采用分片(shard)设计,划分了256个segments;每个分片都有自己独立的锁。实现类似于bigcache的索引操作,slotsData存放索引,RingBuf存放具体数据;只存在 512 个指针(每个segments两个指针,slotsData和RingBuf切片;存储空间都是预先分配好的,所以一开始就会占用较大的内存;环形数组RingBuffer的内存是预先分配的,数据过期不会清理存储空间,只是做标志。
每个 segment 包含 256 个索引槽,用来对 key 进行快速检索,通过 uint8(hashVal >> 8) 运算获取到 key 对应索引槽的 slotId。每个槽中又有 n 个索引,每个槽中的索引数量是统一的,由 slotCap 进行控制,当某个槽中的索引的数量大于 slotCap 时,就会触发整个索引的扩容。每个槽的索引数据是存储在 slotsData 这个索引切片中的,256 个槽共用同一个索引切片,每个槽在索引切片中都是按照 hash16 顺序排列的。
当对 key 进行 set、get、del 等操作时,freecache 使用 xxhash 这个 hash 方法,对 key 计算得到一个64位的 hashValue。通过 hashVal & 255 得到 segId,将 key 定位到具体的 segment,并对 segment 加锁。由于每次只对单个 segment 加锁,不同 segment 之间可以并发进行 key 操作。可以看出 freecache 的底层只有 512 个指针(256 个 segment ,每个 segment 包含一个 slotsData 切片和一个 RingBuf),所以 freecache 的对GC开销几乎为0。freecache set 时,先查询当前 key 是否已存在,根据 segId 和 slotId 快速定位到 entry 所在的索引槽。由于索引槽中的索引都是按照 hash16 顺序排列的,可以用二分查找法检索(复杂度 O(log2n))。首先看下如何使用,然后看下它的源码。
package main
import (
func main() {
// In bytes, where 1024 * 1024 represents a single Megabyte, and 100 * 1024*1024 represents 100 Megabytes.
cacheSize := 100 * 1024 * 1024
cache := freecache.NewCache(cacheSize)
key := []byte("abc")
val := []byte("def")
expire := 60 // expire in 60 seconds
cache.Set(key, val, expire)
got, err := cache.Get(key)
if err != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", got)
affected := cache.Del(key)
fmt.Println("deleted key ", affected)
fmt.Println("entry count ", cache.EntryCount())
% go run ./test/cache/exp5/main.go
deleted key true
entry count 0
server/main.go定义了一个简单的server,实现了类似redis的协议,限制只有新分配的内存超过现有分配内存的10%的时候触发GC,它用到了debug包的函数func SetGCPercent(percent int) int ,如果这边比例是负数,可以不触发GC 。
func main() {
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() - 1)
server := NewServer(256 * 1024 * 1024)
go func() {
log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:6060", nil))
type Server struct {
cache *freecache.Cache
func NewServer(cacheSize int) (server *Server) {
server = new(Server)
server.cache = freecache.NewCache(cacheSize)
func (server *Server) Start(addr string) error {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
for {
tcpListener := l.(*net.TCPListener)
conn, err := l.Accept()
session := new(Session)
session.conn = conn
session.replyChan = make(chan *bytes.Buffer, 100)
session.addr = conn.RemoteAddr().String()
session.server = server
session.reader = bufio.NewReader(conn)
go session.readLoop()
go session.writeLoop()
type Session struct {
server *Server
conn net.Conn
addr string
reader *bufio.Reader
replyChan chan *bytes.Buffer
func (down *Session) readLoop() {
var req = new(Request)
req.buf = new(bytes.Buffer)
for {
err := down.server.ReadClient(down.reader, req)
if len(req.args) == 4 && bytes.Equal(req.args[0], SETEX) {
expire, err := btoi(req.args[2])
if err != nil {
} else {
down.server.cache.Set(req.args[1], req.args[3], expire)
} else if len(req.args) == 2 {
if bytes.Equal(req.args[0], GET) {
value, err := down.server.cache.Get(req.args[1])
func (down *Session) writeLoop() {
var buffer = bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
var replies = make([]*bytes.Buffer, 1)
for {
select {
case reply, ok := <-down.replyChan:
for _, reply := range replies {
if reply == nil {
func NewCache(size int) (cache *Cache) {
return NewCacheCustomTimer(size, defaultTimer{})
func NewCacheCustomTimer(size int, timer Timer) (cache *Cache) {
cache = new(Cache)
for i := 0; i < segmentCount; i++ {
cache.segments[i] = newSegment(size/segmentCount, i, timer)
type Cache struct {
locks [segmentCount]sync.Mutex
segments [segmentCount]segment
segmentCount = 256
func (cache *Cache) Set(key, value []byte, expireSeconds int) (err error) {
err = cache.segments[segID].set(key, value, hashVal, expireSeconds)
func (cache *Cache) Get(key []byte) (value []byte, err error) {
value, _, err = cache.segments[segID].get(key, nil, hashVal, false)
分段的详细定义位于segment.go,它的rb属性 seg.rb是一个环形缓冲区
type segment struct {
rb RingBuf // ring buffer that stores data
segId int
_ uint32
missCount int64
hitCount int64
entryCount int64
totalCount int64 // number of entries in ring buffer, including deleted entries.
totalTime int64 // used to calculate least recent used entry.
timer Timer // Timer giving current time
totalEvacuate int64 // used for debug
totalExpired int64 // used for debug
overwrites int64 // used for debug
touched int64 // used for debug
vacuumLen int64 // up to vacuumLen, new data can be written without overwriting old data.
slotLens [256]int32 // The actual length for every slot.
slotCap int32 // max number of entry pointers a slot can hold.
slotsData []entryPtr // shared by all 256 slots
func newSegment(bufSize int, segId int, timer Timer) (seg segment) {
seg.rb = NewRingBuf(bufSize, 0)
seg.segId = segId
seg.timer = timer
seg.vacuumLen = int64(bufSize)
seg.slotCap = 1
seg.slotsData = make([]entryPtr, 256*seg.slotCap)
func (seg *segment) set(key, value []byte, hashVal uint64, expireSeconds int) (err error) {
slotId := uint8(hashVal >> 8)
hash16 := uint16(hashVal >> 16)
slot := seg.getSlot(slotId)
idx, match := seg.lookup(slot, hash16, key)
seg.insertEntryPtr(slotId, hash16, newOff, idx, hdr.keyLen)
seg.rb.Skip(int64(hdr.valCap - hdr.valLen))
atomic.AddInt64(&seg.totalTime, int64(now))
atomic.AddInt64(&seg.totalCount, 1)
func (seg *segment) getSlot(slotId uint8) []entryPtr {
slotOff := int32(slotId) * seg.slotCap
return seg.slotsData[slotOff : slotOff+seg.slotLens[slotId] : slotOff+seg.slotCap]
func (seg *segment) get(key, buf []byte, hashVal uint64, peek bool) (value []byte, expireAt uint32, err error) {
hdr, ptr, err := seg.locate(key, hashVal, peek)
seg.rb.ReadAt(value, ptr.offset+ENTRY_HDR_SIZE+int64(hdr.keyLen))
func (seg *segment) del(key []byte, hashVal uint64) (affected bool) {
slot := seg.getSlot(slotId)
idx, match := seg.lookup(slot, hash16, key)
seg.delEntryPtr(slotId, slot, idx)
func (seg *segment) delEntryPtr(slotId uint8, slot []entryPtr, idx int) {
entryHdr.deleted = true
type RingBuf struct {
begin int64 // beginning offset of the data stream.
end int64 // ending offset of the data stream.
data []byte
index int //range from '0' to 'len('
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