<!-- refinements -->
Refinment({ActionName}(variable1, variable2),
Precond: {constraints}
Steps: {action list}
Execution monitoring includes action monitoring, plan monitoring.
hierarchical decomposition, Hierarchical task network (HTN) planning: initial plan provided only high-level description, refined by action refinements. refinement process continued until plan consists only of primitive actions.
High level action (HLA) has (at least) one refinement into a sequence of actions. If they’re all primitive, then that’s an implementation of the HLA.
High-level Plans (HLP) are a sequence of HLAs. A HLP achieves the goal from an initial state if at least one of its implementations does this. Not all implementations of an HLP have to reach the goal state!
breadth-first search refinement list.
quantify uncertainty, degree of belief, degrees of tru[th.
decision theory, probability theory + utility theory.
maximum expected utility (expected value)
nothing special, all ideas has been discussed in logic class.