Paul, Wajiha Tarannum Chaudhry, S M Naimul Mamun, M.L. Rahman, A F M Yusuf Haider, Firoze H. Haque

Rare-earth praseodymium-substituted Bi5Ti3FeO15 exhibiting enhanced piezoelectric properties for high-temperature application

Xin-Yu Yu, Qian Wang, Hui-Lin Li, Yi-Jun Wan, En-Meng Liang, Chun-Ming Wang

Theoretical study on the efficiency of new organic dyes based on (E)-2-(2-(thiophen-3-yl)vinyl)-1,1'-bipyrrole as dye-sensitized solar cell sensitizers

Mohammed Ouachekradi, Mohammed Elkabous, Yasser Karzazi

A first look at the formation of PEO-PDA coatings on 3D titanium

K.V. Nadaraia, D.V. Mashtalyar, M.A. Piatkova, A.I. Pleshkova, I.M. Imshinetskiy, M.S. Gerasimenko, E.A. Belov, G.A. Zverev, S.L. Sinebryukhov, S.V. Gnedenkov

Nitrogen-doped carbon dots as efficient turn-on fluorescent probe for assay of organophosphorus pesticides

Jiqing Zhang, Shushu Chu, Chenyu Tao, Jinghao Yan, Yuanyuan Jiang, Yizhong Lu

Detection of a glass fiber-reinforced polymer with defects by terahertz computed tomography

Qing Yang Steve Wu, Nan Zhang, Vincent Lim, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhong, Benjamin Russell, Lin Ke

Efficient Ni2V2O7 catalyst for high-performance Li–S batteries

Hengxue Zhou, Jialiang Wang, Yeba Yan, Yue Fang, Yi Long, Bo Liang, Yingbang Yao, Shengguo Lu, Tao Tao




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