Gas encapsulation technology for large volume press
Minghao Du(杜明浩) and Duanwei He(贺端威)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110701
Visualizing the electronic structure of kagome magnet LuMn6Sn6 by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Man Li(李满), Qi Wang(王琦), Liqin Zhou(周丽琴), Wenhua Song(宋文华), Huan Ma(马欢), Pengfei Ding(丁鹏飞), Alexander Fedorov, Yaobo Huang(黄耀波), Bernd Büchner, Hechang Lei(雷和畅), Shancai Wang(王善才), and Rui Lou(娄睿)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117101
Model on picometer-level light gravitational delay in the GRACE Follow-On-like missions
Jin-Zhuang Dong(董金壮), Wei-Sheng Huang(黄玮圣), Cheng-Gang Qin(秦成刚), Yu-Jie Tan(谈玉杰), and Cheng-Gang Shao(邵成刚)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110401
Proton acceleration in plasma turbulence driven by high-energy lepton jets
Gaowei Zhang(张高维), Zhengming Sheng(盛政明), Suming Weng(翁苏明), Min Chen(陈民), and Jie Zhang(张杰)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 115203
Liquid crystal droplets formation and stabilization during phase transition process
Xia Meng(孟霞), Jiayao Ye(叶家耀), Ao Li(李澳), Xudong Zhu(朱徐栋), Zhaoyan Yang(杨朝雁), Lei Wang(王磊), Bingxiang Li(李炳祥), and Yanqing Lu(陆延青)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116101
SPECIAL TOPIC — Stephen J. Pennycook: A research life in atomic-resolution STEM and EELS
Physics through the microscope
Stephen J. Pennycook, Ryo Ishikawa, Haijun Wu(武海军), Xiaoxu Zhao(赵晓续), Changjian Li(黎长建), Duane Loh, Jiadong Dan, and Wu Zhou(周武)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116801
Atomic-level quantitative analysis of electronic functional materials by aberration-corrected STEM
Wanbo Qu(曲万博), Zhihao Zhao(赵志昊), Yuxuan Yang(杨宇轩), Yang Zhang(张杨), Shengwu Guo(郭生武), Fei Li(李飞), Xiangdong Ding(丁向东), Jun Sun(孙军), and Haijun Wu(武海军)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116802
Making the link between ADF and 4D STEM: Resolution, transfer and coherence
Peter D. Nellist and Timothy J. Pennycook
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116803
Real-time four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy through sparse sampling
A W Robinson, J Wells, A Moshtaghpour, D Nicholls, C Huang, A Velazco-Torrejon, G Nicotra, A I Kirkland, and N D Browning
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116804
Polarization pinning at antiphase boundaries in multiferroic YbFeO3
Guodong Ren, Pravan Omprakash, Xin Li, Yu Yun, Arashdeep S. Thind, Xiaoshan Xu, and Rohan Mishra
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 118502
SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum communication and quantum network
Generation of broadband polarization-orthogonal photon pairs via the dispersion-engineered thin-film lithium niobate waveguide
Ji-Ning Zhang(张继宁), Tong-Yu Zhang(张同宇), Jia-Chen Duan(端家晨), Yan-Xiao Gong(龚彦晓), and Shi-Ning Zhu(祝世宁)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110301
Improved model on asynchronous measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution with realistic devices
Mingshuo Sun(孙铭烁), Chun-Hui Zhang(张春辉), Rui Zhang(章睿), Xing-Yu Zhou(周星宇), Jian Li(李剑), and Qin Wang(王琴)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110302
SPECIAL TOPIC — Fabrication and manipulation of the second-generation quantum systems
In situ non-destructive measurement of Josephson junction resistance using fritting contact technique
Lei Du(杜磊), Hao-Ran Tao(陶浩然), Liang-Liang Guo(郭亮亮), Hai-Feng Zhang(张海峰), Yong Chen(陈勇), Xin Tian(田昕), Chi Zhang(张驰), Zhi-Long Jia(贾志龙), Peng Duan(段鹏), and Guo-Ping Guo(郭国平)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110309
Light emission from multiple self-trapped excitons in one-dimensional Ag-based ternary halides
Jiahao Xie(颉家豪), Zewei Li(李泽唯), Shengqiao Wang(王晟侨), and Lijun Zhang(张立军)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117102
Optical design of the time-resolved ARPES beamline of the new material spectroscopy experimental station for the update of CAEP THz-FEL facility
Liang-Liang Du(杜亮亮), Li-Min Meng(孟立民), Jiang Li(李江), and Li-Guo Zhu(朱礼国)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 114203
A hybrid method integrating Green's function Monte Carlo and projected entangled pair states
He-Yu Lin(林赫羽), Rong-Qiang He(贺荣强), Yibin Guo (郭奕斌), and Zhong-Yi Lu(卢仲毅)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117504
Prediction of ILI following the COVID-19 pandemic in China by using a partial differential equation
Xu Zhang(张栩), Yu-Rong Song(宋玉蓉), and Ru-Qi Li(李汝琦)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110201
