我尝试将Azure Dev Spaces用于已经部署到Azure Kubernetes Service ( ASP.NET )的现有AKS核心项目。
我跟随this guide为我的项目启用了Azure Dev Spaces。然而,当我尝试使用Azure Dev Spaces调试我的项目时,我得到了以下错误:
Enabling debugging... There is no more space available for file synchronization. Please remove unused spaces by running 'azds down', reduce the size of your workspace, and retry later.
运行azds down
PS D:\sources\git\> azds down
Identifying the dev space workload 'xxx'...
'myproject' does not identify any dev space workload.
如果我试图在命令行中调用azds up
Using dev space 'myresourcegroup' with target 'mycluster'
Synchronizing files...Oops... An unexpected error has occurred. A report of the error will be sent to Microsoft. Please include the following Client Request ID when contacting support: 5696f5ea-.....
发布于 2019-03-25 18:10:50