select whwmd215.item | Item from whwmd215 | Item Inventory by Warehouse where whwmd215.item >= whwmd215.item.f and whwmd215.item <= whwmd215.item.t group by whwmd215.item order by whwmd215.item
table twhwmd215 table tgdrmp001 table ttcibd001
extern domain tcqiv1 wip_162030 extern domain tcqiv1 wip_162035
extern domain tcqiv1 nor_162012 extern domain tcqiv1 nor_162013 extern domain tcqiv1 nor_162020 extern domain tcqiv1 nor_162025 extern domain cpcom.quan pdemg_1 extern domain cpcom.quan pdemg_2
domain cpcom.dydt pdate.g domain tcmcs.long count
before.program: pdate.g = date.num()
detail.1: before.layout:
| message (Str$(pdate.g))
select whwmd215.stoc, whwmd215.cwar, whwmd215.item from whwmd215 where whwmd215._index2 = {:whwmd215.item} order by whwmd215._index2 selectdo
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162030" then wip_162030 = 0 wip_162030 = whwmd215.stoc endif
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162035" then wip_162035 = 0 wip_162035 = whwmd215.stoc endif
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162012" then nor_162012 = 0 nor_162012 = whwmd215.stoc endif
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162013" then nor_162013 = 0 nor_162013 = whwmd215.stoc endif
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162020" then nor_162020 = 0 nor_162020 = whwmd215.stoc endif
if strip$(whwmd215.cwar) = "162025" then nor_162025 = 0 nor_162025 = whwmd215.stoc endif endselect
count =0 select gdrmp001.pdem.g, gdrmp001._index1 from gdrmp001 where gdrmp001._index3 = {"162", 1} and (gdrmp001.plni.g = :whwmd215.item or gdrmp001.sitm.g = :whwmd215.item ) and (gdrmp001.pdat.g >= :pdate.g or gdrmp001.pdat.g <= :pdate.g) order by gdrmp001._index1 as set with 2 rows selectdo count = count + 1 if count = 1 then pdemg_1 = 0 pdemg_1 = gdrmp001.pdem.g endif if count = 2 then pdemg_2 = 0 pdemg_2 = gdrmp001.pdem.g endif endselect
select tcibd001.dsca from tcibd001 where tcibd001._index1 = {:whwmd215.item} selectdo selectempty tcibd001.dsca = "" endselect