Diagnosing quantum crosstalk in superconducting quantum chips by using out-of-time-order correlators
Yujia Zhang(张宇佳), Yu Zhang(张钰), Shaoxiong Li(李邵雄), Wen Zheng(郑文), and Yang Yu(于扬)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110306
Generalized Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering paradox
Zhi-Jie Liu(刘志洁), Xing-Yan Fan(樊星言), Jie Zhou(周洁), Mi Xie(谢汨), and Jing-Ling Chen(陈景灵)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110307
Entanglement polygon inequalities for a class of mixed states
Xian Shi(石现)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 110308
Theoretical study of differential cross sections for the ionization of helium by fast proton impact
M Mondal, B Mandal, T Mistry, D Jana, and M Purkait
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 113401
Computational temporal ghost imaging based on complementary modulation
Jia-Wei Li(李佳炜), Wei Zhang(张伟), Xue-Feng Liu(刘雪峰), and Xu-Ri Yao(姚旭日)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 114201
Comparative study of boron and neon injections on divertor heat fluxes using SOLPS-ITER simulations
Lei Peng(彭磊), Zhen Sun(孙震), Ji-Zhong Sun(孙继忠), Rajesh Maingi, Fang Gao(高放), Xavier Bonnin, Hua-Yi Chang(常华溢), Wei-Kang Wang(汪炜康), and Jin-Yuan Liu(刘金远)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 115201
Valence electron structures dependences of structural stability and properties of REX3(RE=rare earth; X=In, Tl) and RE(In, Co)3 alloys
Boyang Li(李博洋), Yongquan Guo(郭永权), Yi-Chen Feng(冯奕晨), Xinze Wang(王鑫泽), and Wei Liu(刘葳)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116102
A novel MgHe compound under high pressure
Jurong Zhang(张车荣), Lebin Chang(常乐斌), Suchen Ji(纪苏宸), Lanci Guo(郭兰慈), and Yuhao Fu(付钰豪)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116202
The hcp-bcc transition of Be via anisotropy of modulus and sound velocity
Zhen Yang(杨真), Jia-Wei Xian(咸家伟), Xing-Yu Gao(高兴誉), Fu-Yang Tian(田付阳), and Hai-Feng Song(宋海峰)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116401
“Glass-quake” in elastically loaded bulk metallic glasses
Qi Huang(黄琦), Kaiguo Chen(陈开果), Chen Liu(刘辰), Guisen Liu(刘桂森), Yang Shao(邵洋), Chenlong Zhao(赵晨龙), Ran Chen(陈然), Hengtong Bu(卜亨通), Lingti Kong(孔令体), and Yao Shen(沈耀)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 116402
Nonvolatile ferroelectric control of electronic properties of Bi2Te3
Xusheng Ding(丁旭升), Yunfei Li(李云飞), Chaoyang Kang(康朝阳), Ye-Heng Song(宋业恒), and Weifeng Zhang(张伟风)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117301
Pseudospin-filter tunneling of massless Dirac fermions
Zhengdong Li(李政栋) and Wen Zeng(曾文)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117401
Phase structure evolution and coercivity mechanism of high-Co containing permanent magnets
Min Huang(黄敏), Yong Ding(丁勇), Zhihe Zhao(赵之赫), Chunguo Wang(王春国), Bo Zhou(周波), Lei Liu(刘雷), Yingli Sun(孙颖莉), and Aru Yan(闫阿儒)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117503
Crystal growth, structure and crystal field splitting and fitting of Yb:GdScO3
Jia-Hong Li(李加红), Qing-Li Zhang(张庆礼), Gui-Hua Sun(孙贵花), Jin-Yun Gao(高进云), Ren-Qin Dou(窦仁勤), Xiao-Fei Wang(王小飞), and Shou-Jun Ding(丁守军)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117601
Identifying the effect of photo-generated carriers on the phonons in rutile TiO2 through Raman spectroscopy
Zheng Wang(王征), Min Liao(廖敏), Guihua Wang(王桂花), and Meng Zhang(张梦)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 117802
Structural behavior and metallization of AsSbS3 at high pressure
Tian Qin(覃天), Min Wu(武敏), Kai Wang(王凯), Ye Wu(吴也), and Haijun Huang(黄海军)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 118101
Unravelling biotoxicity of graphdiyne: Molecular dynamics simulation of the interaction between villin headpiece protein and graphdiyne
Bei-Wei Zhang(张贝薇), Bing-Quan Zhang(张兵权), Zhi-Gang Shao(邵志刚), and Xianqiu Wu(吴先球)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 118102
Topological slow light and rainbow trapping of surface wave in valley photonic crystal bounded by air
Shuheng Chen(陈书恒), Yi Qi(齐奕), Yucen Li(李昱岑), Qihao Wang(王琪皓), and Yuanjiang Xiang(项元江)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 118701
Identify information sources with different start times in complex networks based on sparse observers
Yuan-Zhang Deng(邓元璋), Zhao-Long Hu(胡兆龙), Feilong Lin(林飞龙), Chang-Bing Tang(唐长兵), Hui Wang(王晖), and Yi-Zhen Huang(黄宜真)
Chin. Phys. B, 2024, 33 (11): 118901
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